Extracting text in excel - excel

I have some text which I receive daily that I need to seperate. I have hundreds of lines similar to the extract below:
I need to extract individual snippets from this text, so for each in a seperate cell, I the result needs to be the date, month, company, size, and price. In the case, the result would be:
The issue I'm struggling with is uniformity. For example one line might have FEB50-FEB40, another FEB5-FEB40, or FEB50-FEB4. Another example giving me difficult is that some rows might have 'COMPANY A' and the other 'COMPANYA' (one word instead of two).
Any ideas? I've been trying combinations of the below but I'm not able to have uniform results.
=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE($D7," ",REPT(" ",LEN($D7))), (5)*LEN($D7)+1,LEN($D7)))
Sometimes I get
FEB40-50(' OR 'FEB40-FEB5'
when it should be
Thank you to who is able to help.

You might get to the limits of formulas with this scenario, but with Power Query you can still work.
As I see it, you want to apply the following logic to extract text from this string:
text after the first : and before the first (
text between the brackets
text after the word OFFERS and before AT
text after 'AT`
These can be easily translated into several "Split" scenarios inside Power Query.
split by custom delimiter : - that's colon and space - for each ocurrence
remove first column
Split new first column by ( - that's space and bracket - for leftmost
Replace ) with nothing in second column
Split third column by delimiter OFFERS
split new fourth column by delimiter AT
The screenshot shows the input data and the result in the Power Query editor after renaming the columns and before loading the query into the worksheet.
Once you have loaded the query, you can add / remove data in the input table and simply refresh the query to get your results. No formulas, just clicking ribbon commands.
You can take this further by removing the "KB" from the column, convert it to a number, divide it by 100. Your business processing logic will drive what you want to do. Just take it one step at a time.


Aligning vertically a series of tables with text

Hi I need the text to be in a specific format in a spreadsheet to be able to upload it on a translation tool.
I have already used the text split function to separate the text in a cell with bullet points, moving each bullet point to a separate cell.
enter image description here
Then I used the transpose function to separate each set of data. For context, you are looking at fashion products.
The name of the product is on the first row, followed by a list of features (e.g. "Bracciale" means bracelet and it is followed by the list of materials)
enter image description here
Now for the last step, I need these sets to be vertical, not horizontal. Like this:
enter image description here
I would like to set up an automatic system so that every time we receive a list with hundreds of these products we do not need to copy-paste them one below the other.
With pivot tables maybe? Keep in mind that if it is too complex it might be hard to train the translators to do it each time. Please let me know your suggestions. Thank you!
I am not a programmer. I tried pivot tables but the data was in the wrong order and I am not sure how to get the data out from the pivot table with values only without the sub-menus.
My suggestion would be to use the 'Unpivot Columns' feature in the Power Query Editor - it would be really simple.
Select the whole range
Go to Data // Get & Transform Data // From Table/Range
Uncheck 'My Table has headers' (unless it does - but doesn't look like it?)
Press OK. This will open Power Query Editor and will have actually given you column names Col1/2/3 etc, but ignore that.
Go to Add Column // Index column
Select all columns EXCEPT the new index column by Shift+clicking on those headers
Go to Transform // Unpivot Columns
Assuming the order is important, click in the Attribute column and Sort Ascending
Click in the Index column and Sort Ascending
Remove the Attribute and Index columns if you want (right click header)
Go to File // Close & Load
You will get a new table - dynamically linked to the first (ie. can be updated/refreshed) - in the unpivoted format.
Let me know if you need more details / screenshot?
Based of this trick, maybe the following is helpfull:
Formula in A5:
TEXTSPLIT() will use a combination of newline chars and the circumflex to split the input directly into a vertical array;
Iteration in REDUCE() will allow for stacked results;
DROP() the initial value from results.

