Azure Data Factory Error: "incorrect syntax near" - azure

I'm trying to do a simple incremental update from an on-prem database as source to Azure SQL database based on a varchar column called "RP" in On-Prem database that contains "date+staticdescription" for example: "20210314MetroFactory"
1- I've created a Lookup activity called Lookup1 using a table created in Azure SQL Database and uses this Query
"Select RP from SubsetwatermarkTable"
2- I've created a Copy data activity where the source settings have this Query
"Select * from SourceDevSubsetTable WHERE RP NOT IN '#{activity('Lookup1').output.value}'"
When debugging -- I'm getting the error:
Failure type: User configuration issue
Details: Failure happened on 'Source' side.
'Type=System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,Message=Incorrect syntax near
SqlClient Data
syntax near
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong and how to fix it even if it requires creating more activities.
Note: There is no LastModifiedDate column in the table. Also I haven't yet created the StoredProcedure that will update the Lookup table when it is done with the incremental copy.

Steve is right as to why it is failling and the query you need in the Copy Data.
As he says, you want a comma-separated list of quoted values to use in your IN clause.
You can get this more easily though - from your Lookup directly using this query:-
select stuff(
select ','''+rp+''''
from subsetwatermarktable
for xml path('')
, 1, 1, ''
) as in_clause
The sub-query gets the comma separated list with quotes around each rp-value, but has a spurious comma at the start - the outer query with stuff removes this.
Now tick the First Row Only box on the Lookup and change your Copy Data source query to:
select *
from SourceDevSubsetTable
where rp not in (#{activity('lookup').output.firstRow.in_clause})

The result of #activity('Lookup1').output.value is an array like your error shows
SqlClient Data
syntax near
However, your SQL should be like this:Select * from SourceDevSubsetTable WHERE RP NOT IN ('20210307_1Plant 1KAO','20210314MetroFactory',...).
To achieve this in ADF, you need to do something like this:
create three variables like the following screenshot:
loop your result of #activity('Lookup1').output.value and append 'item().RP' to arrayvalues:
3.cast arrayvalues to string and add parentheses by Set variable activity
4.copy to your Azure SQL database
expression:Select * from SourceDevSubsetTable WHERE RP NOT IN #{variables('stringvalues')}


ADF Creating a LookUp Activity Query with a Variable

We have a bug in Final Testing. I am trying to make the following Query in a LookUp Activity:
SELECT ShortName, EEOXrefCode FROM [MercerStagingDev].[MILKY-WAYTEST\AppSQLVST4DotNetDev-R].[Copy of Battelle Work Assignment Fields Jobs]
WHERE XRefCode = #variables('JobXRefCode')
I have the Set Variable showing the correct String 'JobXrefCode' but am getting a crazy error. Please help; I must figure out how to do this "syntax" this weekend.
Mike Kiser
Error code
Troubleshooting guide
Failure type
User configuration issue
Failure happened on 'Source' side. ErrorCode=SqlOperationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=A database operation failed with the following error: 'Must declare the scalar variable "#variables".',Source=,''Type=System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,Message=Must declare the scalar variable "#variables".,Source=.Net SqlClient Data Provider,SqlErrorNumber=137,Class=15,ErrorCode=-2146232060,State=2,Errors=[{Class=15,Number=137,State=2,Message=Must declare the scalar variable "#variables".,},],'
Please try this expression:
SELECT ShortName, EEOXrefCode
FROM [MercerStagingDev].[MILKY-WAYTEST\AppSQLVST4DotNetDev-R].[Copy of Battelle Work Assignment Fields Jobs]
WHERE XRefCode = '#{variables('JobXRefCode')}'
Expressions can also appear inside strings, using a feature called
string interpolation where expressions are wrapped in #{ ... }. For
example: "name" : "First Name: #{pipeline().parameters.firstName} Last
Name: #{pipeline().parameters.lastName}"
Using string interpolation, the result is always a string.
So when you do something like this SQL: SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE ColumnName = 'value', you can use this expression.
Here are some samples in ADF Tutorials:
Expressions and functions in Azure Data Factory
Incrementally load data from Azure SQL Database to Azure Blob storage using the Azure portal
Incrementally load data from multiple tables in SQL Server to a database in Azure SQL Database using the Azure portal

