Replaying Messages in Order - node.js

I am implementing a consumer which does processing of messages from a queue where order of messages is of importance. I would like to implement a mechanism using NodeJS where:
the consumer function is consuming messages m1, m2, ..., mN from the queue
doing an IO intensive operation and process the messages. m -> m'
Storing the result m' in a redis cache.
acknowledging the queue after each message process (2)
In a different function, I am listening to the message from the cache
sending the processed messages m' to an external system
if the external system was able to process the external system, then delete the processed message from the cache
If the external system rejects the processed message, then stop sending messages, discard the unsent processed messages in the cache and reset the offset to the last accepted message in the queue. For example if m12' was the last message accepted by the system, and I have acknowledged m23 from the queue, then I have to discard m13' to m23' and reset the offset so that the consumer can read and start processing from m13 again.
Few assumptions:
The processing m to m' is intensive and I am processing them optimistically, knowing that most of the times there won't be a failure
With the current assumptions and goals, is there any way I can achieve this with RabbitMQ or any Azure equivalent? My client doesn't prefer Kafka or any Azure equivalent of Kafka (Azure Event Hub).

In scenarios where the messages will always be generated in sequence then a simple queue is probably all you need.
Azure Queues are pretty simple to get into, but the general mode of operation for queues is to remove the messages as they are processed successfully.
If you can avoid the scenario where you must "roll back" or re-process from an earlier time, so if you can avoid the orchestration aspect then this would be a much simpler option.
It's the "go back and replay" that you will struggle with. If you can implement two queues in a sequential pattern, where processing messages from one queue successfully pushes the message into the next queue, then we never need to go back, because the secondary consumer can never process ahead of the primary.
With Azure Event Hubs it is much easier to reset the offset for processing, because the messages stay in the bucket regardless of their read state, (in fact any given message does not have such a state) and the consumer maintains the offset pointer itself. It also has support for multiple consumer groups, which will make a copy of the message available to each consumer.
You can up your plan to maintain the data for up to 7 days without blowing the budget.
There are two problems with Large scale telemetry ingestion services like Azure Event Hubs for your use case
The order of receipt of the message is less reliable for messages that are extremely close together, the Hub is designed to receive many messages from many sources concurrently, so its internal architecture cares a lot less about trying to preserve the precise order, it records the precise receipt timestamp on the message, but it does not guarantee that the overall sequence of records will match exactly to a scenario where you were to sort by the receipt timestamp. (its a subtle but important distinction)
Event Hubs (and many client processing code examples) are designed to guarantee Exactly Once delivery across multiple concurrent consuming threads. Again the Consumers are encouraged to be asynchronous and the serice will try to ensure that failed processing attempts are retried by the next available thread.
So you could use Event Hubs, but you would have to bypass or disable a lot of its features which is generally a strong message that it is not the correct fit for your purpose, if you want to explore it though, you would want to limit the concurrency aspects:
minimise the partition count
You probably want 1 partition for each message producer, or atleast for each sequential set, maintaining sequence is simpler inside a single partition
make sure your message sender (producer) only sends to a specific partition
Each producer MUST use a unique partition key
create a consumer group for each of your consumers
process messages one at a time, not in batches
process with a single thread
I have a lot of experience in designing MS Azure based solutions for Industrial IoT (Telemetry from PLCs) and Agricultural IoT (Raspberry Pi) device implementations. In almost all cases we think that the order of messaging is important, but unless you are maintaining real-time 2 way command and control, you can usually get away with an optimisitic approach where each message and any derivatives are or were correct at the time of transmission.
If there is the remote possibility that a device can be offline for any period of time, then dealing with the stale data flushing through the system when a device comes back online can really play havok with sequential logic programming.
Take a step back to analyse your solution, EventHubs does offer a convient way to rollback the processing to a previous offset, as long as that record is still in the bucket, but can you re-design your logic flow so that you do not have to re-process old data?
What is the requirement that drives this sequence? If it is so important to maintain the sequence, then you should probably process the data with a single consumer that does everything, or look at chaining the queues in a sequential manner.


