Slow performance of basic Parse server queries - node.js

We have parse server using postgresql as database. Problem is it runs simple queries extremely slow compared to sql or running them from js via pg.
For example getting all users (~5k rows in table) takes couple of seconds. Getting sessions and users takes from 3 seconds up to in extreme cases 8-10. Example:
let Session = Parse.Object.extend("_Session");
let sessionQuery = new Parse.Query(Session);
let sessions = await sessionQuery.find({ useMasterKey: true });
This segment runs slow 2-3 seconds, sometimes up to 8, while running sql is 100ms or so. There are only ~5k users and 9k sessions. We tried setting direct access variable, we checked that its indeed properly set inside parseServer.js source. Currently we are moving all select type queries to SQL but it would be preferable to find solution.


Some trivial transactions take dozens of seconds to complete on Spanner microinstance

Here are some bits of context.
Nodejs server, connecting to Cloud Spanner from development machine.
Most of the time the queries take like 200-400ms including data transfer from servers location to my dev machine.
But sometimes these trivial transaction takes 12-16 seconds which surely not acceptable for use case - sessions storage for backend server.
In local dev context sessions service runs on same machine as main backend, at staging at prod they run in same Kubernetes cluster.
This is not about amount of data, it is very small amount of data now in our staging Spanner database overall, like few MB across all tables and just like 10 rows in the table under question.
Spanner instance stats:
Processing units: 100
CPU utilization: 4.3% for the staging database and 10% overall for instance.
Table is like so (few other small fields omitted):
created TIMESTAMP,
updated TIMESTAMP,
status STRING(16),
is_local BOOL,
user_id STRING(255),
anonymous BOOL,
expires_at TIMESTAMP,
last_activity_at TIMESTAMP,
json_data STRING(MAX),
Transaction under question makes single question like this:
UPDATE ${schema.reportsTable}
SET ${statusCol.columnName} = #status_recycled
WHERE ${idCol.columnName} = #id_value
AND ${statusCol.columnName} = #status_active
with parameters like this:
"id_value": "some_session_id",
"status_active": "active",
"status_recycled": "recycled"
Yes, that status field of STRING(16) with readable names instead of boolean field is not ideal, I know, but this concept is inherited from an older code. What concerns me is that while we do not have yet too much of data there, just 10 rows or such, experience this sort of delays is surely unexpected at this scale.
Okay, I understand I am like on other side of the globe from the Spanner servers, but this usually gives delays between 200-1200 ms, not 12-16 seconds.
Delay happens quite rarely and randomly but seems to happen on queries like this.
The delay comes at commit, not at e. g. sending SQL command itself or obtaining a transaction.
I tried different query first, like
DELETE FROM Sessions WHERE id = #id_value
and it was the same - random rare long delay of 12-16 such trivial query.
Thanks a lot for your help and time.
PS: Update: actually this 12-16 seconds delay can happen at any random transaction in described context, and all of these transactions are standard CRUD single-row operations.
Update 2:
The code that sends transaction is own wrapper over the standard #google-cloud/spanner client library for nodejs.
The library gives just an easy to use wrapping around the Spanner instance, database, and transaction.
The Spanner instance and database objects are long-living singletons, I mean they do not recreated for every transaction from scratch.
The main purpose of that wrapper is to give logic like:
let result = await useDataContext(async(ctx) => {
let sql = await ctx.getSQLRunner();
return await sql.runSQLUpdate({
sql: `Some SQL Trivial Statement`,
parameters: {
param1: 1,
param2: true,
param3: "some string"
purpose of that is to give some warrantees that if some changes were made over data, transaction.commit surely will be called, and if no changes were made, transaction.end will be called, and if an error boom in the called code, like invalid SQL generated or some variable will be undefined or null, transaction rollback will be initiated.

AWS DocumentDB Performance Issue with Concurrency of Aggregations

I'm working with DocumentDB in AWS, and I've been having troubles when I try to read from the same collection simultaneously from different aggregation queries.
The issue is not that I cannot read from the database, but rather that it takes a lot of time to complete the queries. It doesn't matter if I trigger the queries simultaneously or one after the other.
I'm using a Lambda Function with NodeJS to run my code. And I'm using mongoose to handle the connection with the database.
Here's a sample code that I put together to illustrate my problem:
query1() {
return Collection.aggregate([...])
query2() {
return Collection.aggregate([...])
query3() {
return Collection.aggregate([...])
It takes the same time if I run it using Promise.all
Promise.all([ query1(), query2(), query3() ])
Than if I run it waiting for the previous one to finish
query1().then(result1 => query2().then(result3 => query3()))
While if I run each query in different Lambda Executions, it takes significantly less time for each individual query to finish (Between 1 and 2 seconds).
So if they were running in parallel the execution should be finished with the time of the query that takes the most time (2 seconds), and not take 7 seconds, as it does now.
So my guessing is that the instance of DocumentDB is running the queries in sequence no matter how I send them. In the collection there are around 19,000 documents with a total size of almost 25Mb.
When I check the metrics of the instance, the CPUUtilization is barely over 8% and the RAM available only drops by 20Mb. So I don't think the problem of the delay has to do with the size of the instance.
Do you know why DocumentDB is behaving like this? Is there a configuration that I can change to run the aggregations in parallel?

