problem running dmd-tango under linux - linux

does anybody know how to run dmd under linux? i downloaded the tango linux binary and extracted it to a special folder. i call "export PATH..." but when i tried to run dmd all i get was
bash: /home/user/dmd/bin/dmd: No such file or directory
sorry im new to linux and just installed ubuntu 9.04 64bit.

sorry mark, formatting screwed up in comments above,
download file, tango-0.99.8-bin-linux-dmd.1.041.tar.gz
extracted to /home/user/dmd/ folder, so there are /home/user/dmd/bin/ .... etc.
call up 'export PATH=/home/user/dmd/bin:$PATH' in terminal
tried to run dmd with command 'dmd' and it returns
bash: /home/user/dmd/bin/dmd: No such file or directory


Trouble installing a kernel driver for Yiynova tablet on Linux Mint 18.2

I got a Yiynova (MVP10U) tablet and haven't had the best luck getting it to work well on my Windows 10 laptop, so I thought I'd see how Linux would do.
I'm following this older tutorial: How To install a non-Wacom (Yiynova) tablet into Linux and am stuck on step two... For some reason cd isn't finding my kernel in the directory.
~ $ cd /home/crysenley/Documents/MintModifications/Drivers/digimend-kernel-drivers-5
bash: cd: /home/crysenley/Documents/MintModifications/Drivers/digimend-kernel-drivers-5: No such file or directory
~ $ cd /home/crysenley/Documents/MintModifications/Drivers/digimend-kernel-drivers-5.tar.gz
bash: cd: /home/crysenley/Documents/MintModifications/Drivers/digimend-kernel-drivers-5.tar.gz: Not a directory
When I don't include the file name it seems to work just fine until I try to point it to the file again:
~ $ cd /home/crysenley/Documents/MintModifications/Drivers/
~/Documents/MintModifications/Drivers $ digimend-kernel-drivers-5
WARNING:root:could not open file '/etc/apt/sources.list'
digimend-kernel-drivers-5: command not found
~/Documents/MintModifications/Drivers $ digimend-kernel-drivers-5.tar.gz
WARNING:root:could not open file '/etc/apt/sources.list'
digimend-kernel-drivers-5.tar.gz: command not found
I'm sure the solution is a simple one, I'm just not that familiar with Linux, still. I tried searching up answers, but the ones I found didn't seem to relate to my issue.
So turns out I just needed to extract the tar.gz file before using it... Didn't realize tar files are to be extracted without other programs. ^^;

Cytoscape and linux

Trying to install Cytoscape program on linux cytoscape. And I don't know how because first install button transfers me to HTML page and nothing is downloadable. (I have java installed). I tried to download tar.gz file but I am stuck, because there is no configure file and it says I have no permission for it. What should I do?
Once java 11 is installed on your computer try this:
ctrl+alt+T #open Ubuntu's console
cd /home/fulanita/Downloads #this is the directory where my computer has cytoscape.
chmod +x ./
./ #3.8.1 is the last version for Ubuntu
the program will start to install
If anyone comes here in search for an answer I found a solution.
You go to you directory where you keep extracted tar.gz
with cd -Folderdestination/ you locate a folderwhere you keep a file named, and with command
sudo sh
install the program.

"No such file or directory" running dynamically linked executable in Ubuntu

I'm trying to install AFDKO on Ubuntu. After installation I added environmental variables also. But when I call the command
$ makeotfexe
It returns
bash: /home/randika/FDK/Tools/linux/makeotfexe: No such file or directory
But when I "cd" in to that folder in above path the file exists and can be accessed and opened. What is issue here? How can I correct it?
Guess you are trying to run a 32bit executable in a 64bit environment. Try installing ia32-libs package.

Cygwin - Error Running Program on Windows 8.1

Operating System: Windows 8.1
Cygwin Version: Latest version, as of Sept. 9, 2014.
Guile Version: 1.8
My overall goal is to install a program called "MIT Photonics Band (MPB)" on Windows 8.1 using Cygwin. I am a new user, as I started using Cygwin a few days ago. I was able to install all required packages successfully after some troubleshooting. Eventually, I installed the MPB program using the generic ./configure, make, make install commands with slight modifications. All of this appeared to be successful.
The Problem:
When I try to run the executable program, I get the following error:
ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
ERROR: Unable to find file "ice-9/boot-9.scm" in load path
Attempt At Solution:
The following is a page of the MPB installation manual:
MPB Installation Manual - Shared Libraries.
It appears to address my issue. Note that it mentions LIBDIR and foobar. For my operating system, foobar is PATH. The LIBDIR, however, I do not know explicitly because my "make install" output did not indicate it, as the manual suggests it should have. Anyhow, I found the location of ice-9/boot-9.scm through a computer search and its directory happens to be here:
Hence, I ran the following command (again, for a Windows 8.1 operating system) in bash:
$ export PATH="/usr/share/guile/1.8/ice-9:$PATH"
However, note that when I run $PATH, I get this message:
-bash: /usr/share/guile/1.8/ice-9:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program: No such file or directory
I also tried:
$ export GUILE_LOAD_PATH="/usr/share/guile/1.8/ice-9:$GUILE_LOAD_PATH"
That yielded:
-bash: /usr/share/guile/1.8/ice-9:: No such file or directory
Furthermore, I tried to copy and paste the "ice-9" folder in various locations for a quick and sloppy solution, but it was to no avail. I searched online for answers as some users have had an issue with the program not finding the ice-9/boot-9.scm file in the past. I could not get my problem solved.
Please let me know if I need to provide more information. I appreciate the help!
EDIT: In response to the first user's post, I used the command echo $PATH and the following was the output:
/usr/share/guile/1.8:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/NVIDIA Corporation/PhysX/Common:/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/AMD APP/bin/x86_64:/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/AMD APP/bin/x86:/cygdrive/c/Windows/system32:/cygdrive/c/Windows:/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/Wbem:/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0:/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Live/Shared:/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/ATI Technologies/ATI.ACE/Core-Static:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/MATLAB/R2013a/runtime/win64:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/MATLAB/R2013a/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/8.1/Windows Performance Toolkit:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/110/Tools/Binn:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/MATLAB/MATLAB Compiler Runtime/v81/runtime/win64:/usr/lib/lapack
Note that the problem still persists.
So I opened the "load.scm" file for GUILE and I found this line:
(define load-path '("/usr/share/emacs/20.7/lisp/"
I tried to add /usr/share/guile/1.8/ to these directories, but that didn't do anything either. Can't tell what's wrong.

.m file to executable file in linux to run in another linux machine

Hi I am working in matlab linux. I want to convert my .m files to .exe or some executable file so that I can run it in another linux machine.I tried doing
mcc -m filename.m -o newfile
But it creates and newfile.o files. How do I sonvert this .sh file to .exe or how can I run this .sh file in other machine. please help
I solved the problem . I used
mcc -mv filename.m
command which creates a executable file and the I can run the executable file which has same name with the .m file as
in the shell . And also we need to check if the MCR is installed or not. if not we need to install the MCR. thanks for your reply.
You can run the created files on other linux machines by sh You cannot create exe-files for windows machines on linux machines. For creating windows-executable Exe-Files you have to use a windows machine.
If you want to use MATLAB Compiler to produce Windows executables (.exe files), you must run it on a Windows machine. If you run it on a Linux machine it will produce outputs suitable for Linux, as you're seeing.
Your MATLAB license is cross-platform and you may install it multiple times, so you can install it on Windows as well as Linux (so long as you don't use more than two of the multiple installations simultaneously).
If you don't have the install files for Windows, than so long as your license is in maintenance you can download them by logging in to your MathWorks account.
