Unable to deploy Azure Function App - error with storage account - azure

Lately I've had trouble with deploying a Function App via Azure CLI. Last week on Tuesday, I was still able to deploy a Function App via Azure CLI.
This week, like any other day before that, I used fairly common Azure Function Tools command func azure functionapp publish. The version of Azure Function Tools I am using is 3.0.3233.
Now I am getting this error every time:
Retry: 1 of 3
Error creating a Blob container reference. Please make sure your connection string in "AzureWebJobsStorage" is valid
Retry: 2 of 3
Error creating a Blob container reference. Please make sure your connection string in "AzureWebJobsStorage" is valid
Retry: 3 of 3
Error creating a Blob container reference. Please make sure your connection string in "AzureWebJobsStorage" is valid
I checked that AzureWebJobsStorage setting has a correct value, I even connected to storage account connection string via Azure Storage Explorer app.
Just in case, I created a new Function App in another region and I still get the same error.
Has anyone else encountered this error? I suspect this is an error in the tool itself, maybe a faulty build?

I suspect that AzureWebJobsStorage is not present/invalid in App Settings section of the function app in the Azure portal.
Make sure that it is added there and you are not deleting those settings through CLI/templates and recreating them without AzureWebJobsStorage.

I answer to my own question. It seems that this was a transient error. Without changing any code, today I was able to redeploy my function app. Cheers.

If you don't have "Allow storage account key access" enabled , you get this error.
There could be other scenarios as well. But the error does not say anything .


Azure Functions app settings prefix gets added

I've deployed an Azure Functions container to my AKS cluster. For some reason the function doesn't get loaded because of this error:
Storage account connection string 'AzureWebJobsAzureWebJobsStorage' does not exist
Now I do have an app setting in my local.settings.json called AzureWebJobsStorage, so I don't really know why I'm getting this error. In my function.json I'm only referring to AzureWebJobsStorage. Does anyone know?
The error that you are getting shows a connection string (AzureWebJobsAzureWebJobsStorage) that does not match what is in your settings (AzureWebJobsStorage). It sounds like there is a template copying error somewhere, as the setting should just be "AzureWebJobsStorage". Have you verified that the key is correct in local.settings.json?

Can't find app with name error while publish the azure function

I tried to create an azure function using following link in Ubuntu system(16.04).
[azure function][2]
Deployment using arm template and create a local azure function using vs code.
Folder contains following files
LocalFunctionProj.csproj, HttpExample.cs, host.json, local.settings.json
azure function is created successfully in portal after deployment.But when i tried to publish the local azure function ,it shows an error Can't find app with name "HttpExample" while using following command
func azure functionapp publish HttpExample
Is anything wrong in my step.
Also i tried this command after 30 mnt when function created in portal
screen shot
I had a similar issue when I followed a tutorial about Azure Functions Core Tools from Microsoft Learning.
In my case, I had the error Can't find app with name X, because I had a wrong subscription set in my local Azure CLI. The command from below changes subscription for the one that is created with "Microsoft Learning Sandbox". Note that, in your case, the name of the subscription can be different.
az account set --subscription "Concierge Subscription"
If it's not the issue, your question suggests that your function app name should be HttpExample. You need to ensure beforehand that there's a function app with such a name in the subscription you are logged into with Azure CLI.
Moreover, there is a ProvisioningState: Failed in the screenshot, which could also be an issue.
If you want to publish the local app into azure ,you must create the functional app before in azure portal.Also the name of the azure function is portal should be same as the local azure app.otherwise you can't publish the app.

Keyword not supported: #microsoft.keyvault

I was trying to get the connection string from the azure key vault for azure functions. These are the steps I did,
Created a managed identity(System assigned) in the azure functions
Create a secret in an azure key vault
Add access policies to give permission to the azure function app
Added an entry in the app settings for connection string where the value was #Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri=SECRETURLOFKEYVAULT)
But when I run the azure function I am getting below error,
"Keyword not supported: #microsoft.keyvault(secreturi....."
This is how I have enabled managed identity,
And my access policy looks like below,
Any help would be much appreciated
I ran into a similar problem by following the tutorial. My remedy was a restart of the function app. Saving of the app setting was not enough for the Function App to start using the Key Vault secret provider correctly.
According to the steps you provided, it have no problem to work well. Here is the tutorial about get key vault secrets in Azure Function you could refer to.
Note: Add access policies to the azure function app with the Get permission on secrets and that was enough.
Also, here is a similar issue that get same error like you which is due to IP Address restriction blocking it.
This issue occurred while testing on local. It was resolved after doing an az login.

