How to understand SequencedLambda(KafkaRunner) and DocumentPartition(DocumentLambda),and their related, in fluid-framework - fluid-framework
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I found that there are two ways to manage Kafka Service,
DocumentLambda and KafkaRunner.
They are very similar, and I want to know more about the differences.
And the reason or the history of why it is like this

We use a fixed number of Kafka partitions. So, a partition is shared by multiple documents. The DocumentLambda is responsible for routing the messages inside a partition to corresponding lambda handler. It contains a HashMap where key is "tenantId/documentId". For every incoming message, it looks up those fields to determine the lambda associated with that message.


Azure Service Bus: Ordered Processing of Session Sequences

Are there any recommended architectural patterns with Service Bus for ensuring ordered processing of nested groups of messages which are sent out of order? We are using Sessions, but when it comes down to ensuring that a set of Sessions must be processed sequentially in a certain order before moving onto another set of Sessions, the architecture becomes cumbersome very quickly. This question might best be illustrated with an example.
We are using Service Bus to integrate changes in real-time from a database to a third-party API. Every N minutes, we get notified of a new 'batch' of changes from the database which consists of individual records of data across different entities. We then transform/map each record and send it along to an API. For example, a 'batch' of changes might include 5 new/changed 'Person' records, 3 new/changed 'Membership' records, etc.
At the outer-most level, we must always process one entire batch before we can move on to another batch of data, but we also have a requirement to process each type of entity in a certain order. For example, all 'Person' changes must be processed for a given batch before we can move on to any other objects.
There is no guarantee that these records will be queued up in any order which is relevant to how they will need to be processed, particularly within a 'batch' of changes (e.g. the data from different entity types will be interleaved).
We actually do not necessarily need to send the individual records of entity data in any order to the API (e.g. it does not matter in which order I send those 5 Person records for that batch, as long as they are all sent before the 3 Membership records for that batch). However, we do group the messages into Sessions by entity type so that we can guarantee homogeneous records in a given session and target all records for that entity type (this also helps us support a separate requirement we have when calling the API to send a batch of records when possible instead of an individual call per record to avoid API rate limiting issues). Currently, our actual Topic Subscription containing the record data is broken up into Sessions which are unique to the entity type and the batch.
"SessionId": "Batch1234\Person"
We are finding that it is cumbersome to manage the requirement that all changes for a given batch must be processed before we move on to the next batch, because there is no Session which reliably groups those "groups of entities" together (let alone processing those groups of entities themselves in a certain order). There is, of course, no concept of a 'session of sessions', and we are currently handling this by having a separate 'Sync' queue to represent an entire batch of changes which needs to be processed what sessions of data are contained in that batch:
"SessionId": "Batch1234",
"targets": ["Batch1234\Person", "Batch1234\Membership", ...]
This is quite cumbersome, because something (e.g. a Durable Azure Function) now has to orchestrate the entire process by watching the Sync queue and then spinning off separate processors that it oversees to ensure correct ordering at each level (which makes concurrency management and scalability much more complicated to deal with). If this is indeed a good pattern, then I do not mind implementing the extra orchestration architecture to ensure a robust, scalable implementation. However, I cannot help from feeling that I am missing something or not thinking about the architecture the right way.
Is anyone aware of any other recommended pattern(s) in Service Bus for handling ordered processing of groups of data which themselves contain groups of data which must be processed in a certain order?
For the record I'm not a service bus expert, specifically.
The entire batch construct sounds painful - can you do away with it? Often if you have a painful input, you'll have a painful solution - the old "crap in, crap out" maxim. Sometimes it's just hard to find an elegant solution.
Do the 'sets of sessions' need to be processed in a specific order?
Is a 'batch' of changes = a session?
I can't think of a specific pattern, but a "divide and conquer" approach seems reasonable (which is roughly what you have already?):
Watch for new batches, when one occurs hand it off to a BatchProcessor.
BatchProcessor applies all the rules to the batch, as you outlined.
Consider having the BatchProcessor dump it's results on a queue of some kind which is the source for the API - that way you have some kind of isolation between the batch processing and the API.

