Azure AD B2C login page is slow - azure-ad-b2c

I am using the Azure AD B2C authentication for Angular SPA. For some reason the login takes around 10 secs to load, when I check the browser dev tool there are 2 request which take most of the time. Is there a way to optimize this load time.
Open Id configuration endpoint - 3sec
Authorize endpoint - 6sec
Dev tools screen

Please note that event if Azure AD B2C is considered as global service in the Azure cloud, users' data is stored in the specific region that you select during Azure AD B2C tenant creation.
Here is presented how it works - directory store is hosted under the region you specified for the Azure AD B2C tenant:
Additional latency is only encountered when the user has performed an authentication in a different region from which they had signed-up in. This is because, calls will be made across regions to reach the Directory Store where their profile lives to complete their authentication.
To solve the problem with multiple regions and reduce the time, you can check Azure Active Directory B2C global identity framework.
Above information is included in it. Hope this clarifies a bit.


Azure B2C useflow loops many times before succeed

I'm currently having an unusual issue with azure b2c user flows.
The scenario of the issue:
I have many users and sometimes (not all of them) they get stuck in a loop when they try to log in. They have to perform successfully log-in in 2 or 3 times in a row just to finally get access to the application.
So far I couldn't find any solution or any reason for this behavior. Is this a common trouble using azure b2c or it could be something related to the network?
Any advice or clue would be great!
First you need to confirm where the 'loop' is happening. It's either happening:
Within Azure AD B2C policy
Between App and Azure AD B2C
Determine this by using Fiddler or logs (application logs and Azure AD B2C logs)
If Within Azure AD B2C policy, there's something misconfigured within your policy
If Between App and Azure AD B2C, either your application is not parsing the token correctly - this could be MSAL not setup correctly, it's thinking the token isn't valid or it's expired, or even missing some claim. To fix this, look at the application logs first to see if it states why it's having to automatically make a new request.
Network related is always a factor to consider - especially if you have a WAF. Again, always check your logs before trying to change anything. Additionally, always test with multiple browsers (if this is a web app) since browsers can be bad actors when testing - especially with session management.

Correct implementation of multi-tenancy in Azure Active Directory

Lets say I set up and create a new Azure Account and Subscription. Azure automatically creates me an Azure AD called "".
Later I deploy REST API and Angular SPA app to Azure. Since I'm using Azure AD for authentication and authorization on both of the applications I register them on my Azure AD, under the domain "".
Everything works fine, however after some time I realize that I want to allow access to my services/apps to other organizations. After doing some research I realize that what I want to achieve is multi-tenancy.
In order to register a new tenant I do the following:
Go to Azure portal.
On the left blade menu click on "Create a resource" and search for "Azure Active Directory".
Create a new directory called "".
Next, I update my registered apps (on "") according to this documentation - enabling multi tenancy and common endpoint.
After all of this, both users from AD "" and "" should be able to authenticate and access my services.
Is this the correct way of achieving and implementing multi tenancy?
You don't need to create a new Azure AD tenant ( Just register the application in the existing tenant or mark the existing application as multi-tenant. Then, existing other AAD tenants will be able to signup to use your app without doing further registrations. You will need to modify your app code to accept tokens from other tenants, e.g. enter link description here This link points to a regular .NET web app, not SPA. You will need to translate it to your SPA environment.
I'm not sure of your high level use case but one thing to note about the AAD multi-tenant approach. You are assuming that person signing in has an Azure AD tenant, for example through Office365.
If they don't have an Azure AD then they won't be able to sign in.
You 'could' create an AAD for each new tenant and create a user account in there.
They would have the address and could add their own domain later.
That way they can then take advantage of all the enterprise features of AzureAD.
It might be a use case, but I think you would need an AAD per tenant and I'm not sure of the limits or if this is best practice.
You can also look at B2C if you want social logins/other OpenIDConnect.

Why Azure AD B2C creates user for Gmail users or other openid connect users?

