Unaccent() function alternative in TEIID - globalization

We have a need for accent ignoring search in our application for Europian audience.
Does TEIID offer an alternative to the function mentioned here?
TEIID doesn't recognize this function:
TEIID30068 The function 'unaccent(text)' is an unknown form. Check that the function name and number of arguments is correct.
For example, when I search for the surname Malicky, I want to find the record Maličký as well.
I tried to use collate as well, but TEIID doesn't seem to be supporting that either.

You can write a custom function and implement code in Java for this function http://teiid.github.io/teiid-documents/16.0.x/content/dev/User_Defined_Functions.html
if you are using Teiid Spring Boot, the procedure is little differnt https://github.com/teiid/teiid-spring-boot/tree/master/samples/udf


Call groovy script dynamically in Apache Camel using doTry-doCatch

I'm building a route which calls a groovy script whose path is dynamically computed and, if the script can't be found, defaults to a generic, static script:
The problem is that the exchange property consumerType is not resolved since the uri string parameter of toD is evaluated using groovy and not simple.
MultipleCompilationErrorsException -> startup failed:
Script_09b4150584d9e2c979353feee06897b5.groovy: 1: Unexpected input: 'scripts/${exchangeProperty.consumerType}' # line 1, column 20.
1 error
How can I obtain the desired behavior?
According to the error shown there, it seems Camel is not able to resolve the string you provided in the toD().
By default, the expression you pass to a dynamic to is evaluated as Simple language but, as described in To Dynamic Camel documentation, you can specify other languages for the dynamic evaluation.
In your case, you are trying to evaluate the endpoint with groovy language but then you're using Simple language to substitute a piece of the name of the script.
One solution I've found (yet not the best) would be to specify the language for the interpretation of the string as simple and then use language:groovy to specify the endpoint that will need to be called.
You could write something like this:
It seems to work, but I hope someone else comes up with a better solution.

proper syntax for bpel bpel:doXslTransform

I am trying to do an XSL transform on an xml structure in a bpel assignment statement. There is a syntax problem, but I am having trouble finding official documentation. There are examples all over the internet but I have not found a clear explanation. Here is my best shot. What do the last two parameters do? Why is eclipse saying the first argument must be a literal, even though test3.xsl is a string?
<bpel:assign validate="yes" name="Assign">
<bpel:copy keepSrcElementName="no">
<![CDATA[bpel:doXslTransform("test3.xsl", $personalInfoServiceOutput.parameters), "middle", $positionSkillManagementInput]]>
<bpel:to variable="positionSkillManagementInput"></bpel:to>
The signature of doXSLTransform looks as follows:
object bpel:doXslTransform(string, node-set, (string, object)*)
The first parameter is the name of the XSLT script, the second parameter is an XPath identifying the source document (e.g. a variable, part, nodeset, node). The third and the fourth parameter is a key-value pair, the string is the key and the object is the value. Those pairs are mapped into the script's parameter context so that you can access these values by their name in the script. There can be any number of these pairs.
The best resource to look up such things is the WS-BPEL 2.0 specification, doXSLTransform is described in Sect. 8.4
When I use the following code :
<bpel:copy keepSrcElementName="no">
<![CDATA[bpel:doXslTransform("parseSample.xsl", $output.payload)]]>
<bpel:to variable="output"></bpel:to>
I also get the error, that first argument must be literal string.
But, when I deploy my service (with error) to wso2 bps, it works fine.
You can try with this.
I faced the same issue. Agree with NGoyal. Shows error in BPEL but works when deployed.

How to get (translatable) strings from specific domain with POEdit

I have been trying for hours finding a way to setup POEdit so that it can grab the text from specific domain only
My gettext function looks like this:
function ri($id, $parameters = array(), $domain = 'default', $locale = null)
A sample call:
echo ri('Text %xyz%', array('%xyz%'=>100), 'myDomain');
I will need to grab only the text with the domain myDomain to translate, or at least I want POEdit to put these texts into domain specific files. Is there a way to do it?
I found several questions that are similar but the answers don't really tell me what to do (I think I'm such a noob it must be explained in plain English for me to understand):
How to set gettext text domain in Poedit?
How to get list of translatable messages
So I finally figured it out after days of searching, I finally found the answer here:
xgettext recognizes context in strings, and gives a msgctxt field in the *.pot file, which is recognized by translation software as a
context and is shown as such (check image of Pootle showing context
This can be done in 3 ways:
String in code should be in the format _t('context','string'); and xgettext invocation should be in the form --keyword=_t:1c,2
(this basically explains to xgettext that there are 2 arguments in
the keyword function, 1st one is context, 2nd one is string)
String in code in the format _t('string','context'); and xgettext invocation should be in the form --keyword=_t:1,2c
String in the code should be as _t('context|string') and xgettext invocation should be in the form --keyword=_t:1g
So to answer my own question, I added this to the "sources keywords" tab of Poedit:
ri is the function name, 1 is the location of the stringid, 3 is the location of the context/domain
Hope this helps someone else, I hate all these cryptic documents
(This is a repost of my answer to the same thing here.)
Neither GNU gettext tools nor Poedit (which uses them) support this particular misuse of gettext.
In gettext, domain is roughly “a piece of software” — a program, a library, a plugin, a theme. As such, it typically resides in a single directory tree and is alone there — or at the very least, if you have multiple pieces=domains, you have them organized sanely into some subdirectories that you can limit the extraction to.
Mixing and matching domains within a single file as you do is not how gettext was intended to be used, and there’s no reasonable solution to handle it other than using your own helper function, e.g. by wrapping all myDomain texts into __mydomain (which you must define, obviously) and adding that to the list of keywords in Poedit when extracting for myDomain and not adding that to the list of keywords for other domains' files.