Unable to get scalar value of a query on cosmos db in azure data factory

I am trying to get the count of all records present in cosmos db in a lookup activity of azure data factory. I need this value to do a comparison with other value activity outputs.
The query I used is SELECT VALUE count(1) from c
When I try to preview the data after inserting this query I get an error saying
One or more errors occurred. Unable to cast object of type
'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue' to type 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject'
as shown in the below image:
snapshot of my azure lookup activity settings
Could someone help me in resolving this error and if this is the limitation of azure data factory how can I get the count of all the rows of the cosmos db document using some other ways inside azure data factory?
I reproduce your issue on my side exactly.
I think the count result can't be mapped as normal JsonObject. As workaround,i think you could just use Azure Function Activity(Inside Azure Function method ,you could use SDK to execute any sql as you want) to output your desired result: {"number":10}.Then bind the Azure Function Activity with other activities in ADF.
Here is contradiction right now:
The query sql outputs a scalar array,not other things like jsonObject,or even jsonstring.
However, ADF Look Up Activity only accepts JObject,not JValue. I can't use any convert built-in function here because the query sql need to be produced with correct syntax anyway. I already submitted a ticket to MS support team,but get no luck with this limitation.
I also tried select count(1) as num from c which works in the cosmos db portal. But it still has limitation because the sql crosses partitions.
So,all i can do here is trying to explain the root cause of issue,but can't change the product behaviours.
2 rough ideas:
1.Try no-partitioned collection to execute above sql to produce json output.
2.If the count is not large,try to query columns from db and loop the result with ForEach Activity.
You can use:
select top 1 column from c order by column desc

ADF copy data activity - check for duplicate records before inserting into SQL db

I have a very simple ADF pipeline to copy data from local mongoDB (self-hosted integration environment) to Azure SQL database.
My pipleline is able to copy the data from mongoDB and insert into SQL db.
Currently if I run the pipeline it inserts duplicate data if run multiple times.
I have made _id column as unique in SQL database and now running pipeline throws and error because of SQL constraint wont letting it insert the record.
How do I check for duplicate _id before inserting into SQL db?
should I use Pre-copy script / stored procedure?
Some guidance / directions would be helpful on where to add extra steps. Thanks
Azure Data Factory Data Flow can help you achieve that:
You can follow these steps:
Add two sources: Cosmos db table(source1) and SQL database table(source2).
Using Join active to get all the data from two tables(left join/full join/right join) on Cosmos SQL
AlterRow expression to filter the duplicate _id, it not duplicate then insert it.
Then mapping the no-duplicate column to the Sink SQL database table.
Hope this helps.
You Should implement your SQL Logic to eliminate duplicate at the Pre-Copy Script
Currently I got the solution using a Stored Procedure which look like a lot less work as far this requirement is concerned.
I have followed this article:
I created table type and used in stored procedure to check for duplicate.
my sproc is very simple as shown below:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spInsertIntoDb]
(#sresults dbo.targetSensingResults READONLY)
MERGE dbo.sensingresults AS target
USING #sresults AS source
ON (target._id = source._id)
INSERT (_id, sensorNumber, applicationType, place, spaceType, floorCode, zoneCountNumber, presenceStatus, sensingTime, createdAt, updatedAt, _v)
VALUES (source._id, source.sensorNumber, source.applicationType,, source.spaceType, source.floorCode,
source.zoneCountNumber, source.presenceStatus, source.sensingTime, source.createdAt, source.updatedAt, source.updatedAt);
I think using stored proc should do for and also will help in future if I need to do more transformation.
Please let me know if using sproc in this case has potential risk in future ?
To remove the duplicates you can use the pre-copy script. OR what you can do is you can store the incremental or new data into a temp table using copy activity and use a store procedure to delete only those Ids from the main table which are in temp table after deletion insert the temp table data into the main table. and then drop the temp table.

