Navigation in Xamarin.Form from masterdetail page - xamarin.ios

I am new to Xamarin and want to develop an Xamarin.Form Portable App.For that, I have created the project template as Xamarin.Form Portable.
After login, I have successfully created a Master Detail Page to display the Menu List like Home, AboutUs, ContactUs links in the left corner which is initially hide and when i click on the Menu Icon (Menu Icon is like three dashes(-) in parallel) all Menu List is populated to the right side in window. Now when i click on any Menu Item,I don't want to repeat the menu list or its icon in the inner pages. Instead of that, I want Navigation back arrow button instead of the Menu Icon. When I tried to navigate it like below it gives me error like "PushAsync is not supported globally on iOS/Android, please use a NavigationPage"
await Navigation.PushAsync(new AboutUs());
If instead of this, I navigate it to the master detail page and set the About Us page as Detail property of the Master Detail Page then Menu Icon and Menu list will be reapeated which i don't want. Please help me how can i show the navigate the page with Back Arrow button in inner pages.
Overall, I want functionality like in Gmail where when we open any Detail of Email Menu button is not there but the back arrow button is there.
Thanks in advance!

Try this approach(Because DetailPage must be NavigationPage in Xamarin.Forms):
await Navigation.PushAsync(new NavigationPage(new AboutUs()));


Can't add icon to Action Right Click Drop Down Menu in Notes Client View

I am trying to add an icon to the Right Click, Drop Down Menu , on an Action, in a View. The icon shows up in the Action Bar (with no text, but that is how it's supposed to work) at the top (see image) but in the drop down menu, it does not appear, only the text does. Is there something I am missing? Is this not suppported?
In my opinion this feature is only supported for actions in the action bar:

Joomla menu assignment not working for search page

I have a few modules assigned only for Home page but by some reason they all showing on search page. I don't need any modules showing on search page - how to disable it?
You likely need to make a menu item for the search page. Without a menu item, many pages will revert to the homepage link as the active menu item, which will cause this to happen.
If you haven't already, make a hidden menu for your site and then add the menu item for the search results page to that menu. This way it doesn't affect your main menu.
So first go Menus -> Menu Manager -> Add New Menu. Give it a name basically. (I usually call mine "Hidden".) Then go into that menu and add a menu item like normal for the Search Result type.

Watir- How can I put a hover on any HTML element

I have a web application, in that application the head menus open when we move mouse on to that (I don't want to click on that head menus because clicking on that menus redirect the page to another page).
On mouse over it opens a menu list, I will be able to select the menu item but not able to hover on to the head menu so that a drop-down menu list can appear.
fire_event("onmouseover") is not working, it is only flashing that menu(element) but not opening the drop down menu list.
Can any one give me the solution How can I put hover on to any HTML element please.
Well, there is #hover method:
browser.element(:how => what).hover
And this could also help: How to find out which JavaScript events fired?
For some reason .hover doesn't work for me, but this one does:
browser.element(how: what).fire_event(:mouseover)
No idea why.

How to add custimized context menu item on right click in browser window?

Here I want to add my custom menu option i.e. ColorZilla, Aptana Studio on web browser right click
You can only do this with a browser plugin. Each browser will have its own syntax for plugins and specifically adding context menu items.
Aleks G. is right you cannot do that directly within the browser.
I don't know if it can help you or if it is what you are looking for but, within the browser you can handle the right click interaction in order to display your own custom menu ( not a particular menu item but the full menu ) ... meaning the default browser menu won't get displayed at all.
In case you are interested, you can have a small sample here

How to remove left side panel on component page?

I am using Joomla 1.6.5 with default theme "Beez2 - Default". I have created a top menu item with type as external link which has link 'index.php?option=com_sample'. When i click on this menu item i can see the output of the component 'sample'.
But on the left side there are few menus like User Menu, About Joomla, This Site. I want to remove that whole vertical panel so that i can use more space for my sample component.
I tried to search in administrator panel and on google but cant find anything to remove left panel.
How can i remove that panel? what code should i write in sample component file to make it not display the left panel..
Please guide me.... thanks in advance.!!
You need to set the menu not to appear when your component is the one used. Remove the show in all pages setting in the menu module.
