how to update prolific USB to serial driver? - windows-8.1

I have a device (R31D) that read RFID card with USB port(convert serial port to USB port). When I connected it to my computer, ( windows 8.1 - drivers update - X64 ) , It does not work .
When I checked it in device manager it shows small yellow alarm on Prolific USB-to-Serial port(COM3). and when I want to connect to my device with putty. show this error : unable to open connection to COM3. Unable to open serial port.

solved the problem.
First should remove all drivers that related to prolific
second install old version of prolific (I used 2009 v).
then it works.

I have wasted enough time on this subject I will share my final answer regarding "Please install corresponding PL2303 driver to support Windows 11 and further OS"
Device Manager -> Ports COM
Right-click "Please install corresponding PL2303 driver to support Windows 11 and further OS"
Update Driver -> Browse my Computer for drivers
Let me pick from a list...
You probably have old Drivers installed from ages gone by. If not go get
Once you have the legacy drivers, simply chose an older one.
It appears that if you "force" Windose 11 to use a specific Driver it doesn't keep throwing it away.
This solution Survived a Reboot and a Windows Update.


wireless mouse not getting detected in my laptop

my new wireless mouse is not getting detected in my laptop, whereas it is working fine in all other systems and laptops. when i plug in the USB it is saying device not installed successfully i.e.(drivers not found). i checked in Google for wireless mouse drivers for my laptop(lenovo g580) but i can't find it. previously i disable Bluetooth application because of bTTray main window.exe error. is there any relation between wireless mouse connection and Bluetooth ?? please help mee... if there drivers available.. please let me know
Which OS are u using? If it is windows 7 or 8, then go to device manager and update USB drivers after right clicking the USB entries.
This worked for me:
Remove USB receiver and wireless mouse battery for 5 seconds. ...
Go to RUN (Win Logo + R) and type “devmgmt.msc” to open device manager.
Now find Mice and other pointing devices and find your wireless mouse.
Now right click on your wireless mouse and click Scan for hardware changes.

FTDI chip detection issue

I'm trying to do some transactions over serial ftdi interface to an ARM based board. On windows i'm able to detect it but when from virtualbox i'm unable to detect the same.
When i connect the same board to a linux sever box, it gets detected and gives me the port /dev/ttyuSB0. Any idea why Virtualbox does not detect?
By default, your VMs in VirtualBox can't see any of your 'real' hardware. You can "move" a USB device from the host to the guest. (Appears as a disconnect from the host, then a connect to the guest), but it's an odd two-step process:
When the VM isn't running, create a USB "filter" on your device.
Then, when it's running, sometimes it grabs it, and sometimes you must click the USB icon (at the bottom of your running VM window, next to your disk/CD/mouse indicators).
Make sure you have a recent version of VirtualBox. I think before 4.x, the USB support was not included in the free version. But I can confirm it works in 4.1.

How to use USB GPRS Modem on ARM - Windows CE 6.0?

I've been involved with a project where I have to install and use a USB GPRS modem on an ARM board (RSC-W910) with Windows CE 6.0 installed.
The modem is the Sierra Wireless product GL6110 (GL61x0) and I need to use it only for data, making HttpWebRequests (TCP) send/receive XML data. Prefered development tool is C# and .Net Framework 3.5.
When the modem is connected via USB to the board, the error message that appears is saying "Unidentified USB Device" which I believe its normal.
Siera Wireless(SW) provides a driver for ARM920, but it failed to install using 'wceload.exe'. The error was "Setup Failed" that I could see on the small LCD screen attached to the board. To install the driver I connect to the board via Telenet and CAB file is stored on SD card.
Am I right to think that the failure to install the driver could be related to the fact that the Win CE image has RAM-based Registry?
If SW does not provide a driver for the modem, could this mean that I have to develop my own driver? or is there a generic driver that I can use instead?
Will I have to create a new Win CE image for the board to support the modem, or is it possible to use code within the C# application to access it?
Any help will be very much appreciated!
There's no generic driver, no. Sierra modems generally have CE support (I'm not checked this model, but it's likely to work). What you need is:
A Driver DLL, build for ARM and for CE 6.0 or 7.0 (the CE 5.0 driver model differs, so a CE 5.0 driver probably won't work)
The registry entries the device.exe looks for when the device is enumerated
These sometime come in a CAB, sometimes not. Generally I prefer it when they don't but either will work.
If the CAB file fails to install, it's probably because it's marked for some other platform. I'd use something like WinZip or WinRAR to pull it apart, rename the DLL and extract the necessary reg entries (depends on the CAB format how easy/hard this will be).
Generally, though, you need to copy the driver DLL to the \Windows Folder, then apply the registry entries. Then when the device is plugged in, it will read the registry, which will point it to the DLL, which is then loaded. "Unidentified USB device" typically means the registry entries were not found.
This can all be done without rolling a new OS image, though sometimes a new image is simpler than doing the necessary copying at startup, especially if the device is plugged in at boot.

Windows CE 6.0 - USB Drivers at boot up time

I built a new Windows CE image and placed two USB drivers. One for the USB printer and the second for some special device with digital and analog I/O ports.
I have one problem that came out with the drivers while the operating system boots up.
Every time the image boots up it asks to enter the driver's name. (The message is "Unidentified USB Device" Enter the name of the USB device driver) Is there a workaround for this problem ? What does I have to put into a registry?
I did not check if the driver is working after that because of my second problem
with the SQL CE 3.5 in my application.
The similar problem is happening if I not add a driver for example the Audio subsystem.
The OS at boot up scans the devices and finds some new hardware asking to fill the name for the driver.
It is simple to correct the second situation. I only have to check the item in the catalog view and rebuild the image. On behind the ragistry is filled with correct parameters but what am I supposed to do with custom drivers ?
The "Unidentified Device" dialog happens when the USB node is queried and no macthing driver in the OS is found. Which device, specifically, is causing that? You mention both a printer and an I/O device - knowing which device is causing the error will help narrow it down.
When you "added the drivers" to the OS, did you just add the driver binaries, or did you also add the relevant registry entries in the drivers section? Those entries depend on the specific driver, so I can't tell you exactly which keys and values you need.

Configuring BT support in Linux (Android)

I'm trying bring up Bluetooth over USB support on a new ARM-based Android device. I think I'm missing some magic piece of configuration in order to successfully open a BT socket connection.
BT is provided through a USB dongle (vs. UART in most Android devices)
I can successfully run "hcitool scan" to discover devices.
I can open a socket via libbluetooth in C
When I try to establish an RFCOMM connection the connection, the connection
is refused because an L2CAP connection cannot be established.
for some OS's, I'm required to approve a pairing. (Older Ubuntu, some flavors of Windows' BT stack.)
the peripheral device doesn't require a PIN, but in some cases I'm requested to provide one. (Windows has asked for this. Older version of Ubuntu has asked for this. It may also be when using BT 2.0 dongles, vs. BT 2.1 and up?).
Bluetooth provided with Ubuntu 10 on my PC requires neither PIN nor pairing.
Am I missing a piece of config that says, i) auto-pair devices, ii) don't request a PIN if none is required?
Is there a guide to this online? Documentation seems limited.
