I have been confused with python indexing and slicing of data structure(lists,etc.). Let me explain the problem. Suppose I have a python list as shown below.
examplelist = ['ram', 'everest' , 'apple', 32, 'cat', 'covid', 'vaccine', 19]
Example one
>> examplelist[-5 : 7 : -1]
>> [ ]
The result is empty set as shown above. Logic, explained in the python tutorial websites, I have checked is the starting count(-5) indicates item 32. End count 7 indicates one item before the stop/end count which is item 'vaccine'. Step size is -1 which means we need to move right to left. But since our starting item is 32 and end item is 'vaccine' there won't be any item if we move leftwards from 32. Hence the result empty list. OK, agreed. Now lets see another example.
Example Two
>> examplelist[::-1]
>> [19, 'vaccine', 'covid', 'cat', 32, 'apple', 'everest', 'ram']
This is quite commonly used to reverse a list in python data structure. If we use the same logic provided for example 1, how can this example have a reversed list. Logically, with starting count 0(meaning start item is 'ram') and end count all the way until the end of the list and with step size -1 means here too we need to move leftwards from starting item i.e. 'ram'. This too has no items in it if we use the same logic. But this example seems to work differently. Why? Is it that reversing a list is an exception to the logic behind python indexing/slicing.
Now lets see another example below.
Example Three
>> examplelist[:-3:-1]
>> [19, 'vaccine']
In this example our starting count is 0 (so we begin at first item i.e. 'ram'), end count is -3 which refers to one item before the end count i.e. item 'cat' and with step size -1 we move leftwards from start to end item. If we follow the logic there is no item to pick if we move leftwards from our starting item to end item. But the answer list is quite different.
My Confusion
I feel that there is no coherent logic working in all examples. Why does the same logic fails to different problem? My understanding it that there is always a standard logical explanation while coding. I tried to figure out some standard logic that will explain all types of indexing/slicing problem with python lists. But with examples listed above, my confusion still persists. Is it that there is a hole in my understanding or there is some standard explanation to this problem which I have not understood yet? Someone please rescue.
Using a negative step reverses default start and end values for a slice.
These are all equal:
examplelist[len(examplelist)-5 : 7 : -1]
examplelist[3 : 7 : -1]
And so are all these:
examplelist[len(examplelist)-1 : -len(examplelist)-1 : -1]
examplelist[7 : -9 : -1]
As well as these:
examplelist[len(examplelist)-1 : -3 : -1]
examplelist[7 : 5 : -1]
Once you have positive start and end values, it becomes clear what is happening.
In the second example end value must be negative because there is no other way to represent the element before the first element.
How can I write out a literal for a sig in Alloy? Consider the example below.
sig Foo { a: Int }
fact { #Foo = 1 }
If I execute this, I get
| this/Foo | a |
| Foo⁰ | 7 |
In the evaluator, I know I can get a reference to the Foo instance with Foo$0 but how can I write a literal that represents the same value?
I've tried {a: 7}, but this is not equal to Foo$0. This is intentionally a trivial example, but I'm debugging a more complex model and I need to be able to write out literals of sigs with multiple fields.
Ah, this is one of the well hidden secrets! :-) Clearly in your model you cannot refer to atoms since the model is defining all possible values of those atoms. However, quite often you need your hands on some atom to reason about it. That is, you want to be able to name some objects.
The best way to get 'constants' is to create a predicate you call from a run clause. In this predicate, you define names for atoms you want to discuss. You only have to make sure this predicate is true.
pred collision[ car1, car2 : Car, road : Road ] {
// here you can reason about car1 and car2
run collision for 10
Another way is to create a quantification whenever you need to have some named objects:
run {
some car1, car2 : Car, road : Road {
// here you can reason about car1 and car2 and road
} for 10
There was a recent discussion to add these kinds of instances to the language so that Kodkod could take advantage of them. (It would allow faster solving and it is extremely useful for test cases of your model.) However, during a discussion this solution I presented came forward and it does not require any new syntax.
try to put a limitation for 'Integer' in the 'run' command. I mean :
sig Foo {a : Int}
fact{ #Foo = 1}
pred show {}
run show for 1 Foo, 2 Int
I feel really stupid, and feel like I'm missing something.