EventHub data bursty with long pauses

I'm seeing multi-second pauses in the event stream, even reading from the retention pool.
Here's the main nugget of EH setup:
BlobContainerClient storageClient = new BlobContainerClient(blobcon, BLOB_NAME);
RTMTest.eventProcessor = new EventProcessorClient(storageClient, consumerGroup, ehubcon, EVENTHUB_NAME);
And then the do nothing processor:
static async Task processEventHandler(ProcessEventArgs eventArgs)
if ((RTMTest.eventCount % 16) == 0)
await eventArgs.UpdateCheckpointAsync(eventArgs.CancellationToken);
And then a typical execution:
15:02:23: no events
15:02:24: no events
15:02:25: reqs=643
15:02:26: reqs=656
15:02:27: reqs=1280
15:02:28: reqs=2221
15:02:29: no events
15:02:30: no events
15:02:31: no events
15:02:32: no events
15:02:33: no events
15:02:34: no events
15:02:35: no events
15:02:36: no events
15:02:37: no events
15:02:38: no events
15:02:39: no events
15:02:40: no events
15:02:41: no events
15:02:42: no events
15:02:43: no events
15:02:44: reqs=3027
15:02:45: reqs=3440
15:02:47: reqs=4320
15:02:48: reqs=9232
15:02:49: reqs=4064
15:02:50: reqs=395
15:02:51: no events
15:02:52: no events
15:02:53: no events
The event hub, blob storage and RTMTest webjob are all in US West 2. The event hub as 16 partitions. It's correctly calling my handler as evidenced by the bursts of data. The error handler is not called.
Here are two applications side by side, left using Redis, right using Event Hub. The events turn into the animations so you can visually watch the long stalls. Note: these are vaccines being reported around the US, either live or via batch reconciliations from the pharmacies.
vaccine reporting animations
Any idea why I see the multi-second stalls?
Event Hubs consumers make use of a prefetch queue when reading. This is essentially a local cache of events that the consumer tries to keep full by streaming in continually from the service. To prioritize throughput and avoid waiting on the network, consumers read exclusively from prefetch.
The pattern that you're describing falls into the "many smaller events" category, which will often drain the prefetch quickly if event processing is also quick. If your application is reading more quickly than the prefetch can refill, reads will start to take longer and return fewer events, as it waits on network operations.
One thing that may help is to test using higher values for PrefetchCount and CacheEventCount in the options when creating your processor. These default to a prefetch of 300 and cache event count of 100. You may want try testing with something like 750/250 and see what happens. We recommend keeping at least a 3:1 ratio.
It is also possible that your processor is being asked to do more work than is recommended for consistent performance across all partitions it owns. There's good discussion of different behaviors in the Troubleshooting Guide, and ultimately, capturing a +/- 5-minute slice of the SDK logs described here would give us the best view of what's going on. That's more detail and requires more back-and-forth discussion than works well on StackOverflow; I'd invite you to open an issue in the Azure SDK repository if you go down that path.
Something to keep in mind is that Event Hubs is optimized to maximize overall throughput and not for minimizing latency for individual events. The service offers no SLA for the time between when an event is received by the service and when it becomes available to be read from a partition.
When the service receives an event, it acknowledges receipt to the publisher and the send call completes. At this point, the event still needs to be committed to a partition. Until that process is complete, it isn't available to be read. Normally, this takes milliseconds but may occasionally take longer for the Standard tier because it is a shared instance. Transient failures, such as a partition node being rebooted/migrated, can also impact this.
With you near real-time reading, you may be processing quickly enough that there's nothing client-side that will help. In this case, you'd need to consider adding more TUs, moving to a Premium/Dedicated tier, or using more partitions to increase concurrency.
For those interested without access to the chat, log analysis shows a pattern of errors that indicates that either the host owns too many partitions and load balancing is unhealthy or there is a rogue processor running in the same consumer group but not using the same storage container.
In either case, partition ownership is bouncing frequently causing them to stop, move to a new host, reinitialize, and restart - only to stop and have to move again.
I've suggested reading through the Troubleshooting Guide, as this scenario and some of the other symptoms tare discussed in detail.
I've also suggested reading through the samples for the processor - particularly Event Processor Configuration and Event Processor Handlers. Each has guidance around processor use and configuration that should be followed to maximize throughput.
#jesse very patiently examined my logs and led me to the "duh" moment of realizing I just needed a separate consumer group for this 2nd application of the EventHub data. Now things are rock solid. Thanks Jesse!