Handling Out-Of-Order Event Windowing in Apache Beam from a Multitenant Kafka Topic

I’ve been mulling over how to solve a given problem in Beam and thought I’d reach out to a larger audience for some advice. At present things seem to be working sparsely and I was curious if someone could provide a sounding-board to see if this workflow makes sense.
The primary high-level goal is to read records from Kafka that may be out of order and need to be windowed in Event Time according to another property found on the records and eventually emitting the contents of those windows and writing them out to GCS.
The current pipeline looks roughly like the following:
val partitionedEvents = pipeline
.apply("Read Events from Kafka",
.read<String, Log>()
// Set the watermark to use a specific field for event time
.withTimestampPolicyFactory { _, previousWatermark -> WatermarkPolicy(previousWatermark) }
ImmutableMap.of<String, Any?>(
ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest",
ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "log-processor-pipeline",
"schema.registry.url", options.schemaRegistryUrl
.apply("Logging Incoming Logs", ParDo.of(Events.log()))
.apply("Rekey Logs by Tenant", ParDo.of(Events.key()))
.apply("Partition Logs by Source",
// This is a custom function that will partition incoming records by a specific
// datasource field
Partition.of(dataSources.size, Events.partition<KV<String, Log>>(dataSources))
dataSources.forEach { dataSource ->
// Store a reference to the data source name to avoid serialization issues
val sourceName =
val tempDirectory = Directories.resolveTemporaryDirectory(options.output)
// Grab all of the events for this specific partition and apply the source-specific windowing
// strategies
"Building Windows for $sourceName",
SourceSpecificWindow.of<KV<String, Log>>(dataSource)
.apply("Group Windowed Logs by Key for $sourceName", GroupByKey.create())
.apply("Log Events After Windowing for $sourceName", ParDo.of(Events.logAfterWindowing()))
"Writing Windowed Logs to Files for $sourceName",
FileIO.writeDynamic<String, KV<String, MutableIterable<Log>>>()
.by { row -> "${row.key}/${sourceName}" }
.via(Contextful.fn(SerializableFunction { logs -> Files.stringify(logs.value) }), TextIO.sink())
.withNaming { partition ->}
In a simpler, bulleted form, it might look like this:
Read records from single Kafka topic
Key all records by their tenant
Partition stream by another event properly
Iterate through known partitions in previous step
Apply custom windowing rules for each partition (related to datasource, custom window rules)
Group windowed items by key (tenant)
Write tenant-key pair groupings to GCP via FileIO
The problem is that the incoming Kafka topic contains out-of-order data across multiple tenants (e.g. events for tenant1 might be streaming in now, but then a few minutes later you’ll get them for tenant2 in the same partition, etc.). This would cause the watermark to bounce back and forth in time as each incoming record would not be guaranteed to continually increase, which sounds like it would be a problem, but I'm not certain. It certainly seems that while data is flowing through, some files are simply not being emitted at all.
The custom windowing function is extremely simple and was aimed to emit a single window once the allowed lateness and windowing duration has elapsed:
object SourceSpecificWindow {
fun <T> of(dataSource: DataSource): Window<T> {
return Window.into<T>(FixedWindows.of(dataSource.windowDuration()))
.withAllowedLateness(dataSource.allowedLateness(), Window.ClosingBehavior.FIRE_ALWAYS)
However, it seemed inconsistent since we'd see logging come out after the closing of the window, but not necessarily files being written out to GCS.
Does anything seem blatantly wrong or incorrect with this approach? Since the data can come in out of order within the source (i.e. right now, 2 hours ago, 5 minutes from now) and covers data across multiple tenants, but the aim is try and ensure that one tenant that keeps up to date won't drown out tenants that might come in the past.
Would we potentially need another Beam application or something to "split" this single stream of events into sub-streams that are each processed independently (so that each watermark processes on their own)? Is that where a SplittableDoFn would come in? Since I'm running on the SparkRunner, which doesn't appear to support that - but it seems as though it'd be a valid use case.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated or even just another set of eyes. I'd be happy to provide any additional details that I could.
Currently running against SparkRunner
While this may not be the most helpful response, I'll be transparent as far as the end result. Eventually the logic required for this specific use-case extended far beyond the built-in capabilities of those in Apache Beam, primarily in the area around windowing/governance of time.
The solution that was landed on was to switch the preferred streaming technology from Apache Beam to Apache Flink, which as you might imagine was quite a leap. The stateful-centric nature of Flink allowed us to more easily handle our use cases, define custom eviction criteria (and ordering) around windowing, while losing a layer of abstraction over it.