I am using Azure B2C to connect my own openid connect server using OpenID onnect (Preview) provider. I configured every thing, system is working fine.
But one thing is when a new user logs in through my own openid connect server, Azure AD B2C creates this user in Azure AD which is connected to Azure B2C.
My intention is that, My client application has to call Azure B2C. Azure B2C should display list of identity providers. one among those providers is my own openid connect server. Then user can input his credential in my own openid connect server and verified and return back to Azure B2C with id_token. after this step Azure AD B2C is asking me to create this user in Azure AD. why this is happening ?
I cannot provide my user details to any intermediate systems. Please help me on this.
The same scenario is happening for gmail users also. but only first time login or when we change some signin policy attributes.
Based on my experience, even for externally authenticated users (social sign-in) AAD B2C always creates an object in its local store (which is actually an Azure AD directory). I can't speak authoritatively, but a couple of reasons for this would be 1) the ability to generate and maintain an immutable ID for a user that is somewhat independent of the social IdP, and 2) the ability to collect and store additional attributes which are not available from the social IdP.
I believe you can make the process invisible to your users - they don't necessarily have to be prompted to enter additional attributes or to create a user - but it will still happen in the background.

Azure AD B2C Tenant seems corrupted after using AAD Graph Client

A few days ago, before implementing user management with the Azure Active Directory Graph API (not Microsoft Graph) in our web app for Azure AD B2C users, I was able to log into the Azure Portal, find the Azure Active Directory B2C resource, click on it, and successfully authenticate into it in order to edit policies, view the list of users, etc.
(Clicking the tenant in the screenshot used to work!)
Now when I click on it, the screen flashes about 10 times, attempting to log my user into the tenant. But afterward, the following error is returned:
Furthermore, when I attempt to log into the web app with that same user, I get the following error message:
ERROR: Your account has been locked. Contact your support person to unlock it, then try again.
How do I unlock the account if I can't even get into the Azure AD B2C tenant? Did I corrupt the tenant by using the AAD Graph Client?
I'm adding more information about how I'm using the Azure AD Graph Client, in case it is important to diagnose why I, nor any other admin on my team, can log into the AAD B2C tenant.
I think the most relevant piece of how I'm using the Azure AD Graph Client is the following to update a user's "Organization" extension/custom attribute:
The x's represent the AAD B2C generated identifier associated with the extension and the y's represent a user GUID.
Body: {
Is this incorrect use of the graph client? How do I get the AAD B2C tenant back to a state where I can log into it?
Furthermore, I also found the following link which talks about existing issues in AAD B2C management:
Does this link apply at all? (My guess is no because it is the tenant itself that seems to be in a weird state, not the application associated with the tenant)
Due to the screen flashes about 10 times .It seems that you tried to login the Azure too many times within a short time. Azure login server has its own policy to prevent this kind of uncommon login event.
Try to use another admin account to login the b2c Tenant and reset your account password. If you don't have , call other admins to help you.
Otherwise, you need to wait and try to login later.
Additional, your client broswer may come across some issue which causes this event. You'd better check the evironment for your work.

Using policies with azure app registrations vs using policies with azure b2c applications

I am using Custom Policies on Azure B2C.
When I want to run the Custom Policy I can choose the application which I want to use with the policy. I saw that I'm not only able to use my applications from Azure B2C, I can use the applications from the App Registration section.
What is the differences. I've been able to signup and sign in users with both types of applications.
Thanks in advance!
The two sets of apps are completely independent of each other.
You should not be able to see any of the Azure AD B2C apps in the Application Registration in Azure Active directory.Also, the apps in the Application Registration should not be visible in the B2C .
In your issue , I assume that you should have add two apps in the two places.
What is the differences.
Application in Azure AD B2C :To build an application that accepts consumer sign-up and sign-in, you first need to register the application with an Azure Active Directory B2C tenant.
Application Registration in Azure AD: This creates an Application ID for the application, and enables it to receive tokens. In order to get a client ID and secret from Azure, you have to register the app and provide some basic information about it, including what resources your app wants to access, and what permissions it needs.
Depending on your scenario, you could register an application in both portals, and use the right one depending on the request you need to make.
The apps that are registered through each different location (Azure Active AD versus Azure AD B2C) are given credentials that are valid for any policy, including custom policies you have uploaded.
The end result is the same: you have an application that is registered with and can access the policy regardless of how that app/policy was created.
