User Profile Sync Issues in Office SharePoint Server 2007? - sharepoint

I was following . When I checked my portal sites. [tp_IsActive] all users has "1", But Mysites profiles database all users [tp_IsActive] is '0'.
Then why portal site collection are not updating where user status is active? Is profile sync will depends on Mysite profiles database "Active" and "InActive" to update portal site.?
After How many days user status will go to InActive?

In MOSS 2007 it can be rectified by executing stsadm command follow the blog links below to correct it
For SharePoint 2010 people are facing the problem the stsadm command is not working for them.
Since it looks like from your tags you are using MOSS, your problem can be addressed by following above blogs.


Server Error: Access Denied in SharePoint Designer 2013

I am trying to add custom pages by using using SharePoint Designer 2013, but it throws Server Error: Access Denied when I try to add a new aspx page or edit aspx page.
I am site owner and have SharePoint admin access, still I couldn't figure out what went wrong and struggling with this issue for a long time.
When I check permissions with my user name.
Deny | Add and Customize Pages | Add, change, or delete HTML pages or Web Part Pages, and edit the Web site using a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation-compatible editor.
I have tried with below command in Sharepoint management shell, not helpful.
Set-SPOSite -Identity -DenyAddAndCustomizePages $false
Have you resolved this issue?
If not, please check which site template you used for your site, and check the user's permissions on the pages library that is used to store the new pages or existing pages.
Then check the best practices about how to install SharePoint Designer 2013 for SharePoint Online, make sure you have followed it to install the CUs.
After that, please try again, compare the result.

SharePoint Designer cannot be disable for Administrator Account

The problem is that when I disable the "SharePoint Designer" from the "SharePoint Designer Settings" (Site Collection Level), I can still edit this with my Administrator account. It works fine for another users who is not the Administrator. Do this behavior is know in SharePoint? Can someone explain me why this happen? If not, how can I disable the "Edit with SharePoint designer" for the Admin. Thanks
To disable SharePoint Designer for even Site Collection admins, you need to do so at the web application level via SharePoint Central Admin.
The setting you're changing at the Site Collection level only affects Site Owners & Designers; it does not, as you've seen, have any affect on Site Collection admins.
For instructions on disabling SharePoint Designer for an entire web app via SP Central Admin, see this guide here:

Submit a document to sharepoint by email

From SharePoint experts, I would like to know if following is possible in SharePoint 2010:
Can we send an offline form (word/excel format document) to SharePoint server by email so that it goes in document management system and undergoes an approval workflow. This feature could be used by users who have only email access and can't access SharePoint portal.
Yes this is a built in feature in SharePoint 2010. You have to enable it in central administration. It is not a simple tasks however. There is a lot of configuration that needs to happen on the server. The documentation is here.

Create aspnetdb roles & assign them to users in sharepoint 2010

I have created FBA application with following method
I also have created create user page in visual studio. It is working fine. I am also able to login with created users.
But all my created users getting rights of contribute.
I have created roles using Donal's method, but i am not using them.
So can anyone tell me how can i create new roles & assign them to created users.
I found this FBA User Management Tool for SharePoint 2010 on codeplex earlier in the week. I have not had a chance to play with it, maybe it will help you out.

Trouble adding users to SharePoint

i have a new sharepoint instance in standalone mode. yesterday i was able view newly added users (added in user & groups of computer management) to sharepoint. the search feature in sharepoint brings up the users while adding them to sharepoint.
but today, strangely, new users added to windows are not showing up in the sharepoint user search. hence i am not able to add any new user to my moss instance? I compare the previous users and newly users properties and found nothing different!?
any clue why this is happening?and how to fix this?
thanks in advance
Has the user profile service stopped working? Check the Shared Service Provider.
