Azure: How to create Standard Load Balancer without public IP address? - azure

I want to run my application with AKS cluster(version - 1.18.14) with the dependency of standard load balancer to create multiple node pools. But, the standard load balancer is creating public IP address. which is not suitable for my application. Because my application is private not public.
Is there any way to "create Standard load balancer without public IP address in Azure?"

Actually, when you create the AKS, it creates a public IP as the outbound IP address for the Load Balancer, and it's for the egress. So it does not affect that your application is private or public. Instead, what you need to focus on is inbound, if your application is private, you just need to use the internal Load Balancer, I think this is what you are looking for.


Is there any way that Azure Loadbalancer talks to Virtual Machines which only have private IP address?

Need to configure a Azure Loadbalancer for VM's in VNet with only private IP's, but without VM's having public IP we cannot map to the loadbalancer. Why so?
Certainly, you can target VMs with only private IPs and without public IPs to the backend pool of Azure load balancer. If so, you could access the backend VMs via the load balancer public IP address.
For example, you can create a Standard Load Balancer as the internal or public load balancer. Standard Load Balancer is fully integrated with the scope of a virtual network. It supports the VMs with standard SKU public IP or without public IP in a VNet as the backend resources.
Quickstart: Create a Standard Load Balancer to load balance VMs using the Azure portal

Is there any equivalent to aws eip in azure? Apart from load balancer

we have an active-passive server setup.So we want to allocate a public ip to active server. We are able to do this in AWS using eip .Is there any feature which we can use in azure just like eip in aws?
You could use static Public IPs in Azure. You could associate a Public IP to a VM's NIC then change the IP address assignment to static. Also, Azure DNS allows you to reach this IP via a Public custom DNS name.
We do support Static Public IPs in Azure today that is equivalent to
Elastic IP in AWS. Static Public IPs can be mapped to a VM’s NIC
(elastic IP equivalent) or to a load balancer’s Front end IP.
More details from the Azure feedback.
Apart for the Azure Load balancer, you may have interested in Azure traffic manager which is a DNS-based traffic load balancer that enables you to distribute traffic optimally to services across global Azure regions, while providing high availability and responsiveness.

Azure - change the load balancer attached to a Service Fabric VM Scale Set from one to another, OR change existing from public to private

We have a public load balancer attached to the VM scale set of our Service Fabric Cluster. I have created a new internal private load balancer to attach to the VM's for better security. But when I go into Add in the Backend Pool configuration of the new private load balancer, the option to add the VM scale set is not there. In fact the screen looks different than the Add screen in the public load balancer: (the public load balancer has a dropdown menu for "Associated to" where you choose Virtual Machine Scale Set, whereas the private load balancer doesn't have that menu - it just has a virtual network dropdown and single Virtual Machine dropdown, and neither have what I need in their lists). I've attached two screenshots for reference.
My questions:
Is the reason I'm not seeing the option for the Service Fabric VM Scale Set in the private load balancer options because it's still attached to the public load balancer?
If not, how would I achieve this outside using the Portal?
If so, will I interrupt traffic to the Service Fabric Cluster if I remove the public load balancer from the VM scale set?
Finally, is there a way to just make the existing public load balancer private?
For your questions:
No, there are options difference between the basic and standard SKU load balancer in the web UI.
You could create an internal basic load balancer. Then associated the VMSS to the backend pool of new load balancer.
Since the access frontend IP change, it will interrupt traffic.
It's not possible to make the existing public load balancer private directly, you need to create a new internal load balancer, then reply the old load balancer configuration with the new one. Then remove the old one.
You can refer to this quickstart to create a Basic load balancer by using the Azure portal and select type Internal.
no, this is probably a UI limitation, you can have both internal and public load balancers attached to the same vmss\vm
yes, it will
no, there is no way of doing that
what you could do - attach internal load balancer, migrate traffic to that and detach public load balancer after that.

Azure internal load balancer outbound connectivity

How can virtual machines behind an Azure internal load balancer access internet? Is there an AWS NAT gateway equivalent in Azure?
A Virtual Machine that is part of the backend pool of a Standard (not Basic) Internal Load Balancer can not make outgoing connections to the Internet.
To make outgoing connections it is necessary to create a second Load Balancer with a public IP with the same backend pool and a dummy rule with a dummy probe. Once the rule is created then it will trigger the creation of an outbound SNAT.
By default, Azure VM behind an Azure internal load balancer, that VM can access the internet, but you can't access it from internet.
If you want to access it, you can create a VM in that VM with a public IP address, use that VM work as jumpbox. Also you can assign a public IP address to that VM, then use that public IP address to access it.

Azure internal load balancer IP

I have a very simple Azure VM setup. One VM is behind an Internal Load Balancer, and it's private IP address is
A Web Service is running in that VM. I can access website by using http://localhost, but as per my software requirement, I have to use Load Balancer private IP address instead of localhost. But I can not browse with Internal Load Balancer IP address ( does not work from that VM).
Is that by design that I can't access Internal Load Balancer by it's private IP address? Or I need to do something special to make it work?
There's a difference between public and internal Azure Load Balancer configurations.
When Azure Load Balancer is used in a public load balancer configuration, SNAT is used for outbound requests. This means a VM behind a public can reach the public IP address of the load balancer and the flow will be load balanced accordingly. This will consume an ephemeral port for each connection to the VIP.
Internal load balancer configurations do not offer SNAT today. In turn, an internal load balancer configuration does not allow a pool member to access the IP address of the internal load balancer.
We are looking at addressing this in a future release by allowing an option to enable SNAT for internal load balancers as well. Mandatory SNAT can actually impose constraints for those who don't need to access the IP address of the load balancer, and therefore this needs to be an option rather than the default.
According to your description, do you means that the VM in the load balancer and the web service running on the VM, you want to use the VM to browse the internal load balancer IP, but it doesn’t work.
I had test in my lab, and the same error occurred. By the way, the load balancer can’t work in this way.
Here is my network capture result:
Maybe we should to create a new VM outside of the load balancer, then you can browse the load balancer IP. Because once a network interface is added to a load balancer's back-end IP address pool, the load balancer is able to send load-balanced network traffic based on the load-balanced rules that are created.
If you still have questions, welcome to post back here. Thanks.
Best Regards,
