How would you write code like this as a custom method to transformations using kentico 11?
<li class="<%#Eval("DocumentMenuClass")%>">
<a href="<%# Convert.ToString(Eval("DocumentMenuJavascript"))!=""? "#" :Convert.ToString(Eval("DocumentMenuRedirectUrl"))!=""? Eval("DocumentMenuRedirectUrl"):GetDocumentUrl() %>" <%# Convert.ToString(Eval("DocumentMenuRedirectUrl"))!=""? "target="+"_blank":""%> <%# Convert.ToString(Eval("DocumentMenuJavascript"))!=""? "onclick="+"javascript:"+Eval("DocumentMenuJavascript"):""%>>
<span><%# IfCompare(Eval("DocumentMenuCaption"),"",Eval("DocumentMenuCaption"),Eval("DocumentName"))%></span>
How to add a custom transformation method is described in the documentation. Then, the actual logic of that custom method is up to you.
I have two different kinds of indexes both are working fine at least in the search preview of my local index.
I added both of them to my smart search part in indexes area, one is a page crawler and the second is a custom index that searches in the media library.
The issue is that the results just match with the results of the crawler and are not showing anything of the custom index.
I think the problem is my smartSearchResults transformation because each time that I try to add a field from the custom index I'm getting an error that the value does not exist.
my question is how to use both indexes to retrieve all the results in the same web part?
this is how looks the trasformation
<div class="result">
<!-- Search result title -->
<a href='<%# SearchResultUrl() %>'>
<%#SearchHighlight(HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(CMS.Base.Web.UI.ControlsHelper.RemoveDynamicControls(DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(Eval("Title"), "/"))), "<span style='font-weight:bold;'>", "</span>")%>
<p class="content">
IfCompare(GetSearchValue("UseCustomContent"), true,
SearchHighlight(LimitLength(HTMLHelper.StripTags(Eval<string>("Content")), 280), "<strong>", "</strong>"),
SearchHighlight(LimitLength(HTMLHelper.StripTags(GetSearchValue("CustomContent").ToString()), 280), "<strong>", "</strong>")
</p><!-- content -->
<%#GetSearchValue("FileName") %>
<div class="file">
<i class="<%# GetFileIconClass(Eval<string>("documentExtensions")) %>"></i>
</div><!-- file -->
But I'm getting no results message
When getting specific field values from a search index you cannot use the simple Eval("ColumnName"). You have to use another method, GetSearchValue("ColumnName"). The Eval() method works mainly with the following columns Title, Content, Image. If you're already using the GetSearchValue() method then you need to update your question to reflect what you're using or have already tried.
You will have to check if the value exists before you try to use it. You can use IfEmpty for this. An Example:
<%# IfEmpty(GetSearchValue("Email"),"","<span class='label'>Email</span>")%>
<%# IfEmpty(GetSearchValue("Email"),"",GetSearchValue("Email"))%>
<% extends layout.twig.html %>
<% include ('filter.html.twig') %>
<% block javascripts %>
< %endblock >
filter form definition and html
filter form definition and html
filter form definition and html
<% block javascripts %>
javascript for use in filter form
javascript for use in filter form
<% endblock %>
I want the filter's javascript to be set in the layout, because that way it is loaded AFTER the JQuery.
But the Javascript is rendered right after the filter form, so getting $ is undefined.
So whatI want is the Javascript defined in filter.html.twig to override the block in layout.html.twig, same as extends.
Included templates can't alter the blocks of their includer. The "best" way I found i using the deferred block extension. It delays the render of a block. If you follow the advanced example in my link you can see how you could solve it
I can't find the source code for the html used for the calendar table. I have the webpart, but not the html for the table. I need to strip the inline CSS and attributes.
Following is the markup for the event calendar (obviously this is what you see):
<%# Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"
Inherits="CMSWebParts_EventManager_EventCalendar" CodeFile="~/CMSWebParts/EventManager/EventCalendar.ascx.cs" %>
<div class="Calendar">
<cms:CMSCalendar ID="calItems" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" />
<div class="EventDetail">
<cms:CMSRepeater ID="repEvent" runat="server" Visible="false" StopProcessing="true" EnableViewState="false" />
So what you see on the live page is created by CMSCalendar control, which leaves in CMS.Controls library, which means you can't modify it unless you have full source code of Kentico.
I'd try to change the appearance of this control with CSS, if CSS doesn't work there is javascript/jQuery.
Have you looked into creating a skin? You can change the css classes used if needed.
Might help some
I've added the following code to the selected transformation of a News List webpart:
<%# Register Src="~/CMSAdminControls/ContentRating/RatingControl.ascx" TagName="RatingControl" TagPrefix="cms" %>
<cms:RatingControl ID="elemRating" runat="server" Enabled="true" RatingType="Stars" ExternalValue='
<%# Convert.ToString(CMS.GlobalHelper.ValidationHelper.GetDouble(Eval("DocumentRatingValue"), 0)/((CMS.GlobalHelper.ValidationHelper.GetDouble(Eval("DocumentRatings"), 0) == 0?1:CMS.GlobalHelper.ValidationHelper.GetDouble(Eval("DocumentRatings"), 1)))) %>' />
The rest of the selected transformation is the same as the default.
According to the Kentico documentation this should add the webpart to the details page of a news item.
For some reason the input tag is getting rendered as follows:
<input type="hidden" name="p$lt$zoneContent$pageplaceholder$pageplaceholder$lt$News$NewsList$repItems$ctl00$ctl00$elemRating$RatingControl$elemRating_RatingExtender_ClientState" id="p_lt_zoneContent_pageplaceholder_pageplaceholder_lt_News_NewsList_repItems_ctl00_ctl00_elemRating_RatingControl_elemRating_RatingExtender_ClientState" value="0">
note the type="hidden" attribute. This causes the control not to render and I'm not sure where to fix this.
As mentioned in my comment. The is actually just used to store the value. Below that, it renders some extra content that will not display unless some CSS classes are carried over from the CMSDesk.css.
You can either copy the necessary CSS classes into your own CSS, or just import the CMSDesk.css file where necessary to make sure the rating elements are displaying.
I am calling jsp on <a href> tag like this
<div align="left"><%=searchList1.getProjid()%></div>
I want to get the value of searchlist1.getProjid in UpdateProject.jsp
How can I do it... please suggest me with example code.
You can send it as parameter:
<div align="left"><%=searchList1.getProjid()%></div>
And then use it in the new jsp like: