Tabulator pagination: stop groups from being cut between pages - tabulator

I haved this Tabulator table with grouped rows.
Pagination is activated.
Say page size is 5.
If I have a group of 3 rows and a group of 2 rows, then I see:
the header for group 1
the 3 rows of group 1
the header for group 2
I have to go on the next page to see the 2 rows of group 2 (with no header)
How can I make sure row groups are not cut this way?
I'd like to find a way to tell Tabulator: "if a group cannot fit into a page, then start it on next page"
Of course I guess that would be a problem if a group would be larger than the page size, but then an error would be fine (or I guess I could check that before setting the page size)

This is not possible with Tabulator. When using pagination in Tabulator you define a page size in a number of rows.
This counts as the number of visible row elements, which includes normal rows, group headers and calculation rows.
The reason for this is to create a smoother user experience by ensuring that each page has the same number of visible rows and maintains the same height.
If the table changes height every page because it contains a different number of elements, it would cause the pagination buttons to move about which would be jarring for the user.


Excel - Find all items that share a common cell value

I am wanting to search this list:
The goal is to determine what all is inside Basket 1, determine which item of those costs the most, and return the color of that specific item. My brain is having a hard time determining the right path for this.
With a Pivot Table, you can resume data based on basket # and then filter by most valuable item, and get the color.
The set up for this Pivot Table is all fields into Rows Section, except Amount that will go into values.
NOTE: Even if my Excel language is different than yours, options I'm using should be in the same position. But anyways, besides set up from the image above, you need to apply a value filter (not label filter!), to field ID and make sure choose option TOP 10 and set it to show just TOP 1
If you just want the most expensive item, ignoring Basket #, just remove field Basket from your Pivot Table, and it will work.
Actually you could have 2 Pivot Tables, each one set up in a different way (all baskets, or each basket).

Tabulator Calculations For Multiple Groups

When grouping by multiple columns using the following function:
What I am hoping for is a total for each group (and sub group), as well as the grand total at the very bottom of the screen.
Currently, only the last defined group (column two in the above scenario) and the grand total show. I do not receive a total, per group level.
Im afraid that it is not possible to configure the table in that way at present, you can either have calculations in the child groups or the table as a whole but nothing in between

why is my view control categorized column sometimes wrapping or not "overlapping" the other columns

I have multiple views with categorization. Sometimes the view displays as it should in native Notes but other times the categorized column text wraps under the twistie and other times the column is wide as if it weren't categorized taking too much room up on the page. I'm using simple views. Can someone shed some light, I've compared and looked all over to find what to do.
Categorized columns "overlap" if you don't show "total" columns.
As soon as you show a total column in xp:viewPanel - categories are put in separate table columns and don't overlap anymore.

Web grid control supporting collapsible grouped columns

I'm looking for a web grid control that supports collapsible column groups, to address my needs:
large number of columns, up to 30 or even more
columns could be logically grouped, on average 3-5 columns per group
columns could be toggled per group, to increase readability
An ideal target is Excel-like style with "+"/"-" button to collapse/expand column groups, allowing user to focus on columns of interest at a time.
Please suggest promising candidates fitting the needs, any recommendation is highly appreciated!!
Not sure that it help you, but it's possible to implement this with TGrid
This control is not supporting column groups but, it supports custom column header templates and dynamic column reconfiguration. So you can add some controls to headers and add some code to dynamically add/remove columns.

Can I create a COUNTIF calculated column in SharePoint?

Is there a way to create a SharePoint calculated column that returns a count of the number of entries in a list? So If I have 3 customers in my list with the company "Starbucks" I'd like the field to return "3"
(Edited some wording for clarity per suggestion from dariom).
You may be able to get what you want with another list using a not-so-well-known variation of a lookup column.
Let's say you have a list called Companies with values in the title column like "Starbucks", "Peets", etc. Now you also have the Customers list you refer to, but the "Company" column is a lookup column pointing to the title column in the Companies list.
You can add a count very similar to what you described to your Companies list. Go to your Companies list, add a column of type "Lookup" referring to the Customers list and you'll notice that in the drop-down area where you define the lookup if you point back to the Customers list, you'll have a new option called "Count Related". This is here automatically because it recognizes that the Customers list has a lookup pointing back to this one. Select that Count Related option and now your Companies list will have a column counting how many customers are associated with that company.
No coding, Javascript hacks, or anything. Just hidden SharePoint auto-magic.
No, I don't think there's a way to do this using the out-of-the-box calculated column.
Some other ways you could accomplish this are:
Create a view for your list that with a group by on the company field and include the total count. This is easiest, but might not be exactly what you're looking for.
Create a custom column type that executes a CAML query to find items that you're interested in. There is a learning curve if you've not done it before and if the list that you're adding this custom column to has lots of rows, you'll be executing a query for each row which is inefficient - it'll be OK for a small number of rows.
Use an event handler on the list that updates a column value each time a new item is added or removed from a list. This is easier, but can also be inefficient if you have a large number of items in your list.
As dariom said (damn my slow typing skills, +1!), only the current row can be operated on with calculated columns by default in SharePoint. There are a couple of documented workarounds involving SharePoint Designer or jQuery, though.
You can get a Count of specific list items in an XSLT Data View
To do this you will need SharePoint Designer.
Right click on your SharePoint List view (ensure the list view contains the field you want to filter by) select convert to XSLT Data View. Then in the Data Source Windows select Data Source Tab and drag and drop the field you want to get a total on for the specific items into where you want it displayed in your XSLT Data View. Click on the numerical value that is showing you should get a lightening bolt icon, select the drop down and choose Count, then select again and choose Filter. Select "Click here to add a new clause" then choose your field name again and enter your unique value as Starbucks and click OK, you can repeat this process for other fields you want the totals on. You will now see the total number of Starbucks items in the list.
I got something similar to work in a way similar to Niall. Basically, I:
Based on the source list, created a Data View Web Part (DVWP) on a "test" web
part page.
Added the footer column, which gives a count.
Set the filter for my conditions (i.e., the items I want to count).
In the code, deleted the recurring items row.
I was left with just the footer, which displayed a filtered count for all the list items. I further customized the footer by taking out the shaded background. Finally, I exported this web part and imported it onto the page where I wanted users to see a total of items in the list (which met the criteria).
