How to create a critical section with Mutex in Rust? - rust

I'm new to Rust. I'm supposed to use a Mutex and an Arc to create a critical section within the print_lots function to stop the race condition from happening. Any Ideas?
fn main() {
let num_of_threads = 4;
let mut array_of_threads = vec![];
for id in 0..num_of_threads {
array_of_threads.push(std::thread::spawn(move || print_lots(id)));
for t in array_of_threads {
t.join().expect("Thread join failure");
fn print_lots(id: u32) {
println!("Begin [{}]", id);
for _i in 0..100 {
print!("{} ", id);
println!("\nEnd [{}]", id);

Mutex in Rust perhaps works differently to how locks work in some other languages you might be used to. Instead of tracking the lock independently from the value, a Rust Mutex owns the data and prevents accessing it without first obtaining a lock, which is enforced at compile time.
The warning you are getting is because you have locked the Mutex, but then done nothing with the value. The warning is there because this is almost certainly a mistake.
fn main() {
let foo = Mutex::new(0);
// It's often best to just unwrap and panic if the lock is poisoned
if let Ok(mut lock) = foo.lock() {
*lock = 2;
// The mutex is unlocked automatically when lock goes out of scope here
println!("{:?}", foo); // Mutex { data: 2 }
I am guessing that your real problem is that you want to synchronise the print statements so that output from different threads is not intermingled.
One way to do that is to obtain a lock on StdOut which actually uses a lock internally and provides a similar API to Mutex:
fn print_lots(id: u32) {
let stdout = io::stdout();
println!("Begin [{}]", id);
let mut handle = stdout.lock();
for _i in 0..100 {
write!(&mut handle, "{} ", id).unwrap();
println!("\nEnd [{}]", id);
// handle is dropped here, unlocking stdout
In your simplified example, creating a long-lived lock in each thread is counterproductive since each thread will block the others and the result is sequential rather than concurrent. This might still make sense though if your real-world code has more going on.

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
fn main() {
let num_of_threads = 4;
let mut array_of_threads = vec![];
let counter = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
for id in 0..num_of_threads {
let counter_clone = counter.clone();
array_of_threads.push(std::thread::spawn(move || print_lots(id, counter_clone)));
for t in array_of_threads {
t.join().expect("Thread join failure");
fn print_lots(id: u32, c: Arc<Mutex<u32>>) {
println!("Begin [{}]", id);
let _guard = c.lock().unwrap();
for _i in 0..100 {
print!("{} ", id);
println!("\nEnd [{}]", id);


Are non-atomic writes safe to read if gated by an atomic operation?

I want to create an object that is "empty" but can complex data (here a and b) that I can update later and set an atomic flag to mark it as non-empty so that it can be used in other threads. Pseudo example:
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{thread, time};
struct MyObject {
is_empty: AtomicBool,
a: Cell<u64>,
b: Cell<u64>,
unsafe impl Sync for MyObject {}
fn main() {
let obj = Arc::new(MyObject {
is_empty: AtomicBool::new(true),
a: Cell::new(0),
b: Cell::new(0)
let thread_obj = obj.clone();
let t = thread::spawn(move || {
while thread_obj.is_empty.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
println!("a is: {}", thread_obj.a.get());
println!("b is: {}", thread_obj.b.get());
obj.b.set(5);, Ordering::SeqCst);
See it on the Rust Playground
It seems to work, but that doesn't mean much. I'm mostly concerned if the writes to a and b will definitely be visible to other threads that read is_empty as false. If I guarantee:
all writes to a and b occur before setting the flag
no thread reads a and b before the flag is set
is this ok?
I could use an AtomicPtr instead, create the object in full, and swap the pointer, but I'm curious if I can avoid the extra indirection.
You might wanna use Release and Acquire instead of SeqCst
Release :
When coupled with a store, all previous operations become ordered before any load of this value with Acquire (or stronger) ordering. In particular, all previous writes become visible to all threads that perform an Acquire (or stronger) load of this value.
Acquire :
When coupled with a load, if the loaded value was written by a store operation with Release (or stronger) ordering, then all subsequent operations become ordered after that store. In particular, all subsequent loads will see data written before the store.
Change this:
fn main() {
let obj = Arc::new(MyObject {
is_empty: AtomicBool::new(true),
a: Cell::new(0),
b: Cell::new(0)
let thread_obj = obj.clone();
let t = thread::spawn(move || {
while thread_obj.is_empty.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
println!("a is: {}", thread_obj.a.get());
println!("b is: {}", thread_obj.b.get());
obj.b.set(5);, Ordering::SeqCst);
Into :
fn main() {
let obj = Arc::new(MyObject {
is_empty: AtomicBool::new(true),
a: Cell::new(0),
b: Cell::new(0)
let thread_obj = obj.clone();
let t = thread::spawn(move || {
while thread_obj.is_empty.load(Ordering::Acquire){ // change
println!("a is: {}", thread_obj.a.get());
println!("b is: {}", thread_obj.b.get());
obj.b.set(5);, Ordering::Release); //change
Also see docs and nomicon.