Event Hub -- how to prevent duplicate handling when consumers scale out

When we have multiple consumers of Event Hub (or any messaging service, for that matter), how to make sure that no message is processed twice especially in a situation when consumer auto-scales out to multiple instances?
I know we could keep track of last message processed but then again, between the check if message was processed and actuall, processing it,other instance could process it already (race condition?.
so, how to solve that in a scalable way?
i am aware there is a recommendation to have at least as many partitions as there are consumers but what to do in case when a single consumer cannot process messages directed to it but needs to scale out to multiple instances?
Each processor takes a lease on a partition, see the docs
An event processor instance typically owns and processes events from one or more partitions. Ownership of partitions is evenly distributed among all the active event processor instances associated with an event hub and consumer group combination.
So scaling out doesn't result in duplicate message processing because a new processor cannot take a lease on a partition that is already being handled by another processor.
Then, regarding your comment:
i am aware there is a recommendation to have at least as many partitions as there are consumers
It is the other way around: it is recommended to have as many consumers as you have partitions. If you have more consumers than partitions the consumers will compete with each other to obtain a lock on a partition.
Now, regarding duplicate messages, since Event Hub guarantees at-least-once delivery there isn't much you can do to prevent this. There aren't that many scalable services that offer at-most-once deliveries, I know that Azure Service Bus Queues do offer this if you really need it.
The question may arise what can cause duplicate message processing. Well, when processing message the processor does some checkpointing: once in a while it will store its position within a partition event sequence (remember, a partition is bound to a single processor). Now when the processer instance crashes between two checkpoint events a new instance will resume processing messages from the position of the last checkpoint. That may very well lead to older messages being processed again.
If a reader disconnects from a partition, when it reconnects it begins reading at the checkpoint that was previously submitted by the last reader of that partition in that consumer group.
So, that means you need to make sure your processing logic is idempotent. How, that is up to you as I don't know your use case.
One option is to track each individual message to see whether it is already processed or not. If you do not have a unique ID to check on maybe you can generate a hash of the whole message and compare with that.

How does Azure Service Bus Queue guarantees at most once delivery?

According to this doc service bus supports two modes Receive-and-Delete and Peek-Lock.
If using Peek-Lock Mode if the consumer crashes/hangs/do a very long GC right after processing the message, but before the messageId is "Completed" and visibility time expires there's a chance that same message is delivered twice.
Then how does Microsoft says that Service Bus supports at most once delivery mode. Is it because of the Receive-and-Delete mode which sends messages only once.But then again, if something happens while consumers are processing the message then that valuable info is lost.
If yes then what is the best way to ensure exact once delivery using Azure Services Bus as Queue and Azure Functions as Consumers.
P.S. The one approach I can think of is storing MessageID's in blob but since in my case number of MessageID's could be very large storing and loading all of them is not right approach.
Azure Functions will always consume Service Bus messages in Peek-Lock mode. Exactly Once delivery is basically not possible in general case: there's always a chance that consuming application will crash at wrong time just before completing the message, and then the message will be re-delivered.
You should strive to implement Effectively Once processing. This is usually achieved with idempotent message processor.
Storing MessageID's (consumer-side de-duplication) is one option. You could have a policy to clean up old Message IDs to keep the size of such storage manageable. To make this 100% reliable you would have to store Message ID in the same transaction as other modifications done by processor.
Other options really depend on your processing scenario. Find a way to make it idempotent - so that processing the same message multiple times is functionally same as processing it just once.