Properly Seek and Consume Kafka Messages on Multipartition Topic

I recently found that a topic i've been using is multi-partition rather than single partition. I need to reconfigure my consumer class to handle the multiple partitions, but i'm a touch confused. I am currently using an offset group, let's call it test_offset_group for sake of the below example. Under normal circumstances, I will always be parsing linearly and continuing forward in time; as messages get added to the topic I will parse them and move on, but in the event of a crash or the need to go back and re-run the feed for the previous day, I need to be able to seek by timestamp. Kafka is mandatory in this project so I have no ability to change the type of streaming data service i'm using.
I configure my consumer like this:
test_consumer = KafkaConsumer("test_topic", bootstrap_servers="bootstrap_string", enable_auto_commit=False, group_id="test_offset_group"
In the event I need to seek to a timestamp, i'll provide a timestamp and then seek using the following method:
tp = TopicPartition("test_topic", 0)
needed_date = datetime.timestamp(timestamp)
rec_in = test_consumer.offsets_for_times({tp: needed_date * 1000}), rec_in[tp].offset)
The above functions perfectly for a single partition consumer, but this feels very clunky and difficult when you consider numerous partitions. I guess I could fetch the number of partitions using
and then iterate over each of them, but again, that seems like i'm going against the grain of Kafka and I feel like there should be an easier way to do this.
In summary: I'd like to understand how to seek to a number of offsets with multiple partitions utilizing the offset_group functionality and i'd like to confirm that, by conducting the above operation, I am effectively ignoring all partitions aside from 0?
You are doing the right logic, you just need to perform it on all partitions asigned to this consumer instance.
You can retrieve the current assignment using assignment().

How to deduplicate messages while streaming kafka using Spark Streaming?

I have a case where Kafka producers sends the data twice a day. These producers read all the data from the database/files and send to Kafka. So these messages sent every day, which is duplicated. I need to deduplicate the message and write in some persistent storage using the Spark Streaming. What will the best way of removing the duplicate messages in this case?
The duplicate message sent is a json string with the timestamp field is only updated.
Note: I can't change Kafka Producer to send only the new data/message, it's already installed in the client machine and written by someone else.
For deduplication, you need to store somewhere information about what was already processed (for example unique ids of messages).
To store messages you can use:
spark checkpoints. Pros: out-of-the-box. Cons: if you update the source code of app, you need to clean checkpoints. As result, you will lose information. Solution can work, if the requirements for deduplication is not strict.
any database. For example, if you running on hadoop env, you can use Hbase. For every message you do 'get' (check that it wasn't sent before), and mark in DB sent when it is really send.
You can the change the topic configuration to compact mode. With compaction, a record with same key will be overwritten/updated in the Kafka log. There by you get only the latest value for a key from Kafka.
You can read more about compaction here.
You could try to use mapWithState. Check my answer.
A much simpler approach would be to solve this at kafka end. have a look at kafka's Log compaction feature. It will deduplicate the recors for you provided the records have same unique key.
You can use a Key-Value datastore where your key is going to be combination of fields excluding the timestamp field and value the actual json.
As you poll the records create the Key and value pair write to the datastore which either handles the UPSERT(Insert + Update) or check if the key exists in the datastore then drop the message
// then drop
}else {
//write to the datastore
I suggest you to check HBase(Which handles UPSERTS) and Redis(In-Memory KV datastore used for lookups)
Have you looked into this:
You can try using the dropDuplicates() method.
If you have more than one column that needs to be used to determine the duplicates, you can use the dropDuplicates(String[] colNames) to pass them.

How can I aggregate the messages I split splitter in spring integration?

Using the splitter in Spring Integration, I split rows of data selected from a table in database.
After Each message finish the process, I want to aggregate every message to one message like the old one. How can I do? I don't know how many the splitter splits message. All I know is just the correlation id in the header of the split message. Even if I aggregate the messages, I can not make the release strategy.
How can I solve this?
And Is there any way to insert multi-rows of data using jdbc-outbound-gateway or jdbc-outbound-channel-adaptor at one time without using splitter for inserting each one row?
Actually, if you use the default splitter strategy, it will populate whole SequenceDetails including sequenceSize. In the end aggregator with default strategy can correlate message and release them using those SequenceDetails.
Of course, if you use the custom splitting logic you should provide those headers manually. If you know the size, of course - MessageBuilder#pushSequenceDetails for each splitted message.
In this part we need to know more info about you case. Some example of your code would be great too.
Re. batch insert: As you see we haven't implemented it yet. But it enough simple to workaround it with direct JdbcTemplate usage from <outbound-channel-adapter>
