We are getting
"Sorry, you don't have access."
error while trying to save a SharePoint site as template in Microsoft Office 365.
We tried setting "Allow users to run custom script on personal site" and "Allow users to run custom script on self-service created sites" options from SharePoint Online Admin Center as mentioned in the article: https://www.sharepointdiary.com/2017/06/fix-sorry-you-dont-have-access-error-on-save-site-as-template.html
Also we waited for more than 24 hours now to take the effect. But we are still getting the same error.
Is there anything else we need to do?
Thank you!
You could try to run the powershell command to allow custom script on this site:
Set-SPOSite https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/yoursite -DenyAddAndCustomizePages 0
I am trying to add custom pages by using using SharePoint Designer 2013, but it throws Server Error: Access Denied when I try to add a new aspx page or edit aspx page.
I am site owner and have SharePoint admin access, still I couldn't figure out what went wrong and struggling with this issue for a long time.
When I check permissions with my user name.
Deny | Add and Customize Pages | Add, change, or delete HTML pages or Web Part Pages, and edit the Web site using a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation-compatible editor.
I have tried with below command in Sharepoint management shell, not helpful.
Set-SPOSite -Identity https://.sharepoint.com -DenyAddAndCustomizePages $false
Have you resolved this issue?
If not, please check which site template you used for your site, and check the user's permissions on the pages library that is used to store the new pages or existing pages.
Then check the best practices about how to install SharePoint Designer 2013 for SharePoint Online, make sure you have followed it to install the CUs.
After that, please try again, compare the result.
I am the SPOnline Developer for my company. I do not have access to SP Admin console. I have been requested to produce a set of all SP sites and subsides, but I don't believe there is anyway to do this without being an administrator. I believe I could get this info if using PowerShell SPOnline if I had access to the Administrator, or someone with Admin privileges
at my company could do this.
Anyway to do this without admin privileges?
I would suggest that you download and install the PnP PowerShell. It is wrapper on the OOTB SharePoint powershell but with much easier commandlets and ease of use.
After you download and install the PnP PowerShell, you can run the below commands:
Connect-PnPOnline -Url "<your-site-url>"
Get-PnPSiteSearchQueryResults -Query "(contentclass:'STS_Site') (contentclass:'STS_Web')" -All
After you run the command, Connect-PnPOnline -Url "<your-site-url>", it will open a window asking for credentials. If you provide your credentials, it will work in that context. If you provide admin credentials, it will work in admin context.
Get-PnPSiteSearchQueryResults submits a search query which is the fastest and most efficient way to get list of all the sites and subsites.
Do note, this will give the results of all the sites and subsites to which only you have access. If you run in the context of admin, then, if and only if the admin is added to that particular site will he have access to it.
References -
Dowload this file - SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline.msi for SharePoint online.
Download links (get the latest Nov 2017 or higher) - PnP-PowerShell
Documentation - Get-PnPSiteSearchQueryResults
I am working on SharePoint add-in. All works fine but few days ago I have got this kind of error/warning "Your tenant administrator has to approve this app." It happen when app deployed and you have to choose "Trust It" or "Cancel". Trust button is not active. Also I have tenant admin rights.
Here is a pace of AppManifest file.
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
<AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/tenant" Right="FullControl" />
Maybe I need to set rights somewhere else to solve this problem?
Solution found, just tried and worked.
MS has recently made a change, which seems to have gone quietly. If you need any tenant level permission for your App only provider hosted app, you need to add permission in tenant admin site and not in any of the site collection
If working in Sharepoint Online, here are two solutions:
Reset the tenant level permissions in the SharePoint Online admin center. In other words, set the permissions at "https://[yourtenant]-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/appinv.aspx" by copying in the xml snippet that you provided in the question
Follow the instructions that are detailed in the attached in the following image which is a screenshot taken from Troubleshooting: App debug and installation issue in SharePoint Online
I was following http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepoint2010general/thread/a3c3017e-05e9-40ad-bbe4-c8dc0a3407a4 . When I checked my portal sites. [tp_IsActive] all users has "1", But Mysites profiles database all users [tp_IsActive] is '0'.
Then why portal site collection are not updating where user status is active? Is profile sync will depends on Mysite profiles database "Active" and "InActive" to update portal site.?
After How many days user status will go to InActive?
In MOSS 2007 it can be rectified by executing stsadm command follow the blog links below to correct it
For SharePoint 2010 people are facing the problem the stsadm command is not working for them.
Since it looks like from your tags you are using MOSS, your problem can be addressed by following above blogs.
After I log into my sharepoint website, I have to login everytime I access a document from the library. Is there a way to fix this?
User Level:
If your SharePoint site always prompts for username/password on accessing it you can set your browser to not prompt
In Internet Explorer, go to Tools
Click Internet Options
add your site URL to Internet Explorers "Local Intranet Sites" section.
Open Security tab
Click Custom Level button
Scroll down to this screen and select "Automatic logon with current username and password" radio button
Click OK.
Administrator Level:
you can add your site's internal zone URL in Alternate Access Mappings section on Central Administration>Operations site, The SharePoint server always does not prompt for username/password and you can enjoy.
When using Windows Vista or Windows 7 the office tools (e.g. Word) do not look at the Local Intranet list of Internet Explorer. But they look at the following registry location:
If your sharepoint site is located at share.myserver.com you can set the above registry entry to *.myserver.com (including the *) so that all addresses ending with myserver.com are trusted by the office applications. This will prevent the login popup box from appearing.
For more info see this microsoft article. It solved the problem for me.
Add the SharePoint site to your trusted sites or local intranet in Internet Options.
This is to do with the way Word does the request for a file It sends an anonymous request first. What solves this is setting the session cookie to be valid for a year.
Are you using AD for the Authentication ?
Are you browsing the site from same network where it is hosted or on a Different N/W ?
If in the Same new work "Add the SharePoint site to your trusted sites or local intranet in Internet Options" and in the Trusted Sites Security Custom Level , User Authentication Section select the Option Automatically Login with the Current User Name and Password.
If you are browsing from Different n/w its bit tough to get it .
I experience this every day. My local machine is on a different domain to the SharePoint server so I have to log in every time I access SharePoint with a different application. This includes IE, Word, InfoPath, etc...
There is no way I've found to avoid it as it's simply part of using Windows authentication. Saving your password can help but still shows a dialog.
There are quite a few things that could cause this and you don't give much detail on your setup in the Q to give you an answer but...
The most comprehensive article I've found for troubleshooting this is
Unwanted Authentication Prompts
This issue is familiar to me and I've previously used the upvoted solution to the problem. However, recently I discovered that using Google Chrome rather than Internet Explorer makes this problem go away!
Solution: Use Chrome.
Switching to Basic Authentication will resolve this issue at a cost of passing credentials in clear text.