Get Serial Number of Macbook in DFU mode - macbookpro-touch-bar

I connected two Macbook Pro together via usb-c. One of the laptop is in DFU mode. I need a code to get the serial number or other information of the MacBook pro in DFU mode.

On the "host" Mac:
Apple menu > About This Mac > System Report... >USB
The Mac laptop in DFU mode should be listed as a connected device, and you should be able to get the information you want from there.


FTDI FT232H not behaving as expected (not detected by Linux)

I have written an application using the FT232h with for GPIO assess. I had it running on two machines, a Linux openSUSE desktop and an openSUSE laptop. Both run the same kernel and both are Windows 10 boxes running VMware to give me the virtual openSUSE machines. For some reason it suddenly stopped working on the desktop. I have been using the same FTDI FT232H device on both machines.
On the laptop, the FTDI chip is detected. dmesg | grep -i usb says:
usb 2-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0403, idProduct=6014, etc.
On the laptop, lsusb says:
Bus 002 Device 004” ID 0x0403:6014 Future Technology Devices International. Ltd: FT232H
This information does not appear on the desktop. The desktop does not seem to detect the FT232H.
On the laptop I do sudo modprobe -r ftdi_sio usbserial and then perform an FT_Open(0, &fthandle) in
On the desktop, ftdi_sio is not loaded. When I try to FT_Open(0, &fthandle) it fails with FT_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND. It dose the same thing when I run my app as root.
What do I need to do to get my desktop to run my app again? I haven’t blacklisted anything, to my knowledge.
I’m really stuck! Please advise.
VMware may assign the USB to the host or to the guest. If the FT232H is plugged in but lsusb doesn't show the FT232H, then select VM -> Removable Devices -> Future Devices USB Serial Converter -> Connect (Disconnect from Host)
lsusb should now show the FT232H device and you should be able to invoke FT_Open on it.

Pair with noinputnooutput remote bluetooth device

I want to pair my PC with a remote bluetooth device whose IO capacity is set as "noinputnooutput" as this device has neither keyboard nor display but my PC always generates a pin code to support from the remote device or asks me to put the pin code of the remote device which is not exist. Now I want to make this pair without any pin code. Is there any configuration in my PC to do that?
I'm trying from Ubuntu 17.10 also I tried it from windows machine

how to update prolific USB to serial driver?

I have a device (R31D) that read RFID card with USB port(convert serial port to USB port). When I connected it to my computer, ( windows 8.1 - drivers update - X64 ) , It does not work .
When I checked it in device manager it shows small yellow alarm on Prolific USB-to-Serial port(COM3). and when I want to connect to my device with putty. show this error : unable to open connection to COM3. Unable to open serial port.
solved the problem.
First should remove all drivers that related to prolific
second install old version of prolific (I used 2009 v).
then it works.
I have wasted enough time on this subject I will share my final answer regarding "Please install corresponding PL2303 driver to support Windows 11 and further OS"
Device Manager -> Ports COM
Right-click "Please install corresponding PL2303 driver to support Windows 11 and further OS"
Update Driver -> Browse my Computer for drivers
Let me pick from a list...
You probably have old Drivers installed from ages gone by. If not go get
Once you have the legacy drivers, simply chose an older one.
It appears that if you "force" Windose 11 to use a specific Driver it doesn't keep throwing it away.
This solution Survived a Reboot and a Windows Update.

Android 6.0 device not recognized by adb on Linux after reboot

In Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge with Android 6.0, when the device is rebooted, phone complains that the connected computer doesn't recognize the phone and the device is not any more reachable over ADB from the connected Linux PC. The phone in fact instructs user to install proper drivers for Windows or Mac OS, but as the phone is connected to Linux host, there is no help here.
This means, that in order to continue debugging over ADB, one must manually toggle the USB mode from phone from MTP to PTP, after which phone is connected through ADB again. This makes test automation impossible, as the test scheduler needs to reboot the target device between test rounds.
With previous Android versions, rebooting the device remotely and getting ADB connection back was possible, but with Android 6.0, this became a problem. This particular device had earlier Android 5.1 and there were no problems with remote reboots.
As manually toggling of USB mode solves the problem, it might help, if this mode could be automatically toggled after reboot. So far, only solutions I have seen require device rooting and that is out of question.
Does someone have any idea, how Android 6.0 device could be automatically recognized by ADB after reboot?
The solution was after all simple: the Linux user, who starts up the adb server, needed to be added to the "plugdev" group. This group was defined in file /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules with line:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04e8", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
With previous Android versions, this didn't seem to be important as we didn't have any users in that group and everything worked fine.

My custom usb is recognized as physical keyboard when attached to Sony mobiles

I am developing a product base Android app. That product is behaving absolutely fine in normal Android devices. But behaving bit weird with Sony Xperia mobiles. It is getting recognized as physical keyboard over there. Somehow I successfully detected it when my app is launched manually.
But, the actual requirement is to launch my app as the product is attached to mobile.
Can anyone tell me, why my product is recognized as keyboard instead of normal usb?
Sony Company itself say, they do not guarantee that all usb devices would be supported on Sony devices.
There might be some issue in the code written for your USB device detection. Which might be leading to treat device as physical keyboard by-default.
Ref: Uinput virtual device is detected as physical keyboard on android
