I need to read response (on Domino Console) for command like: "tell http show security"
It works when I do 'show' commands (see example below). Res will get full response.
res = notesSession.SendConsoleCommand("server", "show server")
However that does not work for 'tell' commands. It returns a string
res = notesSession.SendConsoleCommand("server", "tell http show security")
Command has been executed on remote server. Use 'Live' console option,
in future, to view response from server.
I have also tried to do
tell http show security >http_security.txt
File gets same string
Command has been executed on remote server. Use 'Live' console option,
in future, to view response from server.
Is there a nice way to read response?
p.s. I would like to avoid scanning log.nsf as it's going to be heavy task.
I'm working on a CLI with OCLIF. In one of the commands, I need to simulate a couple of clicks on a web page (using the WebdriverIO framework for that). Before you're able to reach the desired page, there is a redirect to a page with a login prompt. When I use WebdriverIO methods related to alerts such as browser.getAlertText(), browser.sendAlertText() or browser.acceptAlert, I always get the error no such alert.
As an alternative, I tried to get the URL when I am on the page that shows the login prompt. With the URL, I wanted to do something like browser.url(https://<username>:<password>#<url>) to circumvent the prompt. However, browser.url() returns chrome-error://chromewebdata/ as URL when I'm on that page. I guess because the focus is on the prompt and that doesn't have an URL. I also don't know the URL before I land on that page. When being redirected, a query string parameter containing a token is added to the URL that I need.
A screenshot of the prompt:
Is it possible to handle this scenario with WebdriverIO? And if so, how?
You are on the right track, probably there are some fine-tunings that you need to address to get it working.
First off, regarding the chrome-error://chromewebdata errors, quoting Chrome DOCs:
If you see errors with a location like chrome-error://chromewebdata/
in the error stack, these errors are not from the extension or from
your app - they are usually a sign that Chrome was not able to load
your app.
When you see these errors, first check whether Chrome was able to load
your app. Does Chrome say "This site can't be reached" or something
similar? You must start your own server to run your app. Double-check
that your server is running, and that the url and port are configured
A lot of words that sum up to: Chrome couldn't load the URL you used inside the browser.url() command.
I tried myself on The Internet - Basic Auth page. It worked like a charm.
URL without basic auth credentials:
URL WITH basic auth credentials:
Code used:
it('Bypass HTTP basic auth', () => {
const banner = $('div.example p').getText().trim();
expect(banner).to.equal('Congratulations! You must have the proper credentials.');
What I'd do is manually go through each step, trying to emulate the same flow in the script you're using. From history I can tell you, I dealt with some HTTP web-apps that required a refresh after issuing the basic auth browser.url() call.
Another way to tackle this is to make use of some custom browser profiles (Firefox | Chrome) . I know I wrote a tutorial on it somewhere on SO, but I'm too lazy to find it. I reference a similar post here.
Short story, manually complete the basic auth flow (logging in with credentials) in an incognito window (as to isolate the configurations). Open chrome://version/ in another tab of that session and store the contents of the Profile Path. That folder in going to keep all your sessions & preserve cookies and other browser data.
Lastly, in your currentCapabilities, update the browser-specific options to start the sessions with a custom profile, via the '--user-data-dir=/path/to/your/custom/profile. It should look something like this:
'goog:chromeOptions': {
args: [
Good luck!
I am using Docusign's REST API to create and send envelopes. I've included eventNotifications with requireAcknowledgment as true to get requests from Docusign whenever there's status change. I used ngrok while development and testing and everything worked as expected.
I've moved the project online and have edited the eventNotification's url to live url with https and that's when all the callbacks are getting logged in failed section in Docusign's admin panel.
The error message shown in admin panel is -
'https://xxx.xxxxxxx.com/webhook.php :: Error - The remote server
returned an error: (400) Bad Request.'
I've downloaded the failed request's xml body and tried sending a request through postman and it worked as expected. Iv'e tried everything to debug this error and have not found error at my end.
The code that I've tried with is the same code from DocuSign's webhook sample page -
$data = file_get_contents('php://input');
$xml = simplexml_load_string ($data, "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_PARSEHUGE);
$envelope_id = (string)$xml->EnvelopeStatus->EnvelopeID;
$time_generated = (string)$xml->EnvelopeStatus->TimeGenerated;
$files_dir = getcwd() . '/' . $this->xml_file_dir;
if(! is_dir($files_dir)) {mkdir ($files_dir, 0755);}
$envelope_dir = $files_dir . "E" . $envelope_id;
if(! is_dir($envelope_dir)) {mkdir ($envelope_dir, 0755);}
$filename = $envelope_dir . "/T" .
str_replace (':' , '_' , $time_generated) . ".xml"; // substitute _ for : for windows-land
$ok = file_put_contents ($filename, $data);
if ($ok === false) {
error_log ("!!!!!! PROBLEM DocuSign Webhook: Couldn't store $filename !");
exit (1);
// log the event
error_log ("DocuSign Webhook: created $filename");
if ((string)$xml->EnvelopeStatus->Status === "Completed") {
// Loop through the DocumentPDFs element, storing each document.
foreach ($xml->DocumentPDFs->DocumentPDF as $pdf) {
$filename = $this->doc_prefix . (string)$pdf->DocumentID . '.pdf';
$full_filename = $envelope_dir . "/" . $filename;
file_put_contents($full_filename, base64_decode ( (string)$pdf->PDFBytes ));
I've also tried with simple code that just sets header to 200
Sorry you're having so much trouble with the webhook feature. Hopefully this answer will be of assistance.
