jupyterlab 500 error from dataproc cluster - jupyter-lab

i have been trying to open jupyterlab from my dataproc cluster. i had been working on it last week and there seemed to be some issue with the kernel. so i signed out of jupyterlab and stopped the cluster. then i tried to open jupyterlab again from the link under web interfaces in cluster detail. however, since last wednesday, everytime i try this i get a 500 or 502 error. the error says "500. That's an error. That's all we know."
i'm not sure what to do here. i googled the issue and couldn't find anything that would help.

You can SSH into the master node with gcloud compute ssh <cluster-name>-m, then check the status of the following 3 services:
systemctl status jupyter
systemctl status knox
systemctl status google-dataproc-component-gateway
Restart them if needed:
sudo systemctl restart jupyter
sudo systemctl restart knox
sudo systemctl restart google-dataproc-component-gateway
Also, check the Knox log at /var/log/knox/gateway.log.


Failed to start ngnix.service: Unit ngnix.service not found

I have installed ngnix on ubuntu 20.04 . But when i am giving command sudo systemctl start ngnix . I am facing an error
Failed to start ngnix.service: Unit ngnix.service not found.
Please help me out through this problem.
It's called nginx, not ngnix. So you need to start it as sudo systemctl start nginx (note the spelling).

I'm not able to communicate with Kibana server

I'm getting this error kibana server is not ready yet can anyone help.
Just stop and start your kibana service.
sudo systemctl stop kibana.service
sudo systemctl start kibana.service
Restart the Kibana By using following cmnds
sudo service kibana stop
sudo service kibana start

jupyterhub and Linux Data Science Virtual Machine on Azure.

i try with success Linux Data Science Virtual Machine on Azure and jupyterhub. It's start automatically the first time, but when restart jupyter doesn't start anymore.
what I could try to solve the problem?
thank you!
JupyterHub automatically starts each time you start the VM, so it should be running after a restart. You can check the logs at a terminal with journalctl -u jupyterhub, and you can check the status of JupyterHub with systemctl status jupyterhub. You might try restarting the service with systemctl restart jupyterhub. It's also possible that you installed some software that broke the Jupyter kernel. See the notes here about a similar problem that someone else had.

PostgreSQL 9.5 doesn't start after reboot with systemd

I'm having a problem with PostgreSQL 9.5+173 on Ubuntu 16.04 and I happened to stumble across the following threads in my research that somewhat describes the behavior I'm seeing:
Long story short I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 16 with nothing on it and PostgreSQL running. I've stopped PostgreSQL changed the data directory and port and a couple other settings and it starts back up fine.
I can start and stop PostgreSQL manually via systemctl without any problems. I can also connect to the database and can verify that it is running via a ps ax | grep postgres.
However, after I reboot PostgreSQL will not start up. Any attempt to start it up via systemctl start postgresql.service doesn't do anything and does not fail. The only way I am able to get it started is if I call systemctl start postgresql#9.5-main.service.
I did some investigation and looked at both the postgresql.service and postgresql#9.5-main.service scripts and realized that the postgresql.service script does nothing as stated in the thread above and that the postgresql#9.5-main.service has the PartOf directive which means it should be getting triggered from the postgresql.service as the sytemd docs state, but it isn't for some reason. Basically I'm at a loss as to why everything works before I reboot and then doesn't work after I reboot. Is there something I'm missing? I'm starting to go CRAZY over something so simple.
Update: I added an ExecStartPre=/bin/touch /tmp/postgresq.log to the postgresql#9.5-main.service to see if it's actually getting called on boot and it is not. Manually calling systemctl start postgresql#9.5-main.service creates the file in the /tmp directory.
Update: I have also found that calling systemd daemon-reload after reboot will allow me to start postgres via the systemctl start postgresql command.
Did you try doing systemctl enable postgresql? This will tell systemd to start this service after boot. Try rebooting after that.
Turns out that the problem was the fact that I symlinked /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/ across partitions to a custom partition that wasn't available right away, so when PostgreSQL tried to start on boot it couldn't because it's configuration files were not available. This describes what was happening since I could start PostgreSQL manually after I logged in.

Cannot restart network service

I was trying to configure a static IP address on my Linux machine (Fedora 19 ). However when I was trying to restart my network.services using systemctl restart network.service, I was unable to do so.
[root#xyz network-scripts]# systemctl restart network.service
Job failed. See system journal and 'systemctl status' for details.
I tried to reboot my system and re execute the command, but still I am getting the same error. Also I am enable to access internet on my system.
Can anyone help me out with this.
To restart network services, you can use this command
service networking restart
You can also use
service networking stop
service networking start
restart the nm-applet with this command from terminal:
killall nm-applet; nohup nm-applet &
or restart the the network manager service using:
sudo systemctl restart network-manager
Restore radio frequencies by running the following command;
sudo service NetworkManager restart
If that does not work, run this one;
rfkill unblock wifi