How to let struct hold a thread and destroy thread as soon as it go out of scope

struct ThreadHolder{
state: ???
thread: ???
impl ThreadHolder {
fn launch(&mut self) {
self.thread = ???
// in thread change self.state
fn test() {
let mut th = ThreadHolder{...};
// thread will be destroy as soon as th go out of scope
I think there is something to deal with lifetime, but I don't know how to write it.
What you want is so simple that you don't even need it to be mutable in any way, and then it becomes trivial to share it across threads, unless you want to reset it. You said you need to leave a thread, for one reason or another, therefore I'll assume that you don't care about this.
You instead can poll it every tick (most games run in ticks so I don't think there will be any issue implementing that).
I will provide example that uses sleep, so it's not most accurate thing, it is painfully obvious on the last subsecond duration, but I am not trying to do your work for you anyway, there's enough resources on internet that can help you deal with it.
Here it goes:
use std::{
thread::{self, Result},
time::{Duration, Instant},
struct Timer {
end: Instant,
impl Timer {
fn new(duration: Duration) -> Self {
// this code is valid for now, but might break in the future
// future so distant, that you really don't need to care unless
// you let your players draw for eternity
let end = Instant::now().checked_add(duration).unwrap();
Timer { end }
fn left(&self) -> Duration {
// more usable than above with fractional value being accounted for
fn secs_left(&self) -> u64 {
let span = self.left();
span.as_secs() + if span.subsec_millis() > 0 { 1 } else { 0 }
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let timer = Timer::new(Duration::from_secs(10));
let timer_main = Arc::new(timer);
let timer = timer_main.clone();
let t = thread::spawn(move || loop {
let seconds_left = timer.secs_left();
println!("[Worker] Seconds left: {}", seconds_left);
if seconds_left == 0 {
loop {
let seconds_left = timer_main.secs_left();
println!("[Main] Seconds left: {}", seconds_left);
if seconds_left == 5 {
println!("[Main] 5 seconds left, waiting for worker thread to finish work.");
println!("[Main] worker thread finished work, shutting down!");
By the way, this kind of implementation wouldn't be any different in any other language, so please don't blame Rust for it. It's not the easiest language, but it provides more than enough tools to build anything you want from scratch as long as you put effort into it.
Goodluck :)
I think I got it work
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread::{sleep, spawn, JoinHandle};
use std::time::Duration;
struct Timer {
pub(crate) time: Arc<Mutex<u32>>,
jh_ticker: Option<JoinHandle<()>>,
impl Timer {
fn new<T>(i: T, duration: Duration) -> Self
T: Iterator<Item = u32> + Send + 'static,
let time = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
let arc_time = time.clone();
let jh_ticker = Some(spawn(move || {
for item in i {
let mut mg = arc_time.lock().unwrap();
*mg = item;
drop(mg); // needed, otherwise this thread will always hold lock
Timer { time, jh_ticker }
impl Drop for Timer {
fn drop(&mut self) {
fn test_timer() {
let t = Timer::new(0..=10, Duration::from_secs(1));
let a = t.time.clone();
for _ in 0..100 {
let b = *a.lock().unwrap();
println!("{}", b);

Is there an API to race N threads (or N closures on N threads) to completion?