Create a search option in Power BI dashboard based on keywords table

I have two tables
With complete data, including a keywords columns. where keywords are comma separated (around 25 keywords)
Unique keywords extracted from the keywords column. (single column with each keyword in each observation)
Task is, based on the keyword in the second table, search the observations that have similar keywords and display on the report.
Looks something like this:
This is a filter, which is not fulfilling my task.
I am back of https://ideas.powerbi.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=a586deac-c465-48da-978b-30ac2a4a3245 this activity. if someone can provide any solution related to this, will be helpful :).
I'm not sure what do you try to achieve. If you want just filter some visualization by selecting one of the keywords then create a measure (returning 0 /1, and this we can use for the filter in visualization) using SELECTEDVALUE -> for grabbing selected slicer and pathcontains (you need to replace comas ", " to pipe "|"

Sorting txt data files while importing in Excel Data Query

I am trying to enter approximately 190 txt datafiles in Excel using the New Query tool (Data->New Query->From File->From Folder). In the Windows explorer the data are properly ordered: the first being 0summary, the second 30summary etc.
However, when entering them through the query tool the files are sorted as shown in the picture (see line 9 for example, you will see that the file is not in the right position):
The files are sorted based on the first digit instead of the value represented. Is there a solution to this issue? I have tried putting space between the number and the summary but it also didn't work. I saw online that Excel doesn't recognize the text within "" or after /, but I am not allowed to save the text files with those symbols in their name in Windows. Even when removed the word summary the problem didn't fix. Any suggestions?
If all your names include the word Summary:
You can add a column "Extract" / "Text before delimiter" enter "Summary", change the column type to Number and sort over that column
If the only numbers are those you wish to sort on, you can
add a custom column with just the numbers
Change the data type to whole number
sort on that.
The formula for the custom column:
If the alpha portion varies, and you need to sort on that also, you can do something similar adding another column for the alpha portion, and sorting on that.
If there might be digits after the leading digits upon which you want to sort, then use the following formula for the added column which will extract only the digits at the beginning of the file name:

Extracting text from complex string in excel

The attached image (link: https://i.stack.imgur.com/w0pEw.png) shows a range of cells (B1:B7) from a table I imported from the web. I need a formula that allows me to extract the names from each cell. In this case, my objective is to generate the following list of names, where each name is in its own cell: Erik Karlsson, P.K. Subban, John Tavares, Matthew Tkachuk, Steven Stamkos, Dustin Brown, Shea Weber.
I have been reading about left, right, and mid functions, but I'm confused by the irregular spacing and special characters (i.e. the box with question mark beside some names).
Can anyone help me extract the names? Thanks
Assuming that your cells follow the same format, you can use a variety of text functions to get the name.
This function requires the following format:
Some initial text, followed by
2 new lines in Excel (represented by CHAR(10)
The name, which consists of a first name, a space, then a last name
A second space on the same line as the name, followed by some additional text.
With this format, you can use the following formula (assuming your data is in an Excel table, with the column of initial data named Text):
=MID([#Text],SEARCH(CHAR(10),[#Text],SEARCH(CHAR(10),[#Text])+1)+1,SEARCH(" ",MID([#Text],SEARCH(CHAR(10),[#Text],SEARCH(CHAR(10),[#Text])+1)+1,LEN([#Text])),SEARCH(" ",MID([#Text],SEARCH(CHAR(10),[#Text],SEARCH(CHAR(10),[#Text])+1)+1,LEN([#Text])))+1)-1)
To come up with this formula, we take the following steps:
First, we figure out where the name starts. We know this occurs after the 2 new lines, so we use:
The inner (occurring second) SEARCH finds the first new line, and the outer (occurring first) finds the 2nd new line.
Now that we have that value, we can use it to determine the rest of the string (after the 2 new lines). Let's say that the previous formula was stored in a table column called Start of Name. The 2nd formula will then be:
=MID([#Text],[#[Start of Name]],LEN([#Text]))
Note that we're using the length of the entire text, which by definition is more than we need. However, that's not an issue, since Excel returns the smaller amount between the last argument to MID and the actual length of the text.
Once we have the text from the start of the name on, we need to calculate the position of the 2nd space (where the name ends). To do that, we need to calculate the position of the first space. This is similar to how we calculated the start of the name earlier (which starts after 2 new lines). The function we need is:
=SEARCH(" ",[#[Rest of String]],SEARCH(" ",[#[Rest of String]])+1)-1
So now, we know where the name starts (after 2 new lines), and where it ends (after the 2nd space). Assuming we have these numbers stored in columns named Start of Name and To Second Space respectively, we can use the following formula to get the name:
=MID([#Text],[#[Start of Name]],[#[To Second Space]])
This is equivalent to the first formula: The difference is that the first formula doesn't use any "helper columns".
Of course, if any cell doesn't match this format, then you'll be out of luck. Using Excel formulas to parse text can be finicky and inflexible. For example, if someone has a middle name, or someone has a initials with spaces (e.g. P.K. Subban was P. K. Subban), or there was a Jr. or something, your job would be a lot harder.
Another alternative is to use regular expressions to get the data you want. I would recommend this thorough answer as a primer. Although you still have the same issues with name formats.
Finally, there's the obligatory Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names as a warning against assuming any kind of standardized name format.