Do I need an Azure Storage Account to run a WebJob?

So I'm fairly new to working with Azure and there are some things I can't quite wrap my head around. One of them being the Azure Storage Account.
My web jobs keeps stopping with the following error "Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: The account credentials for '[account_name]' are incorrect." Understanding the error however is not the problem, at least that's what I think. The problem lies in understanding why I need an Azure Storage Account to overcome it.
Please read on as I try to take you through the steps taken thus far. Hopefuly the real question will become more clear to you.
In my efforts to deploy a WebJob on Azure we have created the following resources so far:
App Service Plan
App Service
SQL server
SQL database
I'm using the following code snippet to prevent my web job from exiting:
JobHostConfiguration config = new JobHostConfiguration();
config.DashboardConnectionString = null;
new JobHost(config).RunAndBlock();
To my understanding from other sources the Dashboard connection string is optional but the AzureWebJobsStorage connection string is required.
I tried setting the required connection string in portal using the configuration found here.
Looking further I found this answer that clearly states where I would get the values needed, namely an/my missing Azure Storage Account.
So now for the actualy question: Why do I need an Azure Storage Account when I seemingly have all the resources I need place for the WebJob to run? What does it do? Is it a billing thing, cause I thought we had that defined in the App Service Plan. I've tried reading up on Azure Storage Accounts over here but I need a bit more help understanding how it relates to everything.
From the docs:
An Azure storage account provides resources for storing queue and blob data in the cloud.
It's also used by the WebJobs SDK to store logging data for the dashboard.
Refer to the getting started guide and documentation for further information
The answer to your question is "No", it is not mandatory to use Azure Storage when you are trying to setup and run a Azure web job.
If you are using JobHost or JobHostConfiguration then there is indeed a dependency for Storage accounts.
Sample code snippet is give below.
class Program
static void Main()
public class Functions
public static void ExecuteTask()
// Execute your task here
The answer is no, you don't. You can have a WebJob run without being tied to an Azure Storage Account. Like Murray mentioned, your WebJob dashboard does use a storage account to log data but that's completely independent.

Azure WebJobs SDK ServiceBus connection string 'AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection' is missing or empty

I created an Azure Function App in Visual Studio 2015. The App has a trigger for service bus queues. The app works perfectly when I run it locally. It is able to read the data from the Service Bus queue (configured via a variable named AzureSBConnection) and log it in my database.
But it gives me the following error when deployed in Azure:
Function ($ServiceBusQueueTriggerFunction) Error: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Error indexing method 'Functions.ServiceBusQueueTriggerFunction'. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ServiceBus: Microsoft Azure WebJobs SDK ServiceBus connection string 'AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection' is missing or empty.
Note that my connection is called AzureSBConnection and not AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection. Also, the connection works locally. And finally, the deployed file looks exactly like the local file.
The Visual Studio structure looks like the following:
The function.json file has a bunch of settings as shown below:
Then in the Appsettings.json file, I have the following:
For deploying, I FTPed the files to the D:\home\site\wwwroot location for my Function App in Azure. The final structure in Kudu looks like:
And if I go inside my function folder:
Here is the deployed function.json:
And here is the deployed appsettings:
The deployed json files are exactly the same as the local files. But the deployed version is erroring out because of the missing AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection. What am I doing wrong?
Only environment variables are supported for app settings and connection strings.
You need to make sure that the environment variable AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection is set on your Function's app settings in the portal:
and then once there, you need to add the AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection variable with the proper connection string:
and then you can access this via code by:
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(name, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
This will obtain the value from either the appsettings.json or the environment variable depending on where the function is being executed from, (local debugging or deployed on Azure)
It is able to read the data from the Service Bus queue (configured via a variable named AzureSBConnection) But it gives me the following error when deployed in Azure:
After you deployed your application to Azure Function, your application will read the connection string from environment setting. Currently, connection settings in appsettings.json will not update environment setting automatically. We could click [Configure app settings] button as #flyte mentioned to check whether the connection string is configured successfully. If not, you could add it manually in app setting box.
Note that my connection is called AzureSBConnection and not AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection
Please go to [Integrate] page to check whether the [Service Bus connection] is configured successfully. If not, you could reset it by clicking the [new] link.