Is there any alternative of CREATE TYPE in SQL as CREATE TYPE is Not supported in Azure SQL data warehouse

I am trying to execute this query but as userdefined(Create type) types are not supportable in azure data warehouse. and i want to use it in stored procedure.
CREATE TYPE DataTypeforCustomerTable AS TABLE(
PersonID int,
Name varchar(255),
LastModifytime datetime
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_upsert_customer_table #customer_table DataTypeforCustomerTable READONLY
MERGE customer_table AS target
USING #customer_table AS source
ON (target.PersonID = source.PersonID)
UPDATE SET Name = source.Name,LastModifytime = source.LastModifytime
INSERT (PersonID, Name, LastModifytime)
VALUES (source.PersonID, source.Name, source.LastModifytime);
CREATE TYPE DataTypeforProjectTable AS TABLE(
Project varchar(255),
Creationtime datetime
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_upsert_project_table #project_table DataTypeforProjectTable READONLY
MERGE project_table AS target
USING #project_table AS source
ON (target.Project = source.Project)
UPDATE SET Creationtime = source.Creationtime
INSERT (Project, Creationtime)
VALUES (source.Project, source.Creationtime);
Is there any alternative way to do this.
You've got a few challenges there, because most of what you're trying to convert is not the way to do things on ASDW.
First, as you point out, CREATE TYPE is not supported, and there is no equivalent alternative.
Next, the code appears to be doing single inserts to a table. That's really bad on ASDW, performance will be dreadful.
Next, there's no MERGE statement (yet) for ASDW. That's because UPDATE is not the best way to handle changing data.
And last, stored procedures work a little differently on ASDW, they're not compiled, but interpreted each time the procedure is called. Stored procedures are great for big chunks of table-level logic, but not recommended for high volume calls with single-row operations.
I'd need to know more about the use case to make specific recommendations, but in general you need to think in tables rather than rows. In particular, focus on the CREATE TABLE AS (CTAS) way of handling your ELT.
Here's a good link, it shows how the equivalent of a Merge/Upsert can be handled using a CTAS:
As you'll see, it processes two tables at a time, rather than one row. This means you'll need to review the logic that called your stored procedure example.
If you get your head around doing everything in CTAS, and separately around Distribution, you're well on your way to having a high performance data warehouse.
Temp tables in Azure SQL Data Warehouse have a slightly different behaviour to box product SQL Server or Azure SQL Database - they exist at the session level. So all you have to do is convert your CREATE TYPE statements to temp tables and split the MERGE out into separate INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE statements as required.
CREATE TABLE #DataTypeforCustomerTable (
PersonID INT,
Name VARCHAR(255),
LastModifytime DATETIME
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_upsert_customer_table
-- Add records which do not already exist
INSERT INTO customer_table ( PersonID, Name, LastModifytime )
SELECT PersonID, Name, LastModifytime
FROM #DataTypeforCustomerTable AS source
FROM customer_table target
WHERE source.PersonID = target.PersonID
Simply load the temp table and execute the stored proc. See here for more details on temp table scope.
If you are altering a large portion of the table then you should consider the CTAS approach to create a new table, then rename it as suggested by Ron.

Unable to select from SQL Database tables using node-ibm_db

I created a new table in the Bluemix SQL Database service by uploading a csv (baseball.csv) and took the default table name of "baseball".
I created a simple app in Node.js which is just trying to select data from the table with select * from baseball, but I keep getting the following error:
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0204N "USERxxxx.BASEBALL" in an undefined name
Why can't it find my database table?
This issue seems independent of bluemix, rather it is usage error.
This error is possibly caused by following:
The object identified by name is not defined in the database.
User response
Ensure that the object name (including any required qualifiers) is correctly specified in the SQL statement and it exists.
try running "list tables" from command prompt to check if your table spelling is correct or not.
I created the table from SQL Database web UI in bluemix and took the default name of baseball. It looks like this creates a case-sensitive table name.
Unfortunately for me, the sql_db libary (and all db2 clients I believe) auto-capitalizes the SQL query into "SELECT * FROM BASEBALL"
The solution was to either
A. Explicitly name my table BASEBALL in the web UI; or
B. Modify my sql query by quoting the table name:
select * from "baseball"
More info at
