Node.js Header Deprecation Error Message in Mac 10.13 VSC - node.js

Good afternoon.
I've been fighting with Visual Studio Code for about a week now with an XMPie support rep and neither of us can figure out how to resolve this issue. My experience with React and Node.js is still beginner level as well, so if there is anything I'm obviously missing please let me know.
After launching a localhost for testing from VSC, when I attempt to work on a site skin in React, I get a "(node:77089) [DEP0066] DeprecationWarning: OutgoingMessage.prototype._headers is deprecated" everytime I save the change. As such, the localhost does not update in the browser.
The tech was able to finally replicate my issue by first installing node.js v14 and then downgrading to v12 which is the version that is approved.
I've done the following steps to try and fix the issue.
Uninstalled node and npm from the terminal
Verified/Deleted node related files/directories at:
Restarted, then reinstalled v12 of node.
However, the deprecated issue still remains and neither of us can figure out why that is. New user accounts exhibit this same behavior as well. Short of wiping and reinstalling the OS, I'm hoping to find out what we're missing to fix this issue. Thanks for your time and any assistance you can provide.


How to install a new version of npm?

I know this is a noob question but I just start learning to code. I don't know why I cannot upgrade the current version of npm in my computer (5.5.1) to the newer one (8.1.2).
Can someone please help me with this?
There are couple of solutions I can think of:
Solution #1
Uninstall Node.js from your computer and install again. As the error message says, "use the version of npm that is bundled with Node.js". This is the preferred solution and very straightforward. Unless... you want to keep multiple versions of node in your computer, if that is the case, solution #2 will help.
Solution #2
Install a Node version manager (such as n). The package n allows you to download multiple versions of Node.js in your computer and switch between then when needed.
If the issue persists, you may have conflicting versions or directories in your computer. Please read this post about How to completely remove node.js from Windows. Then try re-installing from the website once you are done removing Node.

Why I get an error in android studio that says CocoaPods not installed even after installing it?

I am currently taking a flutter course and everything was going so well until I started running the Clima App code. I am sure the code is correct because I am taking the completed solution from GitHub, but I am getting this error and I am not sure what it is.
Warning: CocoaPods not installed. Skipping pod install.
Could someone please help me figure out this problem? Because I have tried all the possible solutions I found in the internet.
Did you run pod install inside the iOS folder?

ngrx/store/store has no exported member "dispatcher"

Recently I did an update of my angular packages inside of a .net core application and after doing that I began running into 4 errors related to items inside the node_modules folder. I have read a couple of other similar issues on SO which did not help resolve this particular issue. It may worth noting that I can't seem to duplicate this on another laptop I have running the same code. I have attempted to revert back my angular version, deleted the node_modules folder and re-ran install of angular. To take a step further I've even completely uninstalled angular, updated node.js to the latest stable release and re-installed angular to no avail Any help resolving this would be much appreciated.

NodeJS does not work after uprading from version 8.11.1

I decided to upgrade my version of nodejs from 8.11.1 to 10.15.3. I am running on Windows 10 so I downloaded v10.15.3-x64.msi file. I created a brand new Angular application from "ng new" command and I got the "HTTP ERROR 400" page with no error in the console.
I have cleared the cache, reboot the system and nothing helps. When I will go back to node JS version 8.11.1 everything starts to work again. The newest version of nodejs v11.11.0-x86.msi also doesn't work for me.
How this can happen and how can I get any information what is going on?
EDIT: this is not a duplication of any existing topics about upgrading NodeJS, because the new version is seen by the system and all components - see the console result in the screenshot I provided. After upgrading the NodeJs all my solutions based on that technology stoped working showing HTTP Error 400 page. After degrading to v8 everything starts working again.
The problem came back when I had to install newer version of node (12.14.1), so this time it worked. Additionally I deleted folders that prompted from runnig where npm command after deleting an old version.

Nodejs - Another installation is in progress

System - Win 7 64 bit.
Nodejs - node-v6.9.4-x64.msi
Installation error - Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one.
Solutions that did NOT work - Run as admin, Run via commandline as admin, log had same error i saw in installer, don't install online docs option,
Please help me to fix this. Thank you !
This will not be an issue with your NodeJs installation, it might be because of your previous installation (might be any other software) which might be still in progress or not exit properly.
To solve your issue, please try restarting your machine once and install. This will indirectly kill your previous unstable installation and allow you to install NodeJs
I had this issue with '2017-03-21, Version 6.10.1 'Boron' (LTS)'. Restarting my PC solved the issue.
P.S. However, this issue seems to be specific to the NodeJs installer. I tried installing other programs after the NodeJs installation threw up this error and they installed fine (even before the restart).
