How to drag/add my custom portlet to liferay page with admin Liferay? - liferay

I implemented a custom portlet with Lr 7.3.5 and the deployment was done successfully I want to drag this portlet to a page which I created with admin Liferay, the problem I didnt found the + button in the control menu to add the portlet by drag it inside the page
I used Liferay 7.3.5 latest version . Is someone has an idea maybe on how to show that btn or maybe i missed some thing .

Instead of the Add button, you have to use the Edit button in the upper right corner, looks like a pencil (is also shown on you screenshot, next to where the plus sign used to be).
I downloaded the liferay-ce-portal-tomcat-7.3.5-ga6-20200930172312275.7z to test this, and once you click the Edit button, a new menu appears on the right hand side - here you have to click Widgets and you will find your custom portlet there (you can use the search, or maybe it is located under the Sample category)
I hope this answers your question


How to implement scroll to a section/fragment on click in Liferay?

I want to implement scrolling to a particular section on click in Liferay, but I have no idea how to add functionalities in Liferay.
I have created a page using multiple fragments and in the top of the page I have headers of the sections and on click of a header the page should be scrolled to that particular section.
Attached page screenshot link below for reference
The easiest way to scroll to some place on the page is to place an anchor there, e.g. with <a name="scrollTarget"/>. In your navigation, you'll just link to this by Scroll to Target and you're set.
Of course, this can be done a lot fancier, with an animated scroll etc, but the basic start is this. There's nothing Liferay-specific hidden here - pick any of the more fancy methods, create fragments with the proper markup, and make sure they're used on your page.

Navigation in Xamarin.Form from masterdetail page

I am new to Xamarin and want to develop an Xamarin.Form Portable App.For that, I have created the project template as Xamarin.Form Portable.
After login, I have successfully created a Master Detail Page to display the Menu List like Home, AboutUs, ContactUs links in the left corner which is initially hide and when i click on the Menu Icon (Menu Icon is like three dashes(-) in parallel) all Menu List is populated to the right side in window. Now when i click on any Menu Item,I don't want to repeat the menu list or its icon in the inner pages. Instead of that, I want Navigation back arrow button instead of the Menu Icon. When I tried to navigate it like below it gives me error like "PushAsync is not supported globally on iOS/Android, please use a NavigationPage"
await Navigation.PushAsync(new AboutUs());
If instead of this, I navigate it to the master detail page and set the About Us page as Detail property of the Master Detail Page then Menu Icon and Menu list will be reapeated which i don't want. Please help me how can i show the navigate the page with Back Arrow button in inner pages.
Overall, I want functionality like in Gmail where when we open any Detail of Email Menu button is not there but the back arrow button is there.
Thanks in advance!
Try this approach(Because DetailPage must be NavigationPage in Xamarin.Forms):
await Navigation.PushAsync(new NavigationPage(new AboutUs()));

How to remove left side panel on component page?

I am using Joomla 1.6.5 with default theme "Beez2 - Default". I have created a top menu item with type as external link which has link 'index.php?option=com_sample'. When i click on this menu item i can see the output of the component 'sample'.
But on the left side there are few menus like User Menu, About Joomla, This Site. I want to remove that whole vertical panel so that i can use more space for my sample component.
I tried to search in administrator panel and on google but cant find anything to remove left panel.
How can i remove that panel? what code should i write in sample component file to make it not display the left panel..
Please guide me.... thanks in advance.!!
You need to set the menu not to appear when your component is the one used. Remove the show in all pages setting in the menu module.

android - UI like sliding down notification bar

I want to develop a panel with animation same as notification panel. I mean to say the notification panel is a cool control where you grab and slide down the notification bar and see all the notifications.
Actually, I am having 2 UI , 1st should be shown with Button at top, when user click on that button, the 2nd UI with listview items should be slide down same as notification panel and again when user click or drag the 2nd UI at the top side, then 2nd UI should be become invisible. I hope i made clear my question.
From Christian's answer, I am trying to use a sliding drawer that will display a
list of options. I need this to expand over the current ListView on the page.
So if anybody know how to implement such layout or UI with sliding down animation then please share it.
Please suggest how to build with such control or layout? any ideas or suggestions
Have you tried the SlidingDrawer widget?
Paresh I found a solution in this post about sliding drawers.
android misc widgets has it implemented , though it still has some flaws but it will definitely prove helpful.
Though in the same SO post CommonsWare has quoted :
You similarly cannot make a
SlidingDrawer that descends from the
Good Luck.
You can use SlidingTray from: to make this happen
Alternatively you can also use a custom PopupWindow class which is part of Android API.

Sharepoint search button customization

I am working on SharePoint Branding project, where i need to change the whole sharepoint look and feel according to Clients design guidelines/Visual Designs.
happy part, most of the branding is done but still i am facing problem with SEARCH BUTTON of sharepoint. Ia m not able to replace this default button with my designed button.
any direction ll be great help
What we did was replace the delegate control of the search button with our own, using a feature. In that feature we specified our custom image for the button.
This might help -
When we customised the search box we hide the default img for the search button using css and replaced it with a new background image.
You can't replace the default button with you own search button. You can however customize it to your needs using CSS styles. I have done the same thing. You can create your custom style to override the styles from the corev15.css file.
Create you custom styles css file, reference it in your page layout and just use it.
Hope that helps.