Given several threads that complete with an Output value, how do I get the first Output that's produced? Ideally while still being able to get the remaining Outputs later in the order they're produced, and bearing in mind that some threads may or may not terminate.
struct Output(i32);
fn main() {
let mut spawned_threads = Vec::new();
for i in 0..10 {
let join_handle: ::std::thread::JoinHandle<Output> = ::std::thread::spawn(move || {
// pretend to do some work that takes some amount of time
(1000 - (100 * i)) as u64,
Output(i) // then pretend to return the `Output` of that work
// I can do this to wait for each thread to finish and collect all `Output`s
let outputs_in_order_of_thread_spawning = spawned_threads
// but how would I get the `Output`s in order of completed threads?
I could solve the problem myself using a shared queue/channels/similar, but are there built-in APIs or existing libraries which could solve this use case for me more elegantly?
I'm looking for an API like:
fn race_threads<A: Send>(
threads: Vec<::std::thread::JoinHandle<A>>
) -> (::std::thread::Result<A>, Vec<::std::thread::JoinHandle<A>>) {
unimplemented!("so far this doesn't seem to exist")
(Rayon's join is the closest I could find, but a) it only races 2 closures rather than an arbitrary number of closures, and b) the thread pool w/ work stealing approach doesn't make sense for my use case of having some closures that might run forever.)
It is possible to solve this use case using pointers from How to check if a thread has finished in Rust? just like it's possible to solve this use case using an MPSC channel, however here I'm after a clean API to race n threads (or failing that, n closures on n threads).
These problems can be solved by using a condition variable:
use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex};
struct Output(i32);
enum State {
fn main() {
let pair = Arc::new((Mutex::new(Vec::new()), Condvar::new()));
let mut spawned_threads = Vec::new();
let &(ref lock, ref cvar) = &*pair;
for i in 0..10 {
let my_pair = pair.clone();
let join_handle: ::std::thread::JoinHandle<Output> = ::std::thread::spawn(move || {
// pretend to do some work that takes some amount of time
(1000 - (100 * i)) as u64,
let &(ref lock, ref cvar) = &*my_pair;
let mut joinable = lock.lock().unwrap();
joinable[i] = State::Joinable;
Output(i as i32) // then pretend to return the `Output` of that work
let mut should_stop = false;
while !should_stop {
let locked = lock.lock().unwrap();
let mut locked = cvar.wait(locked).unwrap();
should_stop = true;
for (i, state) in locked.iter_mut().enumerate() {
match *state {
State::Starting => {
should_stop = false;
State::Joinable => {
*state = State::Joined;
println!("{:?}", spawned_threads[i].take().unwrap().join());
State::Joined => (),
(playground link)
I'm not claiming this is the simplest way to do it. The condition variable will awake the main thread every time a child thread is done. The list can show the state of each thread, if one is (about to) finish, it can be joined.
No, there is no such API.
You've already been presented with multiple options to solve your problem:
Use channels
Use a CondVar
Use futures
Sometimes when programming, you have to go beyond sticking pre-made blocks together. This is supposed to be a fun part of programming. I encourage you to embrace it. Go create your ideal API using the components available and publish it to
I really don't see what's so terrible about the channels version:
use std::{sync::mpsc, thread, time::Duration};
struct Output(i32);
fn main() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
for i in 0..10 {
let tx = tx.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis((1000 - (100 * i)) as u64));
// Don't hold on to the sender ourselves
// Otherwise the loop would never terminate
for r in rx {
println!("{:?}", r);