Can I get relational data into an Excel Pivot Table

I have a sheet (let's go with wines as an example) that lists every bottle of wine in my cellar, when I bought it, how much I paid etc.
There's a column that describes the wine in comma-separated tags such as "Fruity, White".
I've created a pivot table from that data, with the description as a filter column. However I can't filter it by "White". I have to find every description that contains "White" such as "Dry, White", "White, Crisp" etc.
Being from an RDBMS background, my natural inclination is to put the tags in their own table keyed against the wine row so there's zero-or-more tag rows per wine row.
How, how on earth can I use that to filter the wine rows?
Yes you can do it within Excel and the description fields can remain as "Dry, White" etc as you do not need to split the comma separated values.
Lets say the Table source comprises a text column for Description, a number column for Value and a number column for Year Bought.
Your pivot is setup with the the following
Fields: Description, Value and Year Bought.
Column labels: Year Bought
Row Labels: Description
Sum of values: Sum of Value
There is a drop down label filter on the row labels - click on this and there should be an option to select Label Filters. Select this and then select Contains. You can enter say "White" which will select all your descriptions that contain white e.g. "Dry, White", "White, Crisp". The filter includes ? to represent a single character and * to represent any series of characters.
There are similar label filters for "begins with" and "ends with" as well as there negation.
I tried this in Excel 2007 and it should also work in 2003. I think in Excel 2003 you could even combine the filters e.g. contains "White" and does not contain "Dry" but in 2007 I could not find a way of doing this.
Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious, but the reason you're having problems here is that the description column is not in 1NF, and the Excel pivot interface isn't flexible enough to allow pattern-based searching.
The simplest option will be to normalise the CSV into a series of columns, each of which represents a single attribute - one column for wine colour, one for sweetness, one for country of origin and so on - and apply the filter across multiple columns. However, if (as your comment on the question suggests) wine is a metaphor for your real problem, you may not have the luxury of revisiting the design of the source data.
Another possibility might be to use a macro (or a database query - I'm not clear from your question whether you have implemented the tag system already) to pre-filter the input data on the pivot table's source sheet based on the tag values you want to search for, then re-refresh the pivot table based on that data.
A third possibility is the VBA used in this question, which looks like it will custom-filter the pivot table's visible rows.
create an extra column and add a formula. There are 2 tricks to this. One is to search for WHITE in the description column using upper - to beat the fact that excel find is case sensitive. Two is that it returns a value error if the string does not exist - so iserr will allow you to trap that and return in this example 0 if it doesn't or 1 if it does. You could substitute white and blank for 1 and 0.
you could write a script that loops through the data and adds new lines for each comma separated item in the description column. This would allow the pivot table to filter better.
