Excel Table Rows Moving on Power Query Refresh - excel

I have a Power Query connection that's pulling data from a CSV file into an Excel table. I have then added columns to that table in Excel and added some data to those columns manually.
The issue I have is that whenever I refresh the Power Query, the 'manual' data rows don't stay lined up with the Power Query rows. Specifically, it seems that the manual data all gets shunted down a row in relation to the Power Query data, although even that isn't completely consistent.
I tried unselecting the 'Preserve column sort/filter layout' option in External Data Properties, but that went horribly wrong, as it just removes all of the manually added data from the table completely.
The Power Query itself is very simple, it just takes the CSV data, promotes the headers, changes a couple of types and removes a few columns - there's not even any data filtering going on.
Any assistance much appreciated!


Functions pulling from a refreshing power query giving REF! error

I have a changing power query which size changes based on the amount of PDF's from a folder. I have functions set up on a separate sheet tab to pull data from a range of cells from the power query tab. The main problem I have is if I load only a few of these pdf's my references will get deleted since the table range is getting removed. I have been trying to find work arounds to this, any help would be appreciated.
I tried to do a Pivot table of this data I need but I am trying to match certain criteria like an invoice and specific words to get a value. This did not work for my situation.
Example of Power Query
this is the data I am pulling that will turn into REF! if I take a pdf out and the rows shrink.

Cannot delete "ghost" table from Power Pivot

I have created many power queries and power pivot tables in my Excel file. After some time, I think the data structure may have gotten corrupted, because this is happening:
In Data Model, I have this Community_Membership table that cannot be deleted. It is the only table that has this behavior (all other tables were deleted successfully)
After that, I went to Power Query to delete all existing queries AND CONNECTIONS, so that the list is empty like below.
But this table remains un-deletable there after I have deleted all queries from queries list.
Anybody know how to fix this?
I finally recreated the file as follows:
Make a new Excel file
Copy all of the sheets
Select all of the queries from the old file's query pane, hit copy
Go to the new file's queries pane, hit paste
Go into Query Editor and edit any names with conflicts or remove any redundant queries
The entire process takes about 10 minutes as I only had about 10 queries / sheets.
I suspect this happened because I created a query, added it to the data model then went back to Power Query and edit it (either its name or its content in some mysterious way). After that the link between PQ and PP is broken so that even after the original query is deleted, its clone in PP remains. Strange.
I encountered a similar situation after having renamed a query in Power Query : Power Pivot could see the new table under the new name, but the old table was still there in Power Pivot and could not be deleted.
Finally I came up with this solution :
Make sure there are no remaining relationships or measures in Power Pivot that refer to the table you want to delete.
Create a query in Power Query, having the same name as the table you want to delete. The content of the query does not matter. Make sure that the checkbox "load into the datamodel" is checked. As a result, the synchronization between Power Pivot and Power Query is restored.
Edit the query again and uncheck the checkbox. Now Power Pivot understands that we want to remove that table.
Now you can delete the query in Power Query.

Extract data underlying Excel pivot tables with many records

I have an .xlsx with a pivot table but not the Access database that it links to. However, I believe all of the "raw" data underlying the pivot table is in the cache somewhere within the spreadsheet. My end goal is to create a CSV with the raw data. The issue with double-clicking the 'totals' row is that I'm limited to 2^20 (~ a million) rows, and the data has around 8 million. I'm currently manually filtering on a specific field foo in the pivot table then double-clicking the totals rows for each value of foo. Is there a more elegant way to do this?
As far as I know, it's not possible to save data directly from the PivotCache into a CSV. Looks like you'll have to dump the data from Access.

Excel Recalc all EXCEPT for query updates

I have a very large database that comes from a sequel server - I update it once a day.
It feeds several pivot tables, some of which use date range (calculated fields) within the database to display segments of the data.
When I change the cells that feed the formulas in the database, I need to recalculate those formulas and the pivot tables. I do not want to REFRESH the feed from the sequel server which takes up two minutes to populate at times.
I need a quick VBA code to UPDATE ALL except for the data feed....
Any ideas?
(also - when I use the Recalc macro it recalcs the pivot tables first and then updates the queries in the background...seems backwards, although it doesn't matter as I have updated the queries already)

Is it possible to filter data used by pivot table based on filtering the rows in a source table in Excel?

I have developed a dashboard in Excel 2007 that uses one source table in a sheet (being filled with a query on our data warehouse) and multiple pivot tables making different cross sections on this data.
I use the GETPIVOTDATA in almost a hundred formulas to give me the right value for a specific indicator in my dashboard.
This all works fine. However I now have received the question to make the dashboard for 5 different segments. As you can imagine I don't want to create 5 different workbooks for this and need to maintain the dashboard logic on all of them.
So my question is the following. Is it possible to automatically (through VBA or any other means) filter the results in my source table which is the source for my pivot tables and thus for my dashboard values.
So schematically:
DATABASE_VIEW --> SOURCE_TABLE --> 12 pivot tables --> 100 GETPIVOTDATA functions
Preferably I would like to load all the segments in the source_table (one view on my database) and then filter the data in the source table, which results in filterd source_dat for my pivots. This way I can (without requerying the db) quickly change between segments in the dashboards (refreshing pivots only).
Data in the source table has the column: CUSTOMER_SEGMENT available to filter upon.
Any help is appreciated.
You can manipulate all external data connections and internal pivottables through VBA.
To make it a double learner for you I recommend using the Record Macro button and then changing a filter in your pivot table and also change your SQL query a bit.
You will now see that in the recorded macro the related properties of that Pivottable/query are stated. Filters and SQL are simply Strings in the VBA code, thus you can alter certain bits to get different filters or "WHERE Cust_ID = " comboboxCust.Value kind of things.
Doing it through VBA codes to change the filters and SQL is usually more speedy then having it all interactively related with the standard Excel tools (Functions, parameters, linked filters, ...)
