Can you make a WPBakery page builder VC_MAP dependency for an unchecked box? - visual-composer

I have a custom WPBakery page builder element that uses a checkbox and some text boxes for input. I would like to setup my vc_map dependancies so that when the box IS NOT checked the two text fields below it are show and when the checkbox IS checked they are hidden.
Everything I have seen online and in the docs seem to indicate a dependency with a check box can only show something when it is checked. Is it possible to reverse this behavior as I described above without a custom jQuery solution? ( that is what I am doing now, but want to avoid the extra JS )


How to hide URL Selector content tab?

I am creating a custom webpart using the Url Selector from kentico. I want the user to select content just from the Media Library. I went to form controls -> Url Selector -> Properties -> Dialogs_Content_Hide -> Default Value -> Yes and it still showing it in the Web Part. If I select the Dialogs_Web_Hide, Dialogs_Libraries_Hide and select the yes option in the default values, they hide, all except the Content_Dialogs.
Is this a bug? Or its something wrong?
Here is an example of the tabs
First set the form controls properties back to the way they were. If you don't, it will cause all kinds of problems later on.
Secondly, when you create the property in the webpart in the UI, select the URL selector form control for your text fields control. The scroll down just a bit and under the Editing Control Settings you'll see an "Configure" link. Click it. In there you will be able to tell the form control what tabs you want to enable and disable.
To add to Brenden's answer; if this is something you need to do a lot for your current build, then I'd also suggest making a copy of the Url selector form control and customize the properties as you originally mentioned. This way, you leave the default control in place for the system and have a control tailored to your needs. I've done this just now to check with a new form control that I called Media URL selector. Do make sure that you select the same source file as the original control in the Cloned form control file name property - Kentico by default will try to locate a new file called <original filename>_1.ascx. The reason for this is that admin section of your site also makes use of this control, so you may cause a nasty side effect somewhere else in the system.
As for why the settings had no effect; these are the default values you are setting. If you already have the form control in use, then the default setting would have been applied as they originally were. If you find one of the fields in question, you can change the control type to Text box, click Save, and then reassign it to Media URL selector.

Issue related to Kentico on-line form (bizform) validation

I have created a form using Kentico on-line form and applied the built-in "required" validation on it. Whenever a textbox is empty then a required validation is shown. Now, I have entered a value in the textbox and press tab from the keyboard but the required message does not disappear. I want to remove or hide the message from the form when the user enters a value in the text box before the submit button is clicked.
How to resolve this issue?
I don't recall this being something that Kentico handles out-of-the-box. You'll most likely need to add some custom client-side script for this. Typically - where I work, at Ridgeway - we use custom layouts for forms, as the standard layout is fairly table-rich.

Using an Outline with XPages Extension Library Mobile Controls

I am using the XPages Extension Library mobile controls to create a mobile web interface for an existing Notes app.
When displaying a document with a large number of fields I would like to use an accordion type UI so that parts of the page can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide the fields in each pane (similar to sections in a traditional Notes client app).
Having looked at the "Accordion Outline" in the Ext Lib demo app I started to build the page using the Outline control. Within each entry (node) of the Outline I, ideally, want to place a rounded list and then put my fields & controls inside that.
But it looks like the nodes in the Outline can't contain this type of content - unless I'm missing something?
Any suggestions as to which controls I can use this type of UI?
You can any time use an xp:panel and assign it the dijit.accordeon (look up the exact name please) dojo type. Then you can put anything inside including repeat controls etc. I would guess it might make sense to build your own CC to hold the content for each accordeon panel

how to get rid of text selection in wxwidget combobox component?

In my program I want the user to be able to choose between some options so I was using wxChoice component. Unfortunately after user interaction (clicking a button) I have to show custom text (not from my predefined list). Everything works fine if I use wxCombobox control but the drawback of this approach is that each time user selects an element from a list, selected text is highlited. It is annoying. I want the component to be read-only like. How to achieve this ?
Some code to visualize my question:
wxComboBox* viewAngle = wxDynamicCast( owner->FindWindow
( ID_CHOICE_3D_VIEWANGLE ), wxComboBox );
viewAngle->SetSelection( wxNOT_FOUND );
viewAngle->SetValue(_("Custom View"));
This control is used to set camera view in 3D object viewer application. Possible options are like: top, left, right, etc. It is also possible that the user moves 3D object using mouse. In that case I want my combobox to display "custom view" string. However "custom view" should not be a part of combobox list because selecting this option does nothing.
wxWidgets default implementation alwasy marks selected text. Which might be misleading for the user because he might think that he is expected to input any text.
IMHO, the custom text should be added to the wxComboBox control, the program could just ignore it when user selects that option.
Also, the wxComboBox's wxCB_READONLY style could be used to avoid the highlighting thing.

Default content editor in list form doesn't allow image alignment

I need to be able to adjust the alignment of an image in an "Enhanced Rich Text Field" in an announcements list in MOSS 2007. However, the default content editor in the edit form for the list doesn't provide a way to do that. What's the fastest way for me to make sure users can align images? My first thought was to customize the DispForm.aspx and EditForm.aspx pages, but they just have the ListForm web part in the content region and as far as I know, you can't customize the ListForm web part from the designer.
You can't customize the LisForm web part, but you can add a "custom list form" to create a custom edit form. Maybe you haven't seen this article:
Then you could do some javascript hackery to insert your own button which then calls something similar to existing RTE_InsertImage function to call a pop-up window and do whatever you need (you'll find this function in 12\template\layouts\1033\form.js)
I fail to see (or understand) your issue. I created a new announcements list, created a new item, inserted an image, aligned it to the right, viewed the item and it worked.
Then I proceeded to create a new custom column, choose multiple lines,enhanced rich text field, edited my list item, added an image, centered it, viewed and it was also working.
The only thing I noticed is that the "rich" control does not appears on non-IE browsers.