Running a repetitive task in Node.js for each row in a postgres table on a different interval for each row

What would be a good approach to running a repetitive task for each row in a large postgres db table on a different per row interval in Node.js.
To give you some more context, here's a quick description of the application:
It's a chat based customer support app.
It consists of teams, which can be either a client team or a support team. Teams have users, which can be either client users or support users.
Client users send messages to a support team and wait for one of that team's users to answer their question.
When there's an unanswered client message waiting for a response, every agent for the receiving support team will receive a notification every n seconds (n being set on a per-team basis by the team admin).
So this task needs to infinitely loop through the rows in the teams table and send notifications if:
The team has messages waiting to be answered.
N seconds have passed since the last notification was sent (N being the number of seconds set by the team admin).
There might be a better approach to this condition altogether.
So my questions are:
What is an efficient way to infinitely loop through a postgres table with no upper limit on the number rows?
Should I load 1 row at a time? Several at a time?
What would be a good way to do this in Node?
I'm using Knex. Does Knex provide a mechanism for lazy loading a table and iterating through the rows?
A) Running a repetitive task via node can be done via a the js built-in function 'setInterval'.
// run the intervalFnc() every 5 seconds
const timerId = setTimeout(intervalFnc, 5000);
function intervalFnc() { console.log("Hello"); }
// to quit running it:
Then your interval function can do the actual work. An alternative would be to use cron (linux), or some OS process scheduler to trigger the function. I would use this method if you want to do it every minute, and a cron job if you want to do it every hour (in between these times becomes more debatable).
B) An efficient way...
B-1) Retrieving a block of records from a DB will be more efficient than one at a time. Knex has .offset and .limit clauses to choose a group of records to retrieve. A sample from the knex doc:'*').from('users').limit(10).offset(30)
B-2) Database indexed access is important for performance if your tables are very large. I would recommend including an status flag field in your table to note which records are 'in-process', and also include a "next-review-timestamp" field with both fields being both indexed. Retrieve the records that have status_flag='in-process' AND next_review_timestamp <= now(). Sample:
knex('users').where('status_flag', 'in-process').whereRaw('next_review_timestamp <= now()')
Hope this helps!

How to perform massive data uploads to firebase firestore

I have about ~300mb of data (~180k json objects) that gets updated once every 2-3 days.
This data is divided into three "collections", that I must keep up to date.
I decided to take the Node.JS way, but any solution in a language i know ( Java, Python) will be welcomed.
Whenever I perform a batch set using the node.JS firebase-admin client, not only it consumes an aberrant amount of ram ( about 4-6GB!), but it also tends to crash with errors that don't have a clear ( up to page 4 of google search without a meaningful answer ) reason.
My code is frankly simple, this is it:
var collection = db.collection("items");
var batch = db.batch();
array.forEach(item => {
var ref = collection.doc(;
batch.set(ref, item);
batch.commit().then((res) => {
I haven't found anywhere if there is a limit on the number of writes in a limited span of time (I understand doing 50-60k writes should be easy peasy with a backend the size of firebase), and also found that this can go up the ram train and have like 4-6GB of ram allocated.
I can confirm that when the errors are thrown, or the ram usage clogs my laptop, whatever happens first, I am still at less than 1-4% my daily usage quotas, so that is not the issue.

Time slowed down using `S.D.Stopwatch` on Azure

I just ran some code which reports its performance on an Azure Web Sites instance; the result seemed a little off. I re-ran the operation, and indeed it seems consistent: System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sees an execution time of 12 seconds for an operation that actually took more than three minutes (at least 3m16s).
Debug.WriteLine("Loading dataset in database ...");
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
ProcessDataset(CurrentDataSource.Database.Connection as SqlConnection, parser);
Debug.WriteLine("Dataset loaded in database ({0}s)", stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds);
return (short)stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds;
This process runs in the context of a WCF Data Service "action" and seeds test data in a SQL Database (this is not production code). Specifically, it:
Opens a connection to an Azure SQL Database,
Disables a null constraint,
Uses System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy to lock an empty table and load it using a buffered stream that retrieves a dataset (2.4MB) from Azure Blob Storage via the filesystem, decompresses it (GZip, 4.9MB inflated) and parses it (CSV, 349996 records, parsed with a custom IDataReader using TextFieldParser),
Updates a column of the same table to set a common value,
Re-enables the null constraint.
No less, no more; there's nothing particularly intensive going on, I figure the operation is mostly network-bound.
Any idea why time is slowing down?
Interestingly, timeouts for both the bulk insert and the update commands had to be increased (set to five minutes). I read that the default is 30 seconds, which is more than the reported 12 seconds; hence, I conclude that SqlClient measures time differently.
Reports from local execution seem perfectly correct, although it's consistently faster (4-6s using LocalDB) so it may just be that the effects are not noticeable.
You used stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds to get total time but it is wrong. Elapsed.Seconds is the seconds component of the time interval represented by the TimeSpan structure. Please try stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds instead.
