stdout and stderr is not visible in syslog - linux

We have a node.js application running as a daemon on a Linux (Yocto) gateway, but I see no trace from the application in the /var/log/syslog file. What would I have to do to include all console.log (stdout) messages into the syslog file?

I suspect this is not a development question and would be better on Superuser or other site.
But anyway.
You can pipe the output of the program through a program called logger which will copy all of its input into the log socket.
Or you could use a version of Linux that uses systemd and journald. The systemd log system will copy all stdout and stderr into its journal log.
Or you can use your own log file (not /var/log/syslog) and redirect the daemon's output into that file.


Rsyslog send a message programmatically

How to send a message to rsyslog deamon programmatically (from a custom program)?
In the syslog there are openlog...syslog...closelog functions available. But how can i do it in case of rsyslog?
rsyslog is a central log program.
You could cat /etc/rsyslog.conf to watch how your rsyslog is configured.
Default configuration use imuxsock and imjournal.
imuxsock module actually listen like /dev/log or /run/systemd/journal/syslog. This means you could use syslog(3) man 3 syslog or cmd logger 123 to write log into /var/log/messages.
imjournal means rsyslog read log from systemd-journald(/var/log/journal/$(uuid)/*.journal. You could use sd-journal(3) api or journal cmd like echo 123 | systemd-cat to write to journal, and then rsyslog read log from it. you can see journal with journalctl -e to see the newest journal.

Is it possible to pass input to a running service or daemon?

I want to create a Java console application that runs as a daemon on Linux, I have created the application and the script to run the application as a background daemon. The application runs and waits for command line input.
My question:
Is it possible to pass command line input to a running daemon?
On Linux, all running processes have a special directory under /proc containing information and hooks into the process. Each subdirectory of /proc is the PID of a running process. So if you know the PID of a particular process you can get information about it. E.g.:
$ sleep 100 & ls /proc/$!
Of note is the fd directory, which contains all the file descriptors associated with the process. 0, 1, and 2 exist for (almost?) all processes, and 0 is the default stdin. So writing to /proc/$PID/fd/0 will write to that process' stdin.
A more robust alternative is to set up a named pipe connected to your process' stdin; then you can write to that pipe and the process will read it without needing to rely on the /proc file system.
See also Writing to stdin of background process on ServerFault.
The accepted answer above didn't quite work for me, so here's my implementation.
For context I'm running a Minecraft server on a Linux daemon managed with systemctl. I wanted to be able to send commands to stdin (StandardInput).
First, use mkfifo /home/user/server_input to create a FIFO file somewhere (also known as the 'named pipe' solution mentioned above).
Then, in your daemon *.service file, execute the bash script that runs your server or background program and set the StandardInput directive to the FIFO file we just created.
In, the following is the key command that runs the server and gets input piped into the console of the running service.
tail -f /home/user/server_input| java -Xms1024M -Xmx4096M -jar /path/to/server.jar nogui
Finally, run systemctl start your_daemon_service and to pass input commands simply use:
echo "command" > /home/user/server_input
Creds to the answers given on ServerFault

What happens to the new syslog messages when rsyslogd daemon is stopped?

I tried to search this in many places and also documents/man pages of openlog(), syslog(0, rsyslogd(8) but couldn't find answer for this.
My question is, if rsyslogd is stopped or not yet started, then do the new syslog messages get lost? Or rsyslogd fetches them from /dev/log later when it's enabled?
My test is:
On a running system, rsyslog is running. Now, do the following:
logger -p local7.notice "my custom message1"
grep message1 | /var/log/messages ----> Success
Stop rsyslogd process
logger -p local7.notice "My other custom message2"
now, start the rsyslogd daemon
grep message2 | /var/log/messages ----> FAIL
I understand from openlog(3) and syslog(3) man pages that a socket is opened for /dev/log file and if there is an error while sending the message to syslog (as rsyslogd is not running) then the connection is closed (and message is printed on console/stderror if you have used LOG_CONS/LOG_PERROR).
Could anybody please tell me:
Is there any way rsyslogd to get all those messages came in absence of it in syslog file when it comes up?
If not by default, is there any syscall, command,etc.etc.way to do that??
Thank you in advance.
It won't happen by default. You can use the 'cat' command and pipe it to logger to get them in, though. Something like the following should work.
cat your.log | logger -n yourserver
You can also use the 'tail' command similarly to 'cat'.

How to stop Rsys from sending log data

Hello i am relatively new to rsyslog, and i have a file stored here /etc/rsyslog.d/ to tell rsyslog to send log data.
I now have enough data to analyze and would like to stop rsyslog from keep sending log data and waste my bandwidth.
So the question is how can i do this? Will removing the config file in /etc/rsyslog.d/ will simply stop rsyslog from sending the log file ?
Simply removing the file will not stop the logging.
you will have to issue a HUP to the PID of rsyslog.
This causes rsyslog to reread its configuration files in this case minus your config in /etc/rsyslog.d

Supervisord - Redirect process stdout to console

I am planning to run multiple processes using supervisor and please find my supervisord.conf file below:
stdout_logfile =/tmp/bash.log
file=/tmp/supervisor.sock ; path to your socket file
supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface
I wish to redirect the stdout of the process named bash to supervisor console so that when i start supervisor using
command, i could see the child process logs. How can i do this ? I tried putting syslog for stdout_logfile attribute but it did not work.
You can redirect the program's stdout to supervisor's stdout using the following configuration options:
When a process opens /dev/fd/1 (which is the same as /proc/self/fd/1), the system actually clones file descriptor #1 (stdout) of that process. Using this as stdout_logfile therefore causes supervisord to redirect the program's stdout to its own stdout.
stdout_logfile_maxbytes=0 disables log file rotation which is obviously not meaningful for stdout. Not specifying this option will result in an error because the default value is 50MB and supervisor is not smart enough to detect that the specified log file is not a regular file.
For more information:
