SED : replace part of syntax to lower case - linux

Original Text file:
.ABC0 (ABC0),
.EFG2 (EFG2),
.ZZZ3 (ZZZ3),
How to convert this part to
.ABC0 (abc0),
.EFG2 (efg2),
.ZZZ3 (zzz3),
with SED command easily?
There's issue to make it work.
echo ".ABC(ABC)," | sed -e 's/\(.*\.[A-Z]*\(\)\([A-Z]*\)\)/\1\L\2\E/ p'

You were almost there.
sed -e 's/\(\.[A-Z0-9]*\)\( ([A-Z0-9]*)\)/\1\L\2\E/g'
Remove the .* from the beginning, it matches as much as it can, i.e. it skips to the last occurrence of the pattern.
Include the digits in the character classes.
Use ( without a backslash to match a parenthesis literally.

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/([^)]*)/\L&/g' file
Replace the contents of parenthesis by its lowercase equivalent.


How to make GNU sed remove certain characters from a line

I have a following line;
�5=?�#A00165:69:HKJ3YDMXX:1:1101:16812:7341 1:N:0:TCTTAAAG
and would like to remove characters, �5=?� in front of #. So the desired output looks as follows;
#A00165:69:HKJ3YDMXX:1:1101:16812:7341 1:N:0:TCTTAAAG
I used gnu sed (v4.8)with a following argument;
sed "s/.*#/#/"'
but this did not remove �5=?� thought it worked in the GNU sed live editor.
At this point, I really appreciate any help on this.
My system is 3.10.0-1160.71.1.el7.x86_64
Using sed, remove everything up to the first occurance of #
$ sed 's/^[^#]*//' input_file
#A00165:69:HKJ3YDMXX:1:1101:16812:7341 1:N:0:TCTTAAAG
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E 's/(\o357\o277\o275)5=\?\1//g' file
This removes all occurrences of �5=?�.
N.B. To translate the octal strings use sed -n l file to display the file as is. The triplets \357\277\275 can be matched in the LHS of the substitute command by using \o357\o277\o275.

sed doesn't replace variable

I'm trying to replace some regex line in a apache file.
i define:
when i'm executing:
sed -i 's/$OLD1/$NEW1/g' demo.conf
there's no change.
This is what i tried to do
sed -i "s/${OLD1}/${NEW1}/g" 001-kms.conf
sed -i "s/"$OLD1"/"$NEW1"/g" 001-kms.conf
sed -i "s~${OLD1}~${NEW1}~g" 001-kms.conf
i'm expecting that the new file will replace $OLD1 with $NEW1
Because the [ * . are all characters with special meaning in sed, we need to escape them. For such simple case something like this could work:
OLD2=$(<<<"$OLD1" sed 's/[][\*\.]/\\&/g')
It will set OLD2 to \[0-9\]\*\.\[0-9\]+. Note that it doesn't handle all the possible cases, like OLD1='\.\[' will convert to OLD2='\\.\\[ which means something different. Implementing a proper regex to properly escape, well, other regex I leave as an exercise to others.
Now you can:
sed "s/$OLD2/$NEW1/g"
Tested with:
sed "s/$(sed 's/[][\*\.]/\\&/g' <<<"$OLD1")/$NEW1/g" <<<'XYZ="[0-9]*.[0-9]+"'
will output:
you need matching on exact string
You would need something that can match on exact string [0-9]*.[0-9]+ which sed does not support well.
Therefore instead I am using this pipeline replacing one character at a time (it also is easier to read I think):echo "[0-9]*.[0-9]+" | sed 's/0/a/' | sed 's/9/z/' | sed 's/+//'
You would have to cat your files or use find with execute to then apply this pipe.
I had tried following (from other SO answers):
- sed 's/\<exact_string/>/replacement/'doesn't work as \< and \> are left and right word boundaries respectively.
- sed 's/(CB)?exact_string/replacement/'found in one answer but nowhere in documentation
I used Win 10 bash, git bash, and online Linux tools with the same results.
when I thought matching was on the pattern rather than exact string
Replacement cannot be a regex - at most it can reference parts of the regex expression which matched. From man sed:
Attempt to match regexp against the pattern space. If successful, replace that portion matched with replacement. The replacement may contain the special character & to refer to that portion of the pattern space which matched, and the special escapes \1 through \9 to refer to the corresponding matching sub-expressions in the regexp.
Additionally you have to escape some characters in your regex (specifically . and +) unless you add option -E for extended regex as per comment under your question. (N.B. only if you want to match on the full-stop . rather than it meaning any character)
$ echo "01.234--ZZZ" | sed 's/[0-9]*\.[0-9]\+/REPLACEMENT/g'