I've basically got two files:
module.pl for the universal logic rules (meant to be reusable)
state.pl one for the current scenario
In the module file (module.pl) I've declared:
inside(Food,Eater,T) :-
actorOfEvent(InjEvent, Eater),
objectOfEvent(InjEvent, Food).
Q1) I've had to declare all those other predicates with singleton variables (in the same file), just to stop module.pl complaining they don't exist:
actorOfEvent(_Event, _ActorOfEvent).
Is that right?
Q2) I can't use those predicates like justAfter/2 my other file without it saying:
Local definition of user:justAfter/2 overrides weak import from module
How can I use the predicates I've imported from my module, rather redefining it?
Prolog modules were designed to hide auxiliary predicates. They don't provide a concept of interface that allows separating predicate declarations from predicate definitions. That's why the compiler complains if you export predicates that are not defined. From your description, I assume you tried something like:
----- module.pl -----
:- module(module, [
inside/3, isTime/1, injestEvent/1, justAfter/2, actorOfEvent/2, objectOfEvent/2
inside(Food,Eater,T) :-
actorOfEvent(InjEvent, Eater),
objectOfEvent(InjEvent, Food).
which results in:
?- [module].
ERROR: Exported procedure module:justAfter/2 is not defined
ERROR: Exported procedure module:isTime/1 is not defined
ERROR: Exported procedure module:injestEvent/1 is not defined
ERROR: Exported procedure module:objectOfEvent/2 is not defined
ERROR: Exported procedure module:actorOfEvent/2 is not defined
You attempted to workaround this error by adding local definitions. But this just result in the second problem you describe. When you do something like:
?- use_module(module).
You import all the predicates exported by module, including those that you want to define in state.pl. Therefore, the compiler warns you, when loading state.pl, that this file is overriding those predicates. E.g. with:
----- state.pl -----
justAfter(1, injEvent).
actorOfEvent(injEvent, eater).
objectOfEvent(injEvent, food).
we get:
?- [state].
Warning: /Users/pmoura/Desktop/state.pl:1:
Local definition of user:isTime/1 overrides weak import from module
Warning: /Users/pmoura/Desktop/state.pl:2:
Local definition of user:injestEvent/1 overrides weak import from module
Warning: /Users/pmoura/Desktop/state.pl:3:
Local definition of user:justAfter/2 overrides weak import from module
Warning: /Users/pmoura/Desktop/state.pl:4:
Local definition of user:actorOfEvent/2 overrides weak import from module
Warning: /Users/pmoura/Desktop/state.pl:5:
Local definition of user:objectOfEvent/2 overrides weak import from module
Although these are warnings and not errors, calling the inside/3 predicate will not give you what you want:
?- inside(Food,Eater,T).
Where are the bindings?!? Let's trace the call to highlight the cause:
?- trace.
[trace] ?- inside(Food,Eater,T).
Call: (8) module:inside(_2508, _2510, _2512) ? creep
Call: (9) module:isTime(_2512) ? creep
Exit: (9) module:isTime(_2512) ? creep
Call: (9) module:injestEvent(_2804) ? creep
Exit: (9) module:injestEvent(_2804) ? creep
Call: (9) module:justAfter(_2512, _2806) ? creep
Exit: (9) module:justAfter(_2512, _2806) ? creep
Call: (9) module:actorOfEvent(_2804, _2510) ? creep
Exit: (9) module:actorOfEvent(_2804, _2510) ? creep
Call: (9) module:objectOfEvent(_2804, _2508) ? creep
Exit: (9) module:objectOfEvent(_2804, _2508) ? creep
Exit: (8) module:inside(_2508, _2510, _2512) ? creep
The trace makes it clear that the "state" predicates are being called in the wrong context.
