qemu: could not load PC BIOS 'bios-256k.bin' - windows-10

I was trying to use QEMU with a kernel ISO I am building but I am unable to run the test.
I am using Windows 10 64 bit and I have added the pc-bios folder to PATH if that matters.
I have tried the following commands till now:
Windows terminal screenshot

You can use bios-256k.bin that comes with QEMU. Add the following while running your command ... -L "C:\Program Files\qemu". Where "C:\Program Files\qemu" is the path to QEMU installation.

Add -L C:\Users\Ratul\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator\lib\pc-bios\ option to your command line. You tried this option, but used the path and name of the binary, and iIt should contain only the path.


Running ffmpeg in Terminal Linux

I've downloaded and unzipped ffmpeg at custom directory in my Ubuntu linux. Now I want to run this ffmpeg using terminal like I run on windows using command prompt. But everytime it says "ffmpeg: command not found". My question is how can I run ffmpeg using terminal through extracted libraries
First you need to make sure the file has execute permissions... or just add it with chmod +x filename
Secondly either the executables must be on the path or you need to specify the path to the executable. What I mean by this is, under Windows if you are in a directory with an executable you can type in the executable name and it will work... this is not the case for Linux. If you are in the executable's directory you execute the command like this ./command. The dot means you are executing a file in the current directory

Installing Linux Library on Windows Using Mingw

I am attempting to install GTKExtra on windows. The package comes in a Tar.Gz and contains a Configure file. So its necessary to install the package using MinGw because the package is designed to be installed on Linux.
I have installed MinGW and MSYS. I have made sure that C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\etc\fstab contains the line C:\MinGW /mingw (plus an empty line below it).
My Problem: I still cant get windows run the Configure file. When I type in ./Configure into CMD I get the error '.' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
The steps I am taking are:
Open cmd.exe
Navigate to the folder that contains the configure file using cd C:/...
Type in ./configure (as per the instructions found in INSTALL. But this causes the error I described above
How can I run the configure file on windows? What have I done wrong?
You have to run the command in unix command prompt. For starting unix command prompt execute "msys.bat" in msys installation.

.m file to executable file in linux to run in another linux machine

Hi I am working in matlab linux. I want to convert my .m files to .exe or some executable file so that I can run it in another linux machine.I tried doing
mcc -m filename.m -o newfile
But it creates run_newfile.sh and newfile.o files. How do I sonvert this .sh file to .exe or how can I run this .sh file in other machine. please help
I solved the problem . I used
mcc -mv filename.m
command which creates a executable file and the I can run the executable file which has same name with the .m file as
in the shell . And also we need to check if the MCR is installed or not. if not we need to install the MCR. thanks for your reply.
You can run the created files on other linux machines by sh run_newfile.sh. You cannot create exe-files for windows machines on linux machines. For creating windows-executable Exe-Files you have to use a windows machine.
If you want to use MATLAB Compiler to produce Windows executables (.exe files), you must run it on a Windows machine. If you run it on a Linux machine it will produce outputs suitable for Linux, as you're seeing.
Your MATLAB license is cross-platform and you may install it multiple times, so you can install it on Windows as well as Linux (so long as you don't use more than two of the multiple installations simultaneously).
If you don't have the install files for Windows, than so long as your license is in maintenance you can download them by logging in to your MathWorks account.

Change size of files on Windows machine from remote Linux machine

I need to change somehow size of files (increase or decrease) on Windows machine using bash scripts. (Content of files doesnt matter) But i have to run this scripts from remote linux machine. I've selected truncate command for size changing, this is exactly that i need, cause i need to change size exactly of chosen file, without changing it's descriptor. It is very important.
But i DO NOT have truncate on my linux machine and i CANNOT install it there (So dont tell me to install it there plz :)). I cannot install nothing on my linux machine it has specific kernel - this is a main option of all my problems.
So i've decided to install cygwin on my Windows machine, cause it has truncate command. Also i know that there are fallocate command, but my linux machine also doesnt have it, and cygwin doesnt have it too. So if there is some another command i wanna know it :)
Then after this steps i tried to change file size from cygwin terminal via truncate and all works perfectly. And the last problem that i had to solve was just run cygwin's bash from my remote linux, i've chosen winexe for that.
Finally the way that i've chosen is:
I run winexe command on my linux machine that runs:
winexe myHost "c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe myScriptWithTRUNCATE"
on my Win machine.
But it doesnt work and i dunno why. truncate command doesnt change size of files at all. When i type
truncate --help
all works, i can see result of help option on my linux terminal, but e.g.
truncate -s someSize myFile
doesnt work, size of file doesnt change. Also error code from truncate -s someSize myFile is 0
Any suggestions?
try giving the name of your script that is "myScriptWithTRUNCATE" directly in winexe command .
winexe myHost "c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe myScriptWithTRUNCATE"
also check debug log of winexe by modifying winexe command as :-
winexe -d 5 myHost "c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe myScriptWithTRUNCATE"
see in this log what actually is sent over to windows as command in place for your script.
specifically see in " CTRL: sending command : run xxxxx"
see what "xxxxx" is in that debug log.
winexe gives you the control of windows command line(cmd.exe).
Try running you script after it has got control of cmd.exe.
Based on some findings above , try this link for more help

problem running dmd-tango under linux

does anybody know how to run dmd under linux? i downloaded the tango linux binary and extracted it to a special folder. i call "export PATH..." but when i tried to run dmd all i get was
bash: /home/user/dmd/bin/dmd: No such file or directory
sorry im new to linux and just installed ubuntu 9.04 64bit.
sorry mark, formatting screwed up in comments above,
download file, tango-0.99.8-bin-linux-dmd.1.041.tar.gz
extracted to /home/user/dmd/ folder, so there are /home/user/dmd/bin/ .... etc.
call up 'export PATH=/home/user/dmd/bin:$PATH' in terminal
tried to run dmd with command 'dmd' and it returns
bash: /home/user/dmd/bin/dmd: No such file or directory