Using sed with regex to match varying lines

I'm having some issues used sed to match a regex pattern. An example would be with the following lines:
spring-core-4.0.0 should be spring-core-4.1.0
spring-web-4.0.0 should be spring-web-4.1.0
I want the regex to match any characters in between spring and the version number. I'm not sure if I need to do something else for sed to remember what those characters are in each line.
sed -E 's/spring-([a-z]+)-4.0.0/spring-([a-z]+)-4.1.0/' file.txt
The current output is placing the regex pattern in the output, instead of matching it. Thanks for any tips.
$ sed 's/\(spring-[^-]*-\)4.0.0/\14.1.0/' file

Sed: Extracting regex pattern from lines

I have an input stream of many lines which look like this:
path/to/file: example: 'extract_me.proto'
path/to/other-file: example: 'me_too.proto'
path/to/something/else: example: 'and_me_2.proto'
I'd like to just extract the *.proto filenames from these lines, and I have tried:
[INPUT] | sed 's/^.*\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.proto\).*$/\1/'
I know that part of my problem is that .* is greedy and I'm going to get things like e.proto and o.proto and 2.proto, but I can't even get that far... it just outputs with the same lines as the input. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I find it helpful to use extended regex for this purpose (-r) in which case you need not escape your brackets.
sed -r 's/^.*[^a-zA-Z0-9_]([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.proto).*$/\1/'
The addition of [^a-zA-Z0-9_] forces the .* to not be greedy.
Since you tag your command with linux, I'll assume you have GNU grep. Pick one of
grep -oP '\w+\.proto' file
grep -o "[^']+\\.proto" file
one way to do it:
sed 's/^.*[^a-zA-Z0-9_]\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\.proto\).*$/\1/'
escaped the + char
put a negation before the alphanum+underscore to delimit the leading chars
another way: use single quote delimitation, after all it's here for that:
sed "s/^.*'\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\.proto\)'.*\$/\1/"
Use this sed:
sed "s/^.*'\([a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\.proto\).*$/\1/"
+ - Extended-RegEx. So, you need to escape to get special meaning. The preceding item will be matched one or more times.
Another way:
sed "s/^.*'\([^']\+\.proto\)'.*$/\1/"
With GNU sed:
sed -E "s/.*'([^']+)'$/\1/"

sed help: matching and replacing a literal "\n" (not the newline)

i have a file which contains several instances of \n.
i would like to replace them with actual newlines, but sed doesn't recognize the \n.
i tried
sed -r -e 's/\n/\n/'
sed -r -e 's/\\n/\n/'
sed -r -e 's/[\n]/\n/'
and many other ways of escaping it.
is sed able to recognize a literal \n? if so, how?
is there another program that can read the file interpreting the \n's as real newlines?
Can you please try this
sed -i 's/\\n/\n/g' input_filename
What exactly works depends on your sed implementation. This is poorly specified in POSIX so you see all kinds of behaviors.
The -r option is also not part of the POSIX standard; but your script doesn't use any of the -r features, so let's just take it out. (For what it's worth, it changes the regex dialect supported in the match expression from POSIX "basic" to "extended" regular expressions; some sed variants have an -E option which does the same thing. In brief, things like capturing parentheses and repeating braces are "extended" features.)
On BSD platforms (including MacOS), you will generally want to backslash the literal newline, like this:
sed 's/\\n/\
/g' file
On some other systems, like Linux (also depending on the precise sed version installed -- some distros use GNU sed, others favor something more traditional, still others let you choose) you might be able to use a literal \n in the replacement string to represent an actual newline character; but again, this is nonstandard and thus not portable.
If you need a properly portable solution, probably go with Awk or (gasp) Perl.
perl -pe 's/\\n/\n/g' file
In case you don't have access to the manuals, the /g flag says to replace every occurrence on a line; the default behavior of the s/// command is to only replace the first match on every line.
awk seems to handle this fine:
echo "test \n more data" | awk '{sub(/\\n/,"**")}1'
test ** more data
Here you need to escape the \ using \\
$ echo "\n" | sed -e 's/[\\][n]/hello/'
sed works one line at a time, so no \n on 1 line only (it's removed by sed at read time into buffer). You should use N, n or H,h to fill the buffer with more than one line, and then \n appears inside. Be careful, ^ and $ are no more end of line but end of string/buffer because of the \n inside.
\n is recognized in the search pattern, not in the replace pattern. Two ways for using it (sample):
sed s/\(\n\)bla/\1blabla\1/
sed s/\nbla/\
The first uses a \n already inside as back reference (shorter code in replace pattern);
the second use a real newline.
So basically
sed "N
$ s/\(\n\)/\1/g
works (but is a bit useless). I imagine that s/\(\n\)\n/\1/g is more like what you want.