A clean solution is to use Logtalk objects instead of Prolog modules. Logtalk extends Prolog and supports most systems, including SWI-Prolog. It supports interfaces/protocols as first-class entities (which solve the first problem you mention) and supports inheritance and calling predicates in their usage context (which solves the second problem). You could use e.g.
----- common.lgt -----
:- object(common).
:- public([
inside/3, isTime/1, injestEvent/1, justAfter/2, actorOfEvent/2, objectOfEvent/2
inside(Food,Eater,T) :-
% call the next predicates in "self", i.e. in the
% object that received the inside/3 message
::actorOfEvent(InjEvent, Eater),
::objectOfEvent(InjEvent, Food).
:- end_object.
and then represent "state" as:
----- state.lgt -----
:- object(state, extends(common)).
justAfter(1, injEvent).
actorOfEvent(injEvent, eater).
objectOfEvent(injEvent, food).
:- end_object.
A quick test (after installing Logtalk):
$ swilgt
?- {common, state}.
?- state::inside(Food,Eater,T).
Food = food,
Eater = eater,
T = 1.
As a bonus, you can define as many "state" objects as you need. You can also have default definitions for the "state" predicates in the common object. These will be inherited and used when the "state" objects don't provide a definition for a particular predicate. For example, let's add to common the clause:
objectOfEvent(injEvent, drink).
and delete (or comment out) the clause objectOfEvent(injEvent, food). from state. Save and reload and retrying the query will give you:
?- {*}. % abbreviation for Logtalk's make
% Redefining object common
% Redefining object state
?- state::inside(Food,Eater,T).
Food = drink,
Eater = eater,
T = 1.
If needed, you can also dynamically create new state objects instead of defining them in source files. For example:
?- create_object(s2, [extends(common)], [], [isTime(42), ...]).
This may not be the answer you were looking for but this is also the case where the best answer is to use the right tool^H^H^H^H encapsulation mechanism for the job. Your programming pattern is also a quite common one (and one of the reasons Logtalk was developed).
It's very simple to add a basic form of 'object orientation'.
Let's say we have a clause in a module logic:
:- module(logic, [inside/4]).
% apply the rule to a specified module (expected to be a state object)
inside(M,Food,Eater,T) :-
M:justAfter(T, InjEvent),
M:actorOfEvent(InjEvent, Eater),
M:objectOfEvent(InjEvent, Food).
and we have a lot of state objects pertinent: in a file state1.pl
justAfter(10, eat).
actorOfEvent(eat, mick).
objectOfEvent(eat, food).
and in a file state2.pl
justAfter(20, sleep).
actorOfEvent(sleep, everyone).
objectOfEvent(sleep, dream).
then a possible session:
?- [logic].
?- s1:consult(state1).
?- s2:consult(state2).
?- inside(s1,Food,Eater,T).
Food = food,
Eater = mick,
T = 10.
?- inside(s2,What,Who,T).
What = dream,
Who = everyone,
T = 20.
A small generalization, worth to try:
inside(M,Food,Eater,T) :-
where resolve/1 could be
resolve(M) :- var(M) -> current_module(M), catch(M:isTime(_),_,fail) ; true.
this trick enable 'browsing the objects':
?- inside(M,X,Y,Z).
M = s2,
X = dream,
Y = everyone,
Z = 20 ;
M = s1,
X = food,
Y = mick,
Z = 10 ;
An alternative to CapelliC is the use of Prolog dicts. They have been introduced by SWI-Prolog and since release 1.3.0 they are also available in Jekejeke Prolog. If the receiver is not needed, one can simply use an underscore.
File state1.pl:
:- module(state1, [isTime/2, injestEvent/2, justAfter/3,
actorOfEvent/3, objectOfEvent/3]).
:- reexport(logic).
_.isTime() := 10.
_.injestEvent() := eat.
_.justAfter(10) := eat.
_.actorOfEvent(eat) := mick.
_.objectOfEvent(eat) := food.
