How to run a script on a terminal at startup? - linux

I'm working on a project in which I'm using the Raspberry Pi 3B+ has the latest Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster). At present, my code (shell script) is running in the crontab (with #reboot command). As we all know that the script added in the crontab runs in the background, hence, I can't see the debug messages it is printing. Therefore, I'm looking for a feature or function, which should be similar to the process in which I run the code in the terminal.
By doing some research online, I found many references related to this kind of requirements. The most common method was making a .desktop file and add into ~/.config/autostart
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=lxterminal -e "sudo sh /home/pi/Desktop/main_pro/"
But unfortunately, there is no autostart folder in my ./config directory. could someone help me in achieving this task?


How do I create a shortcut for a command line command in Raspbian Stretch?

I am attempting to install RetroPie as an app on Raspbian Stretch and I am done except for creating a desktop shortcut for it. The problem is that the only way to open RetroPie seems to be running a command in the command line. I can’t do it in terminal because it gives me an error saying that it can’t initialize the window. Is there a way to run a command line command as a shortcut or am I going to have to find another way of doing this?
P.S. Here is the tutorial that I followed to install RetroPie:
Probably your shell (on the raspberry) is GNU bash. So read the manual of GNU bash.
You probably want (once) to edit some Bash startup file (such as ~/.bashrc) to define functions and aliases there, and you could add executable shell scripts somewhere in your $PATH. I recommend having a $HOME/bin/ directory containing your scripts and executables, and have $HOME/bin/ early in your $PATH.
I can’t do it in terminal because it gives me an error saying that it can’t initialize the window.
Perhaps you need some display server (such as Xorg or Wayland) running (with a desktop environment or a window manager). You could run Xorg on your PC (on which you could install Linux) and connect to the raspberry using ssh -X then remote applications running on your Raspberry are displayed on your PC. IF your Raspberry is directly connected to a screen (via HDMI) you might run some Xorg server on it.
Is there a way to run a command line command as a shortcut
Yes, by making a shell alias or shell function or shell script. You need to understand how they work and change or create some appropriate file using some source code editor (I recommend GNU emacs, but the choice is yours and you might use any other editor such as vim, gedit, etc...): functions and aliases could be defined in your ~/.bashrc; shell scripts would usually have their own file with a shebang under your $HOME/bin/...

Other ways for auto-start script in Kali Linux?

So I'm basically wanting to get a script to run on system boot. It's basically an SSH callback. I've tried a few ways that I've gotten to work in the past on other distributions, but having a little bit of difficulty here.
First thing I've tried was adding the /path/to/script.rb to /etc/rc.local. However, this file does not exist on the latest version of Kali Linux. I tried to create it and replicate my old Ubuntu rc.local file, but it didn't run on system startup.
Next thing I tried was creating an executable bash script in /etc/init.d/, following the update-rc.d defaults and making the file executable. Restarted and nothing. If I run the script manually, it works. I tried to redirect the output to a file in the tmp folder, but it doesn't appear that there are any errors from what I'm understanding.
Are there any other ways to get an auto run script started other than these two methods? Seem to be the most common way to get this working, but it's just not doing it for me.
Add script to
Run command:
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/script
Run command:
update-rc.d script enable

Raspberry Pi boot script duplicating

I am trying to run a few scripts at each boot of the raspberry pi. I have been able to verify that when they are not configured to start automatically, I can run them, and they all work exactly as intended (and in only one instance). I have tried quite a few methods of autostarting these scripts, and I have found that using a desktop entry in .config/autostart directory to be my preferred way of doing it. I have also tried editing rc.local, crontab, systemd, and entries in .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart with no more success.
The issue is that when I have the scripts running at boot, there is a duplicate of the script running (I have it set to open a new instance of LXterminal, though there are not duplicates of the terminal). The script runs at boot just fine, but I am cannot figure out why there seems to be a "ghost" version of the script too. I have the autostart commands set to write to log files that show that the scripts are running more than once. I have also tried this on a fresh raspbian install. Could someone help me figure this out? I'm at a loss on what my issue is. This is for use of Amazon Alexa.
This is what I have in /home/pi/.config/autostart/AlexaBoot.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=lxterminal -e "/bin/bash /home/pi/Desktop/"
I can post what I have in the autostarted script if necessary. Thanks.
Found a fix for this. My solution is outlined on a similar Github issue, hopefully this is able to help someone with the same issue.

Not able to run the jar file during startup of system

I have RedHat linux. Intention is to start the java based GUI app after linux system finishes boot up. I have edited /etc/rc.local and kept
/usr/java/jre1.7.0_60/bin/java -jar /home/rfgwtest/Desktop/CEM/CEM_v2.0_Beta08/CEM_v2.0_Beta08/PME_CEM.jar &
at the end of the file. I am able to run this file for testing by executing the file on prompt. no errors of path or so.
what is missing as part of this? i have found this tip from the RedHat website
is there a common way to do this across the different kind of distribution ?
Maybe, creating a desktop entry will do it.
To do that,
$ cd
$ nano .config/autostart/javaApp.desktop
now, write this inside it,
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=usr/java/jre1.7.0_60/bin/java -jar /home/rfgwtest/Desktop/CEM/CEM_v2.0_Beta08/CEM_v2.0_Beta08/PME_CEM.jar
Comment[en_IN]=Jar comment
Comment=Jar comment
save the file and then, restart or re-login to the system.

LXDE .desktop file permission issue

I’m trying to run a Python script via a desktop icon/shortcut/launcher on a Raspberry Pi using Raspbian and LXDE. I have to use a desktop launcher since the script has to be started via a tiny touchscreen only accepting left-clicks and without a keyboard.
I think that I have a permission issue since the script fails at a point where it should execute some system commands which require root.
The script works if I do the following:
Open a terminal
Enter sudo python3
I tried to replicate this behavior with a .desktop file using the following config:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sudo python3
Name=Program Launcher
I suppose I missed something obvious, but since I don’t work with Linux usually I’m a bit lost here.
Edit: The problem was not a missing permission but an incorrectly assumed working directory and is now solved. Sorry for my confusion.
In detail: during development the script was started from its own folder while the desktop launcher used /home/pi as working directory. In general that's not a problem, but in the script a hardcoded path was used and a required file not found when using the launcher. The real problem was sloppy swallowed and the status code of a permission issue returned. So it was simply a bad code issue.
As docs for desktop entries says:
The Exec key must contain a command line. A command line consists of
an executable program optionally followed by one or more arguments.
The executable program can either be specified with its full path or
with the name of the executable only. If no full path is provided the
executable is looked up in the $PATH environment variable used by the
desktop environment. The name or path of the executable program may
not contain the equal sign ("="). Arguments are separated by a space.
It leads to conclusion, that maybe python3 is not within $PATH used by the desktop environment. Try to check full path of your python3 and sudo with:
whereis python3
whereis sudo
on my Archlinux it gives me /usr/bin/python3 and /usr/bin/sudo. Try to modify your Dekstop entry to something like:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/python3
Name=Program Launcher
Let me know if this helps.