1. Try a test PHP program to check connectivity, etc:
header('Content-Type: text/html');
echo "OK!";
$h = fopen('/tmp/listener_access.log', 'a');
if ($h) {
$now = DateTime::createFromFormat('U.u', microtime(true), new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
fwrite ($h, $now->format ("Y-m-d_l.h.i.s.v "));
fwrite($h, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . " " . $msg . "\n");
} else {
error_log ("### Could not open log file!");
Store it as ok.php in your web server directory. Then try (from a browser on a different network) to reach https://yourserver.company.com/ok.php You should see "ok" in the browser window.
Then use the same url in your eventNotification section of your Envelopes::create call to see if it all works. You should see a success in the Connect log, etc.
2. Stepwise debugging of your PHP listener
There are a number of issues to rule-out (as diagnosticians say) with your php listener app.
Basic connectivity with the listener. Since DocuSign is receiving a 400 error from your app, connectivity is ok.
Platform errors with your app. This is a problem with your PHP software stack setup that is causing the stack (not your PHP app, per se) to reject the request.
The usual indicator for this is your web server's error log. Have you looked at it? What is on the logging line where you see the 400 response from your server to DocuSign? If you don't see the 400 response to DocuSign then something is wrong with your web server's setup.
A common platform error with PHP and other stacks when default settings are used is maximum_post_size_exceeded. This is happens if you have requested that DocuSign include your envelope's documents in the notification message.
A good test is to temporarily change your envelope create code to not include documents in the notification messages.
Fixes: a good fix is to not include the envelope documents in the notification message. Instead, after the message is received, make separate API calls to retrieve the documents.
The other fix is to increase the maximum post body size. You may need to increase it both in the PHP settings and in the underlying web server's settings too. (By the way, which web server are you using?)
You are processing the incoming notification in the response thread of your server/php app. This really isn't the best technique (I will be updating the DocuSign example page in the future with this information.)
The best technique is to use the following pattern:
1. Receive the incoming notification message from DocuSign
2. Put the message onto a reliable FIFO queue
3. Respond to DocuSign with a 200 response.
Then, in a separate thread of execution, a
different software application "works off" the
entries in the queue.
Your web server, for example, may be timing out your PHP program. This probably isn't happening in your case, but others may experience this.
I think I would, next, add more debugging statements to your PHP program to try and understand what is happening to it. You can either do this with error-log
or copy the technique from my example (above) and write to a file in /tmp. (Assuming a Linux server.)
The other option is to increase the debugging level of the php stack itself, or of your web server, or both.
3. Last thoughts
400 in the DocuSign logs usually indicates that DocuSign reached your server and it returned a 400 status code. This can be confirmed by examining your server log (regular or error), there should be a matching entry.
If there isn't an entry in your server log, but the "ok.php" program from above does work, then it would be time to comment out big chunks of code from your PHP program, and then do another test from DocuSign. Eventually, using a binary-search technique (See step 8 in the article), you find the code that is causing the problem.
Commenting out code as part of a binary-search to find the bug is a very common, and powerful debugging technique.
HTH, Larry
I'm a programmer who is just getting started working with groovy in Jira in order to automate some tasks.
I'm trying to write a custom listener script using the inline editor in Jira, but haven't gotten past trying to get a Hello World program to work.
I don't know if the script is running, and can't see any output, and I really need some help with figuring out how to debug the script, preferably through outputs to some kind of console (or even just by reading the Jira logs if necessary), just so that I can actually start trying to learn how to use this tool.
I'm working with the information HERE as a general guideline to start learning to work with the inline editor.
For a little more context, you can see another related question that I asked HERE.
I've set the debug level to DEBUG for the event which I'm attaching the listener, as shown in this screenshot, based on the information found HERE:
Here is a screenshot of the inline editor I'm working in in JIRA. In this screenshot, I'm just trying to output 'Hello', and have just clicked the 'Preview' button:
As you can see, in the 'Result' tab at the bottom of the screen, there is nothing of interest. The 'Logs' tab is also empty, and the 'Timing' tab just says 'Elapsed: 0 ms CPU time: 0 ms', so it seems like nothing if happening.
If I check the log on the server (in the file catalina.2017-10-13.txt), I see the following output:
13-Oct-2017 07:01:50.942 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-6] com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebComponent.filterFormParameters A servlet request, to the URI http://somevmserver:8080/rest/scriptrunner-jira/latest/listeners/com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.jira.workflow.listeners.CustomListener/params, contains form parameters in the request body but the request body has been consumed by the servlet or a servlet filter accessing the request parameters. Only resource methods using #FormParam will work as expected. Resource methods consuming the request body by other means will not work as expected.
