How can I convert a #startuml code into a GraphML? - uml

I have created a #startuml code that generates some class and sequence diagrams using PlantUML and it looks good but I would like to be able to edit the resulting graph using GraphML with the yed-live tool from for example.
How can I convert the #startuml code to be compatible with GraphML?
Bob -> Alice: Hello!
And you can check the result in

You can use the official PlantUML tool to generate UML diagrams easily.
Just copy & paste your code and it will generate it automatically as in my example.
UML generating demo:


How to include plantuml diagram within a single markdown file?

I have a single markdown file that looks something like this:
#startuml Participants
actor Alice
participant Bob
participant Charlie
hide unlinked
#startuml Diagram
'!include Participants
Bob->Alice: Do a thing
Alice->Bob: Do a different thing
In short the problem I'm trying to solve is to render plantuml in a markdown (so it can be rendered by gitlab) in a way that involves "!includes". Locally I can achieve what I want using simple puml files and !include statements, but because of how markdown is rendered in gitlab, it appears it can't see the filesystem/structure and the !includes give an error. So I am ok with putting everything in a single file, but I still want to separate diagrams logically and put them together. The problem with what I have above is Alice and Bob in "Diagram" both render as participants (Alice is not an Actor) and if I uncomment the include, it gives an error.
How can I achieve something equivalent to !includes with plantuml in a markdown file?
we solved this today by creating a user in gitlab with reporter rights for the projects we want to use plantUml in Markdown files.
In the markdown files we now import another file by doing something like this:

Visual Paradigm Class Diagram Drawing

I need to create a Class Diagram with some Model Packages. I have to use Visual Paradigm as modeling editor. The target I'm looking for is a diagram like this one:
My problem is the following: how to create a Class like the classes in this picture?
I'm trying with the default Class command:
but it's not what I'm looking for. The class name must be centered and without the separation line. How can I do this?
I have also tried with Rectangles and Text Boxes overlapped, but in this case I'm not able to draw associations between the classes.
Thanks in advance.
The solution is very simple: you have to hide all the class attributes and methods (thank you, clapas!)

How to export images from IBM Rational Rhapsody diagrams

Im using IBM Rational Rhapsody 7.6 for UML modeling.
Iv'e created class diagrams, use cases, sequence diagrams and i want to export it to some kind of image or PDF or something, anything that is viewable in a nice way will do.
I found the export to report under "Tools" but then you get a rich text file with a super odd format and the class diagrams will be cut up in the middle to fit the A4 pages.
So how to export to an image from IBM Rational Rhapsody, UML modeling.
If you just want to export a single diagram, right click on diagram and select "Export Diagram Image" and there you go.
If you want to have a model with many diagrams exported at once, you can try the HTML output via Reporter Plus (built into Rhapsody), or for more features you can try Rational Publishing Engine (additional licenses might be required).
You can export diagrams to PDF by installing a PDF writer such as CutePDF (
Then select File\Print Diagrams from the menu in Rhapsody and print chosen diagrams to PDF

How to use a class defined in another .uml file using Papyrus UML?

I'm Using Papyrus UML and I have to use in my diagram, a class which is defined in another .uml file. HowI can do it?
Thank you
You need to create a shortcut but for me this is not usable because I prefer to mix usecase and class diagram elements inside the same model and sometimes even the same diagram.
You can do it with RSA IBM or Omondo EclipseUML.
I do not know particularly about Papyrus, but in UML in general, you should have a Model-element at the top-level, and in there, you create a PackageImport. Now you should be able to set the ``Imported Package'' reference---but the other UML must be loaded from the workspace first:
This is where things become interesting! in the plain Eclipse UML editor, you have to load the resource first using the 'UML Editor' menu or the ``Additional Resources'' sub-tree in the model-outline. I guess Papyrus offers at least the same way through the outline.

Anybody using AmaterasUML in Eclipse?

Does it automatically creates the sequence diagram? Or we have to drag and drop the related Java files and then manually create the sequence diagram?
This was the only link I could find on Google:
We are using AmatersUML (but other tool/libraries from the same Takezoe author too: Mirage, AmatersERD, and ClickIDE Eclipse plug-in for Apache Click)
It can automatically create a sequence diagram by providing it a Stack Trace - you just need to copy and paste one.
It also has a API that allows you to generate Sequence Diagrams (e.g. you can combine this API with a logging framework, or if you need sequence diagrams for unknown code, than you need to use the Java profiling API with it to instrumentate and output those names that are executed).