Delphi Translating Strings

I'm using Delphi 2007 and I wonder how the following problem can be solved:
I have to translate AComp.Caption for example, but the string that I want to assign to the caption, often depends on some data (for example a date or a number, that gets Formatted). Therefore I have to save the data and the string in a new variable for every translation, which is really annoying.
What I want to do is something like that:
// will add the string and data to an internal list of Translator
// and will then return a DynamicString, which represents the translated value
AComp.Caption := T.NewTranslatedString("Hello %s, do you like cheese?", User)
(Note that AComp.Caption ("Hello %s..") can be changed in different methods)
When switching to another language, you would call T.TranslateAgain() and the value of all strings will be translated and, if data given, formatted again.
Is this possible or do you know another way for solving the given problem?
Thanks in advance
Additional question:
Are strings normal objects, that I can subclass and add dynamic behaviour that changes the string itself in special cases?
Delphi strings are not objects, you can't add behaviours to them. You would need to develop your own class.
The Windows way to localize applications is to get advantage of resources, that can be changed (and loading redirected) without changes to the code (no need to call special functions or add new components), and without run-time calls but to load the resource. The only disadvantage of resources is they cannot be changed easily by the end user. The Delphi 2007 standard localization tools use this approach.
Anyway there are some libraries like dxGetText (which is a port of the GNU gettext library) or TsiLang, for example that use a more "intrusive" approach, requiring changes to your code or adding components. In exchange they can simplify end-user localization.
Before developing your own localization library, I would check if one of the existing ones fits youe needs.
Note: Be aware that Delphi localization tool has significant issues that weren't fixed until XE (which I didn't test yet). See for example QC #79449. Unluckily the fix was never backported to earlier releases.
You can use Delphi's own translator tool. It is able to extract strings and resourcestrings from your source code and form DFM files, and gives you a graphical user interface to translate them to any language. It then creates a resource DLL for each language. The DLL containing the translated strings and DFM data. You should deploy this translation DLL with your project to the destination machine.
In your case, your strings are divided into two groups; fixed strings which do not need any further processing, and parametrized strings which need some additional data to be formatted properly. For the fixed strings, you can just type in the translation into translator tool. For parametrized strings, save each one as a resourcestring and use the resourcestring for formatting them. For example:
strDoYouLikeCheese = 'Hello %s, do you like cheese?';
AComp.Caption := Format(strDoYouLikeCheese,[User]);
Now you can use the translator tool or any resource editor to translate the resourcestring into your desired language without the need for changing your source code or recompiling it.
What you want to do is to localize your application. Delphi has support for this, based around the resourcestring keyword. However, I've never done any localization myself so I recommend that you do some websearch for this topic or perhaps wait for the other experts here to supply more detailed help!
You could use a dictionary to keep track of the string mappings, something like this
TTranslator = class
FMappings : TDictionary <String, String>;
function Translate (const SrcStr : String) : String;
procedure SetMapping (const SrcStr, DestStr : String);
function TTranslator.Translate (const SrcStr : String) : String;
if not FMappings.TryGetValue (SrcStr, Result) then
Result := SrcStr;
procedure TTranslator.SetMapping (const SrcStr, DestStr : String);
FMappings.AddOrSetValue (SrcStr, DestStr);
Translating would then be simply several calls to SetMappings. This gives you a lot of flexiblity. Anyway, you might consider using the built-in localization support or even third-party solutions.
EDIT: Just saw that you are using Delphi 2007, so you don't have TDictionary available. The idea should remain valid, just use any dictionary implementation or a list-based approach.
And to answer the other part of your question: no, strings are not normal object (actually they are not objects at all). They are special in various ways (memory management, copy-on-write behaviour) and it is not possible to subclass them. But that's not what you want anyway if I understood the question correctly.

Can IDL evaluate strings as code?

Is there any functionality in IDL that will allow it to evaluate a a string as code?
Or, failing that, is there a nice, dynamic way of including /KEYWORD in functions? For example, if I wanted to ask them for what type of map projection the user wants, is there a way to do it nicely, without large if/case statements for the /Projection_Type keyword it needs?
With even a small number of user options, the combinations would cause if/case statements to get out of hand very quickly to handle all the possible options.
The best bet is to use a case statement because you can't trust that your user is going to type in the same string for Projection_Type that you're expecting as in the keyword.
Though if you are set on doing something like this, there is the EXECUTE function that treats a string as an IDL statement:
Result = EXECUTE(String [, QuietCompile] [, QuietExecution])
Edited to add, there's also CALL_FUNCTION and CALL_PROCEDURE that are faster but maybe less flexible. Look them all up in the IDL help and see what works for you.