File state2.pl:
:- module(state2, [isTime/2, injestEvent/2, justAfter/3,
actorOfEvent/3, objectOfEvent/3]).
:- reexport(logic).
_.isTime() := 20.
_.injestEvent() := sleep.
_.justAfter(20) := sleep.
_.actorOfEvent(sleep) := everyone.
_.objectOfEvent(sleep) := dream.
File logic.pl:
:- module(logic, [inside/4]).
M.inside(Food,Eater) := T :-
T = M.isTime(),
InjEvent = M.injestEvent(),
InjEvent = M.justAfter(T),
Eater = M.actorOfEvent(InjEvent),
Food = M.objectOfEvent(InjEvent).
To make the logic also visible in state1 and state2 use reexport/1. This allows sending a message to state1 or state2, but nevertheless a method from logic will be processed. Here is an example run:
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 7.7.19)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
?- T = state1{}.inside(Food,Eater).
T = 10,
Food = food,
Eater = mick.
?- T = state2{}.inside(Food,Eater).
T = 20,
Food = dream,
Eater = everyone.
The exports of isTime/2, injestEvent/2, etc.. will go away with the upcoming release 1.3.1 of Jekejeke Prolog when we have made ('.')/3 call-site aware. But the result for Jekejeke Prolog is the same:
Jekejeke Prolog 3, Runtime Library 1.3.0
(c) 1985-2018, XLOG Technologies GmbH, Switzerland
?- T = state1{}.inside(Food,Eater).
T = 10,
Food = food,
Eater = mick
?- T = state2{}.inside(Food,Eater).
T = 20,
Food = dream,
Eater = everyone
I've seen Verilog code where the bitwise or operator ("|") is used monadic. What's the purpose?
For example
| address[15:14]==0
|address[15:14]? io_din : ramrd
Cann't we omit the "|" in these cases?
In this case it acts as a reduction operator, for example:
|4'b1000 => 1'b1 (OR)
&4'b1000 => 1'b0 (AND)
^4'b1000 => 1'b1 (XOR)
|4'b0000 => 1'b0
&4'b1111 => 1'b1
^4'b1111 => 1'b0
ORing the entire bus to a 1 bit value, or applying an AND/XOR to the entire bus.
This is referred to as a 'unary' operator as it only take a right hand argument. They are covered in Section 11.4.9 of SystemVerilog IEEE1800-2012.
|address[15:14]? io_din : ramrd
is the shortcut for writing
(address[15] | address[14]) ? io_din : ramrd
i.e bitwise ORing of all bits of the bus together to generate a 1bit value.
In this case it will evaluate as HIGH if either(or both) bit 15 OR bit 14 is HIGH.
similarly you can write other bitwise operators
&address[15:14]? io_din : ramrd // ANDing
^address[15:14]? io_din : ramrd // XORing
In the examples provided, the code with | is functionally equivalent to the same coded with the | omitted. Three possible reason to have and keep the | for the provided code are:
It gives guidance to the synthesizer: first OR the address bits then compare to 0, instead of comparing each address bit to 0 then ANDing the results. It is the same functional result with different gate configurations.
It following a coding style or formatting style requirement.
It just read better (visually/structurally appealing) because there is a |address[15:14]==1 on a near by line of code to |address[15:14]==0. (Reminder: |address[15:14]==1 is not the same as address[15:14]==1)
On the specific question of whether the '|' can be omitted in these cases:
Whether |address[15:14] and address[15:14] are identical depends on the context (in general, they aren't, because unknowns are handled differently). Your first example compared to 0, and it's true that the | can be dropped in this particular case, but it wouldn't be true if you compared to anything other than 0.
Your second example is trickier. The LRM doesn't appear to specify how the first expression in a ternary is evaluated. I know of 2 sims that evaluate it as a reduction-OR, so the | can be dropped in those cases. However, if a sim instead evaluates it in the same way as an if (ie if(address[15:14])) then the | is required.
Synthesis is simpler, of course, since the synthesiser doesn't have to worry about unknowns.