Naked domain in Azure CDN endpoint has wrong HTTPS certificate name - azure

I have a site in Azure. Pages are generated by Azure Functions, but for a given URL generated page will always be identical, so I put it behind a CDN endpoint. I added custom domains to the endpoint: is the main domain and there is also a naked domain version, but any request to it is redirected to the Any http requests are also redirected to https. Both redirects are performed by returning redirect result from Azure Function.
So, both and properly redirected to The problem arises if someone tries to access The certificate served for this url is * and the browser predictably displays a warning message (if instructed to proceed - it receives a redirect and works fine after that).
When I try to enable Custom HTTPS on - I get an error Enabling Https with CDN Managed Certificate is not supported anymore for apex (root) domains.
Is there any way I can fix this, perhaps instruct a redirect from to on DNS level? I've seen suggestions to use alternative CDNs available in Azure, but I'm not ready to go down that route yet.

As you've discovered, as of April 2021 Managed certificates are not supported on Apex domains. The only supported way to get round this at present is to upload your own certificate (either free or purchased) or purchase one through KeyVault.
Having said that, Jack Tracey has put together a list of instructions to achieve this in an unsupported manner.


How to deal with naked domains when using azure managed certificates

I'm trying to use the recently announced (in preview) managed certificates for Azure app service. One of the limitations is that you can't get one for naked domains. eg.: you can get one for, but not
In my (current) web.config, I'm redirecting from 'naked' to 'www' anyway using rewrite rules, so beeing limited to 'www' is not a real problem. However, as the redirect takes place at the web.config level, that is, after the request has hit the webserver, this is too late: when '' gets hit and tries to redirect, the browser has already seen the insecure connection to the naked domain (depending on browser) will display a warning page.
So how is one supposed to do deal with the "naked" domains? No more redirects at all? Or are there other methods to do this besides web.config configurations? I did look, but did not find anything.
Adding to Jack's suggestions.
Currently, the preview offering only supports CNAME based validation. Thanks for the feedback and it is on our list of future improvements to consider however we do not have any ETA on this yet. So, request you to up-vote this feedback post on Uservoice-
Alternatively, you may try to forward apex domains to subdomain such as www.
So based on your requirement, to redirect - ->
If you are using App Service Domain, you can forward your domain by going to 'Advanced Management portal' of the domain resource.
So, after a long time, Azure finally supports this. One can simply use a managed cert for naked domains.
See here:
In this scenario, I think a redirect is necessary.
We can get some clues from other international websites. For example: when I try to access, actually I will get a 301 redirect which redirects me to, and then I will get a 302 redirect which redirects me to
So, as managed certificate does not support naked domain. I suggest you directly add your www subdomain to your web app. And then create managed certificate to that www subdomain.
And, finally, you can add 301 and 302 redirect rules in your DNS provider, which will ensure all requests to naked domain will be redirected to www subdomain. This could be done in your DNS provider before your web app.
So after some time trying things, here's how i ended up dealing with this:
- Using managed domain certificates for all hostname.Domain.tld names
- Using the letsencrypt script (from extensions) to get a cert for the naked domain
Once azure will provide certs for the naked domain, i will retire the script.

Azure CDN is redirecting traffic with a custom domain

I have a setup like this:
A website at domain
Azure CDN points to it. So if you go to you see
content. In the URL bar you see
I have another domain,, I want to be the custom domain for the CDN endpoint.
In qwe DNS settings, I set a CNAME record, for abc to point to
I add the as a custom domain in the CDN endpoint.
My expectation:
I go to I see content, from domain.
What happens: I go to, it responds with a parmanent redirect to
Did I miss configured something, or it's supposed to work this way? I don't understand why it doesn't do a redirect on, but if I add a layer on top of it, suddenly it just redirects to the origin.
In my case it ended up being not related to CDN. It was actually rules on a server that were doing a redirect under certain conditions, e.g. http to https, or www redirect.
As a side note, https redirect can be tricky. Now chrome uses https by default, so if you type in the url, it will go to https, thus no redirect. But if you select your custom domain text in azure portal and choose "go to xxx", it will actually go to http version, which will result in a redirect. So you might be under impression that you are going to https and it was redirecting, when in fact it was http.
I was planning to delete the question, but Erik H commented that he's having same issue so I decided to self-answer. Maybe it will help someone.

Redirect https URL to another https URL for the same Azure App Service

This might be a stupid question, and for that I'm sorry, I'm not well-versed in DNS configurations (so perhaps I shouldn't be meddling in this, lol), but anyhow..
I have a web app running in Azure that is currently undergoing a bit of a name change. Therefore, I want to redirect users trying to access my domain to another domain, let's say to I own both domains and have certificates for both of them, but I cannot for the life of me understand how (or if its even possible) to redirect users in this way?
I have both URLs configured as A records for the underlying IPv4 adress, and have tried to configure a re-direct in my cPanel to redirect the domain to, but if I try to access it just complains that the certificate is from another provider (not my Azure certificate, but instead my web hosting certificate used for other sites). Both URLs are set up as custom domains for the same app service in Azure with SNI SSL certificate bindings where is bound to a standard certificate for that specific domain, while is bound to a wildcard certificate for *
I assume there must be something that's not allowed in trying to redirect between two different domains where https is involved because trying to access works (i.e. it re-directs to Do I have to write some kind of script server-side that re-directs users manually?

Which domain should I register for SSL

I have a simple website host that gives me a domain like which show the website hosted on that server.
I have a CNAME on that redirects to (Azure Virtual machine running Linux) redirects to
I need to access the user camera on Chrome, and for that, the website need's SSL.
I can purchase a SSL certificate for, but would it work on my cname?
The certificates subject must include all names you see in the URL in the browser. Thus is you have a CNAME aliasing to than will be the one visible in the URL and you must have the certificate for it.
Note that CNAME is just an alias and not a redirection. With a redirection (i.e. HTTP status codes 30x) the URL would change, while with a CNAME it does not.

Redirect add-on website from https to http

I have 2 websites in my hosting account at bluehost. The main domain ( has an SSL and there is one registration page where I need to use https//
I also have an add-on domain ( and am hosting the website for that in the same account. There is no necessity for a secure connection.
However, I want to make sure that if is used, it redirects to The reason is that now if you go to, it shows that in the URL address window, but the website loads.
I have tried adding redirects to both .htaccess files (for and, but cannot seem to get it to work. Is it possible to do this with a main domain and add on domain if there is an SSL on the main domain?