Condition variable not playing well with thread::sleep

I'm not sure I understand Rust's concurrency support with Mutexes and condition variables. In the following code, the main thread sets the poll_thread to be idle for two seconds, then to "read a register" for 2 seconds, and then return to "idle":
use std::thread;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Condvar};
use std::time;
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
enum Command {
fn poll_thread(sync_pair: Arc<(Mutex<Command>, Condvar)>) {
let &(ref mutex, ref cvar) = &*sync_pair;
loop {
let mut flag = mutex.lock().unwrap();
while *flag == Command::Idle {
flag = cvar.wait(flag).unwrap();
match *flag {
Command::Idle => {
println!("WHAT IMPOSSIBLE!");
Command::ReadRegister(i) => {
println!("You want me to read {}?", i);
println!("Ok, here it is: {}", 42);
pub fn main() {
let pair = Arc::new((Mutex::new(Command::Idle), Condvar::new()));
let pclone = pair.clone();
let rx_thread = thread::spawn(|| poll_thread(pclone));
let &(ref mutex, ref cvar) = &*pair;
for i in 0..10 {
if i == 4 {
println!("Setting ReadRegister");
let mut flag = mutex.lock().unwrap();
*flag = Command::ReadRegister(5);
println!("flag is = {:?}", *flag);
} else if i == 8 {
println!("Setting Idle");
let mut flag = mutex.lock().unwrap();
*flag = Command::Idle;
println!("flag is = {:?}", *flag);
println!("after notify_one()");
This works as expected, but when the line to sleep for 450 milliseconds is uncommented, the code will often remain in the "read" state and not return to waiting on the condition variable cvar.wait(). Sometimes it will return to idle after, say, 15 seconds!
I would think that when poll_thread reaches the bottom of the loop, it would release the lock, allowing main to acquire and set flag = Command::Idle, and within roughly half a second, poll_thread would return to idle, but it appears that isn't happening when poll_thread sleeps. Why?

What is the best way to share a big read-only structure between two threads?

One thread calculates some data that takes about 1GB of RAM and another thread only reads this data. What is the best way to implement this?
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
fn main() {
let mut shared: i32 = 0; // will be changed to big structure
thread::spawn(move || {
loop {
shared += 1;
println!("write shared {}", shared);
thread::spawn(move || {
loop {
println!("read shared = ???"); // <---------------- ????
You can run this code online (
The code and your statements don't really make sense together. For example, there's nothing that prevents the second thread from finishing before the first thread ever has a chance to start. Yes, I see the sleeps, but sleeping is not a viable concurrency solution.
For the question as asked, I'd use a channel. This allows one thread to produce a value and then transfer ownership of that value to another thread:
use std::thread;
use std::sync::mpsc;
fn main() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
let a = thread::spawn(move || {
let large_value = 1;
println!("write large_value {}", large_value);
tx.send(large_value).expect("Unable to send");
let b = thread::spawn(move || {
let large_value = rx.recv().expect("Unable to receive");
println!("read shared = {}", large_value);
a.join().expect("Unable to join a");
b.join().expect("Unable to join b");
For the code as presented, there's really no other options besides a Mutex or a RwLock. This allows one thread to mutate the shared value for a while, then the other thread may read it for a while (subject to the vagaries of the OS scheduler):
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
fn main() {
let shared = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
let shared_1 = shared.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
loop {
let mut shared = shared_1.lock().expect("Unable to lock");
*shared += 1;
println!("write large_value {}", *shared);
thread::spawn(move || {
loop {
let shared = shared.lock().expect("Unable to lock");
println!("read shared = {}", *shared);
None of this is particularly unique to Rust; channels are quite popular in Go and Clojure and mutexes have existed for A Very Long Time. I'd suggest checking out any of the numerous beginner's guides on the Internet for multithreading and the perils therein.
