Xamarin IOS CoreML Model Change Multipler (posenet) - xamarin.ios

I am using Xamarin IOS, I need to change the 'multipler' value of this CoreML MLModel as instructed here
'A model with a 0.50 multiplier is recommended for mobile.'
the model I'm currently using has a 0.75 multipler (too slow), I have been trying to convert and amend this property on the model however, the property doesn't exist in Xamarin IOS, the model simply has a GetPrediction method that's it!
For Javascript it seems you are able to set the properties as you wish, like below however all I need is Posenet as an .MLModel file with a multipler of 0.5.
//This code below isn't possible using Xamarin IOS, the only property the model has is a bool 'RunOnGPUAndCpu' and a method 'GetPrediction'
const net = await posenet.load({
architecture: 'MobileNetV1',
outputStride: 16,
inputResolution: { width: 640, height: 480 },
multiplier: 0.75
Ive attempted to convert a Tensorflow model with no luck!

That multiplier isn't something you can apply to an existing model. Instead, it is used to define the architecture of the model, which is then trained. If you can't find a model with a 0.5 multiplier, you will have to train it yourself.


Export django model to database adding extra fields

For exportation into a dbdump, I need to create a table that is a exact clone of my model but with a "summary" column.
Given that the model is concrete, not abstract, to subclass it is a failure, as
class AnnotatedModel(MyModel):
summary = m.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
creates a new table with only the new field.
I have attempted to use metaclass inheritance instead, but I am stuck because of the model.Meta subclass of Django BaseModel. Other attemps to completely clone the model with copy deepcopy etc have been also unsuccessful. I have got some success using add_to_class but I am not sure if it is a documented user level function and it modifies deeply the class, so I have not been able to produce two different, separated models.
The goal is be to be able to run a loop, say
for x in MyModel.objects.using('input').all():
y = cast_to_AnnotatedModelInstance(x)
y.pk = None
y.summary = Foo(x)
without modifying the original model which is in a separate package. Ideally, I would prefer x to be objects of MyModel and then casting to AnnotatedModel and save them.
At the moment, what I am doing is to expand the model with add_to_class
from foo.bar.models import MyModel
MyModel.add_to_class('summary',m.TextField(null=True, blank=True))
then create the export database explicitly
with c['output'].schema_editor() as editor:
and then loop as in the question, with using('input').defer("summary") to access the original model of the application.
for x in MyModel.objects.using('input').defer("summary").all():
x.pk = None
x.summary = Foo(x)
Note that because of the add_to_class, the model tries to read the column summary even in the original database, fortunately it can be skipped using defer.

How to generate a sphere and pass it to the asset loader

I found this code online which probably worked for a different version of the Amethyst Engine:
let mesh = data.world.exec(|loader: AssetLoaderSystemData<Mesh>| {
Shape::Sphere(32, 32).generate::<Vec<PosNormTangTex>>(None),
Looks like now the generate method returns a MeshBuilder instead of the Mesh itself.
I could call the .build() method on the builder probably, but it requires two additional paramenters, one of which is the QueueId, that I do not have nor I know where to fetch them from.
How can I correctly adapt that code to Amethyst 0.15 version?

Pytorch: Recover network with customized VGG model that was saved improperly

I am currently doing work with customizing the forward method for models. I was using some tutorial code that ran VGG. I did a few runs with the baseline model and it seemed to work fine. Afterwards, I replaced the forward method for the VGG using:
net.forward = types.MethodType(forward_vgg_new, net)
Unfortunately, the way that the tutorial code saves the models is:
state = {
torch.save(state, ...)
While This worked for the original tutorial code, loading no longer works for my custom models as I get:
AttributeError: 'VGG' object has no attribute 'forward_vgg_new'
I have since read from the documentation that it is better for me to save the model's state_dict:
state = {
torch.save(state, ...)
While I will change the code for future runs, I was wondering if it was possible to salvage the models I have already trained. I naively already tried to import the VGG class and add my forward_vgg_new method to it:
setattr(VGG, 'forward_vgg_new', forward_vgg_new)
before calling torch.load, but it doesn't work.
To solve the problem, I went directly into the VGG library and temporarily added my function so that I could load the saved models and save only their state dicts. I reverted the changes to the VGG library after I recovered the saves. Not the most graceful way of fixing the problem, but it worked.

Dimensions of ImageMarker

I am new to Vuforia SDK. I have an image which acts as a target. I want to place this image on to the Imagemarker. In real time the size of the Imagemarker varies. Is there any method where I can get the width and height of the Imagemarker so that the target image fits exactly on the Imagemarker?
Since you did not specify if you are using the Unity or native APIs I will assume you are using Unity.
This is how you would go about it using the Vuforia API, placing this in a script attached to your ImageTarget GameObject.
IEnumerator Start()
Vuforia.ImageTarget img = GetComponent<Vuforia.ImageTargetBehaviour>().ImageTarget;
// This is rounded of in the console display,
// so individual components are printed afterwards
Alternatively you can directly use the Bounds of the renderer.
void Start()
Renderer r = GetComponent<Renderer>();
Needless to say this is just a quick solution, depending on the situation you might want to use this at runtime dynamically create content.
Yes, you can.
While placing the Image on the Image Marker to the relative size you want it to be, and when you run it you'll see that the size of the image will be relative to the Marker you've placed it on.

How do you resize a Bitmap under .NET CF 2.0

I have a Bitmap that I want to enlarge programatically to ~1.5x or 2x to its original size. Is there an easy way to do that under .NET CF 2.0?
One "normal" way would be to create a new Bitmap of the desired size, create a Graphics for it and then draw the old image onto it with Graphics.DrawImage(Point, Rectangle). Are any of those calls not available on the Compact Framework?
EDIT: Here's a short but complete app which works on the desktop:
using System;
using System.Drawing;
class Test
static void Main()
using (Image original = Image.FromFile("original.jpg"))
using (Bitmap bigger = new Bitmap(original.Width * 2,
original.Height * 2,
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bigger))
g.DrawImage(original, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, bigger.Size));
Even though this works, there may well be better ways of doing it in terms of interpolation etc. If it works on the Compact Framework, it would at least give you a starting point.
The CF has access to the standard Graphics and Bitmap objects like the full framework.
Get the original image into a Bitmap
Create a new Bitmap of the desired size
Associate a Graphics object with the NEW Bitmap
Call g.DrawImage() with the old image and the overload to specify width/height
Dispose of things
.NET Compact Framework
Supported in: 3.5, 2.0, 1.0