13-Oct-2017 07:02:26.740 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-12] com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebComponent.filterFormParameters A servlet request, to the URI http://somevmserver:8080/rest/scriptrunner/latest/canned/com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.common.StaticCompilationChecker, contains form parameters in the request body but the request body has been consumed by the servlet or a servlet filter accessing the request parameters. Only resource methods using #FormParam will work as expected. Resource methods consuming the request body by other means will not work as expected.
13-Oct-2017 07:02:26.974 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-1] com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebComponent.filterFormParameters A servlet request, to the URI http://somevmserver:8080/rest/scriptrunner-jira/latest/listeners/com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.jira.workflow.listeners.CustomListener/preview, contains form parameters in the request body but the request body has been consumed by the servlet or a servlet filter accessing the request parameters. Only resource methods using #FormParam will work as expected. Resource methods consuming the request body by other means will not work as expected.
This output doesn't mean a whole lot to me, but it seems apparent that it's being populated as a result of trying to preview the script.
I'm not getting any errors in the inline editor, and it's really simple code, so I don't think it's that.
The only other information I can include that I think is pertinent is that this is a test instance of Jira cloned from our production environment, and its base URL is still set to the URL of the prod environment. Not sure if that has any bearing, but I'm not really a Jira admin, just the programmer tasked with doing this, so I don't want to go fiddling around where I don't need to.
When using scriptrunner within jira, you'll need to import the logger to use the debugger or to output to the console. This can be done with the following:
// Enable debugger
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.apache.log4j.Level
def log = Logger.getLogger("com.acme.CreateSubtask")
And then, you'll be able to see the logged information using log.debug "hello"
To see your debug message "Hello" in the log, you must update a issue in your selected project. The Result, Logs and Timing Tabs at the bottom are useless in this view. Just trigger the Listener with a issue update in your selected project and search your debug message in the atlassian-jira.log file.
Hint: To view the Log in the browser you can use this jira app https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.cps.lastLog/server/overview
I have REST-endpoint done with node-red which do some async tasks, for example odbc-query to the database.
When I'm resulting query to the http-response. It's just hangs on browser.
Looks like I need forward req and res object to the http-response. But how I do it?
Here is the flow:
[{"id":"a35e6901.509a1","type":"http in","z":"ec714e97.d73b58","name":"","url":"/get","method":"get","upload":false,"swaggerDoc":"","x":287.8571472167969,"y":1660.357177734375,"wires":[["7c116e0a.f8d67"]]},{"id":"98e22918.79bc4","type":"sqldbs","z":"ec714e97.d73b58","mydb":"8df7f8b0.bd44c","querytype":"select","name":"","x":723.5714111328125,"y":1644.6428833007812,"wires":[["de837ef9.5c1cf8"]]},{"id":"7c116e0a.f8d67","type":"function","z":"ec714e97.d73b58","name":"","func":"msq.topic = \"Select * from User\"\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":469.28570556640625,"y":1613.9286499023438,"wires":[["98e22918.79bc4"]]},{"id":"de837ef9.5c1cf8","type":"http response","z":"ec714e97.d73b58","name":"","statusCode":"","headers":{},"x":922.1428833007812,"y":1677.8570861816406,"wires":[]},{"id":"8df7f8b0.bd44c","type":"sqldbsdatabase","z":"","host":"","port":"1433","db":"test","dialect":"mysql"}]
You need to make sure that it's the same message object that flows from the http-in node all the way to the http-out node.
This message object will have fields of msg.req and msg.res and the msg.res field will be used by the http-out node to send the response back to the browser.
Any node that takes an input and then forwards it on should preserve these field and not just create a new object for the output. All the built in nodes do this correctly and as should all the published 3rd party nodes. If you find one that does not follow this pattern you should raise a bug with the maintainer.
Your flow looks ok, but I've never used the DB nodes you have so can't comment on those.
I'm trying to simulate an asynchronous response on a webservice mock. The goal is to response a synchronous acknowledge message and then a delayed message back to the replyTo address. The approach I have selected uses mock service that will handle the acknowledge and then run a test case that will handle the processed message back to the replyTo. I'm using OnRequest Script to generate the acknowledged message and AfterRequest Script to run the test case that will emulate the delay and the response back to the replyTo.
So the question is which script object I can use to have access to the requestContent. I have seen examples using:
def holder = new com.eviware.soapui.support.XmlHolder( mockRequest.requestContent )
but the mockRequest instance is not available on AfterRequest, Which object I can use instead to have a holder with the request content?
I did find that
def holder = new com.eviware.soapui.support.XmlHolder( mockResult.getMockRequest().requestContent )
do the trick, but now I find that running a test script in AfterRequest delays the synchronous response back, Why could this be happening? Isn't AfterRequest's script executed after the mock service response back? Do i have to explicitly execute something at Dispatch or at OnRequest in order to summit back the response before AfterRequest code being executed?
I know this is really old question, but I just faced the same issue myself. I have no idea why it works as it works, but you can avoid the problem by accessing the request content in OnRequest, then store needed information to context and use the context in AfterRequest to get the information you need.