Azure Databricks Cluster Questions - databricks

I am new to azure and am trying to understand the below things. It would be helpful if anyone can share their knowledge on this.
Can the table be created in Cluster A be accessed in Cluster B if Cluster A is down?
What is the connection between the cluster and the data in the tables?

You need to have running process (cluster) to be able to access metastore, and read data, because data is stored in the customer's location, not directly accessible from the control plane that runs UI.
When you wrote data into table, then this data should be available in other cluster in following conditions:
the both clusters are using the same metastore
user has correct permissions (could be enforced via Table ACLs)


How to access DeltaLake Tables without Databrick Cluster running

I have created DeltaLake Tables on DataBricks Cluster. And I am able to access these tables from external system/application. Though I need to keep the cluster up and running all the time to be able to access the table data.
Is it possible to access the DeltaLake Tables when Cluster is down?
If Yes, Then how can I setup
I tried to lookup on docs. Found that 'Premium access to DetaBrick' has some Table Access Controls. disabled by otherwise. It says:
Enabling Table Access Control will allow users to control who can
select, create, and modify databases, tables, views, and functions
that they create.
I also found this doc
I don't think this is the option for my requirement.. Please suggest
The solution I found is to store all Delta Lake Tables on Storage Gen2. This will have access to external resources irrespective of DataBrick Clusters.
While reading a file or writing into table we will have our Cluster up and running, rest of time it can be shut down.
From Docs: In databricks we can create delta tables of two types: managed and unmanaged. Managed are those for which data is stored in DBFS (Databricks FileSystem). While Unmanaged are those where an external ADLS Gen-2 location can be specified.

Common metadata in databricks cluster

I have a 3-4 clusters in my databricks instance of Azure cloud platform. I want to maintain a common metastore for all the cluster. Let me know if anyone implemented this.
I recommend configuring an external Hive metastore. By default, Detabricks spins its own metastore behind the scenes. But you can create your own database (Azure SQL does work, also MySQL or Postgres) and specify it during the cluster startup.
Here are detailed steps:
Things to be aware of:
Data tab in Databricks - you can choose the cluster and see different metastores.
To avoid using SQL user&password, look at Managed Identities
Automate external Hive metastore connections by using initialization scripts for your cluster
Permissions management on your sources. In case of ADLS Gen 2, consider using password pass-through

Is it possible to take snapshot of existing HDInsight cluster in azure

Currently we have a HDInsights cluster which we might have to shut it down or delete for few days. We need the cluster in the same state as we left. What are the ways we can preserve the current snapshot of this cluster and restore it back after few days.
It depends on how have you created the HDInsight cluster. When you created the cluster, did you specify external meta stores, so that your hive meta store is running on your own SQL azure and not the one that HDInsight created?
Check this documentation.
If you haven't used external meta stores when you created the cluster, unfortunately, you will lose that state. Your data however, will be persisted in the Azure blob store or Azure data lake store.

Data Migration from AWS RDS to Azure SQL Data Warehouse

I have my application's database running in AWS RDS (postgresql). I need to migrate the data from AWS to Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
This is a kind of ETL process and I need to do some calculations/computations/aggregations on the Data from Postgresql and put it in a different schema in Azure SQL Data Warehouse for reporting purpose.
Also, I need to sync the data on a regular basis without duplication.
I am new to this Data Migration concept and kindly let me know what are the best possible ways to achieve this task?
Azure datafactory is the option for you. It is a cloud data integration service, to compose data storage, movement, and processing services into automated data pipelines.
Please find the Postgresql connector below.
On the transform part you may have to put in some custom intermediate steps to do the data massaging.
Have you tried the Azure datafactory suggestion?
Did it solve your issue?
If not, you can try using Alooma. This solution can replicate PostgreSQL database hosted on Amazon RDS to Azure SQL data warehouse in near real time. (
Follow this steps to migrate from RDS to Azure SQL:
Verify your host configuration
On the RDS dashboard under Parameter Groups, navigate to the group that's associated with your instance.
Verify that hot_standby and hot_standby_feedback are set to 1.
Verify that max_standby_archive_delay and max_standby_streaming_delay are greater than 0 (we recommend 30000).
If any of the parameter values need to be changed, click Edit Parameters.
Connect to Alooma
You can connect via SSH server ( or to to whitelist access to Alooma's IP addresses.
Add and name your PostreSQL input from the Plumbing screen and enter the following details:
Hostname or IP address of the PostgreSQL server (default port is 5432)
User name and Password
Database name
Choose the replication method you'd like to use for PostgreSQL database replication
For full dump/load replication, provide:
A space- or comma-separated list of the names of the tables you want to replicate.
The frequency at which you'd like to replicate your tables. The more frequent, the more fresh your data will be, but the more load it puts on your PostgreSQL database.
For incremental dump/load replication, provide:
A table/update indicator column pairs for each table you want to replicate.
Don't have an update indicator column? Let us know! We can still make incremental load work for you.
Keep the mapping mode to the default of OneClick if you'd like Alooma to automatically map all PostgreSQL tables exactly to your target data warehouse. Otherwise, they'll have to be mapped manually from the Mapper screen.

Accessing Raw Data for Hadoop

I am looking at the data sets and I'm wondering in general how all of this large raw data can get sent to hadoop clusters. I am using hadoop on azure.
It looks like is a self contained data service, not built on top of the public cloud.
They have own Restful API for the data access.
Thereof I think the simplest way is to download interested Data to your hadoop cluster, or
to S3 and then use EMR or own clusters on Amazon EC2.
If they ( ) has relevant queries capabilities you can query the data on demand from Your hadoop cluster passing data references as input. It might work only if you doing very serious data reduction in these queries - otherwise network bandwidth will limit the performance.
In Windows Azure you can place your data sets (unstructured data etc..) in Windows Azure Storage and then access it from the Hadoop Cluster
Check out the blog post: Apache Hadoop on Windows Azure: Connecting to Windows Azure Storage from Hadoop Cluster:
You can also get your data from the Azure Marketplace e.g. Gov Data sets etc..
