Using GooglePay with Stripe Gateway - stripe-payments

I'm having a problem configuring GooglePay using the Stripe gateway because it says the "stripe:publishablekey" is missing after I click the "Continue" button in the GooglePay payment sheet.
In my code, this occurs in the loadPaymentData(paymentDataRequest) line which displays the GooglePay payment sheet and is supposed to return a response(with a payment token) after finishing according to this. But is not happening because of the error I mentioned above.
In my paymentDataRequest object, I already have the "stripe:publishablekey" field and I don't get why it's saying that it's missing.
I've already tried copying the field that is in the Tutorial from Google where the "k" in the stripe:publishablekey is supposed to be capitalised like this "K" but it only gives another error message that says "stripe:publishableKey" is an invalid field.
Sorry for my bad english and also this is my first time asking a question in stackoverflow.

I can't say for sure what the problem that you're facing is, however, I was able to get it to work with the following:
FYI, I'm using stripe:publishableKey with a capitalized K.
tokenizationSpecification: {
parameters: {
'gateway': 'stripe',
'stripe:version': '2018-10-31',
'stripe:publishableKey': 'pk_test_MNKMwKAvgdo2yKOhIeCOE6MZ00yS3mWShu'


Logic App error - ActionFailed. An action failed. No dependent actions succeeded

I'm running into this error - ActionFailed. An action failed. No dependent actions succeeded - when trying to run this logic app to add an IP to be blocked.
I'm not sure where to start. The input looks ok. Help? Thanks in advance!
p.s. - sorry, it won't allow me to post the pics due to not having enough points.
Tried changing some parts of the body. Not sure what to change really.
According to Microsoft's documentation on Submit or Update Indicator API the request body should be as follows:
"indicatorValue": "220e7d15b011d7fac48f2bd61114db1022197f7f",
"indicatorType": "FileSha1",
"title": "test",
"application": "demo-test",
"expirationTime": "2020-12-12T00:00:00Z",
"action": "AlertAndBlock",
"severity": "Informational",
"description": "test",
"recommendedActions": "nothing",
"rbacGroupNames": ["group1", "group2"]
Since the error you get is too generic, it isn't clear enough to know exactly.
You are not passing in recommendedActions and rbacGroupNames, they may not be required but may want to pass the column even if no value is included.
I would also validate calling this API using manual values (even the exact value from their documentation) and if that does work, use process of elimination to figure out which property is giving you the trouble.
i.e. application might not accept a space value or combining the two values for description should be done outside of the HTTP call using compose and then passed as a single value of the output.

How to get a certain (e.g. second or third) mention sent in a message

I've been trying to make a ship command that can either ship the author of the message with a mentioned user, or ship two mentioned users. I can get the 1st mention in a message but I have no idea on how to get the 2nd or even third mention in a message. I tried using:
splitting the args then slicing them so only the second mention is avalaible, but this gives an "undefined" error when I try to get the username.
Could someone give me a script on exactly how to do it since I can't really get the hang of this
According to the documentation message.mentions.users yields a Collection. So you can just iterate over this collection or convert it to an array and then access the required index:
const userArray = message.mentions.users.array();

mail-listener2 - How to prevent function from reading wrong emails?

In my E2E test, I'am using the mail-listener2 to retrieve e-mails. It works fine, except one issue which is driving me crazy and just can't solve it... I have been searching and found different topics and issues regarding this library/package, but just couldn't really find the fix for that.
I use the function in more than one spec file (register, login, confirmation etc.), and this means that when retrieving the emails, I get from time to time the wrong one. In other words, the function reads the last e-mail in the Inbox which normally belongs to the first test.
Or sometimes the e-mail comes in the Inbox a little bit later that the function is reading them, so it reads the wrong one.
And as I do have an expectation in my it() function:
expect(email.subject).toEqual("subject for e-mail 1");
expect(email['headers'].to).toEqual( userEmail );
therefore the test breaks, and it get following error:
- Expected 'user registration' to equal 'user confirmation'.
- Failed: Cannot read property '1' of null
- Expected '' to equal ''.
- Failed: Cannot read property '1' of null
Is there a way how to force the function reads just the specific email per subject and per user?
Yes, you can find this documented on node-imap (which is used by mail-listener2). Search for the paragraph/bullet on search within that package, here's a snippet to help you find it:
For criteria types that require arguments, use an array instead of just the string criteria type name (e.g. ['FROM', '']).
Below that, they list several other search criteria you can use, they have to/from for your user criteria, and subject for that one. So applying this to mail-listener2, you would use this in the searchFilter property:
mailListener = new MailListener({
...(other options),
searchFilter: [['FROM', ''], ['SUBJECT', 'subject for e-mail 1']],
And if you need different search criteria for different tests, you can start a new mail-listener session for each test with the new searchFilter criteria.

Netsuite bug when creating customerdeposit record

Im trying to create a customer deposit record in Netsuite using suitescript 1.0.
The original code I had in place which had been working perfectly up until the 2016.2 release broke it.
The update broke it, in that it would override the value submitted in the payment field and instantly make it the full amount of the sales order from the sales order ID. Which is not what we need it to do.
Original Code
function createDeposit(request,response)
var record = nlapiCreateRecord('customerdeposit');
record.setFieldValue('memo','this is a test');
deposit = nlapiSubmitRecord(record,true,false);
After a reply on the Netsuite user group prompted me to use the {recordmode:'dynamic'} attributes I am getting a strange error..
Test Replacement Function which doesnt work
function createDeposit(request,response)
var record = nlapiCreateRecord('customerdeposit',{recordmode:'dynamic'});
record.setFieldValue('memo','this is a test');
deposit = nlapiSubmitRecord(record,true,false);
The error message Im getting now is
Invalid salesorder reference key 1260 for customer .
The thing I dont get is how it is now considered NULL, when the value is hardcoded into this test script after I apply the {recordmode:'dynamic'} value.
Ive tried a wide variety of things, but as I dont have Netsuite support, its proving to be something I simply cant figure out.
Any hints, suggestions would be greatly appreciated as Ive been on this for several days
When you use dynamic the order you set fields makes a difference. So when you set the sales order prior to setting the customer you are actually getting the error message "Invalid salesorder reference key 1260 for customer blank"
What I do is create the customer deposit like:
var depRec = nlapiCreateRecord('customerdeposit', {entity:soRec.getFieldValue('entity'), salesorder:soId});
also setting the undeposited funds flag seems to be required (but not always for some reason) so since you are supplying an account id also do this:
depRec.setFieldValue('undepfunds', 'F');

Multiple objects with the same name were found

I'm working on an App for Office that inserts text/images into specific parts of the current Word document, as far as I've investigated, the only way to achieve this is by using ContentControls and creating a binding with:
Now, the problem is that when I have Content Controls inside both, the document body and the header/footer, I'm getting the following error:
Code: 3007
Name: Binding Creation Error
Message: Multiple objects with the same name were found.
According to Microsoft's website!, this is due to 2 or more CCs with the same name; but this is not the case since every CC that I created has an unique name, and when I move all of them to either the header/footer or the body, it works, the error just happens when they are located in different sections of the document.
This is the code I'm using:
{ id: 'logoBinding' }, function (result)
if (result.status == "failed")
result.error.message == "The named item does not exist."
(I know my English is not the best, I apologize in advance for any mistake and I can try to make it more clear, if necessary).
Any help would be really appreciated,