Azure queue - can I verify a message will be read only once?

I am using an Azure queue and have several different processes reading from the queue.
My system is built in a way that assumes each message is read only once.
This Microsoft article claims Azure queues have an at least once delivery guarantee which potentially means two processes can read the same message from the queue.
This StackOverflow thread claims that if I use GetMessage then the message becomes invisible to all other processes for the invisibility timeout.
Assuming I use GetMessage() and never exceed the message invisibility time before I DeleteMessage, can I assume I will get each message only once?
I think there is a property in queue message named DequeueCount, which is the number of times this message has been dequeued. And it's maintained by queue service. I think you can use this property to identify whether your message had been read before.
No. The following can happen:
Add some records in a database...
Generate some files...
DeleteMessage() -> Unexpected failure (process that crashes, instance that reboots, network connectivity issues, ...)
In this case your logic was executed without calling DeleteMessage. This means, once the invisibility timeout expires, the message will appear in the queue and be processed once again. You will need to make sure that your process is idempotent:
Idempotence is the property of certain operations in mathematics and
computer science, that they can be applied multiple times without
changing the result beyond the initial application.
An alternative solution would be to use Service Bus Queues with the ReceiveAndDelete mode (see this page under How to Receive Messages from a Queue). If you receive the message it will be marked as consumed and never appear again. This way you can be sure it is delivered At-Most-Once (see the comparison with Storage Queues here). But then again, if something happens while your are processing the message (ie: server crashes, ...), you could loose valuable information.
This will simulate an At-Most-Once in storage queues. The message can arrive multiple times via GetMessage, but will only be processed once by your business logic (with the risk that some of your business logic will never execute).

How to design a service that processes messages arriving in a queue

I have a design question for a multi-threaded windows service that processes messages from multiple clients.
The rules are
Each message is to process something for an entity (with a unique id) and can be different i.e DoA, DoB, DoC etc. Entity id is in the payload of the message.
The processing may take some time (up to few seconds).
Messages must be processed in the order they arrive for each entity (with same id).
Messages can however be processed for another entity concurrently (i.e as long as they are not the same entity id)
The no of concurrent processing is configurable (generally 8)
Messages can not be lost. If there is an error in processing a message then that message and all other messages for the same entity must be stored for future processing manually.
The messages arrive in a transactional MSMQ queue.
How would you design the service. I have a working solution but would like to know how others would tackle this.
First thing you do is step back, and think about how critical is performance for this application. Do you really need to proccess messages concurrently? Is it mission critical? Or do you just think that you need it? Have you run a profiler on your service to find the real bottlenecks of the procces and optimized those?
The reason I ask, is be cause you mention you want 8 concurrent procceses - however, if you make this app single threaded, it will greatly reduce the complexity & developement & testing time... And since you only want 8, it almost seems not worth it...
Secondly, since you can only proccess concurrent messages on the same entity - how often will you really get concurrent requests from your client to procces the same entity? Is it worth adding so many layers of complexity for a use case that might not come up very often?
I would KISS. I'd use MSMQ via WCF, and keep my WCF service as a singleton. Now you have the power, ordered reliability of MSMQ and you are now meeting your actual requirements. Then I'd test it at high load with realistic data, and run a profiler to find bottlenecks if i found it was too slow. Only then would I go through all the extra trouble of building a much more complex app to manage concurrency for only specific use cases...
One design to consider is creating a central 'gate keeper' or 'service bus' service who receives all the messages from the clients, and then passes these messages down to the actual worker service(s). When he gets a request, he then finds if another one of his clients are already proccessing a message for the same entity - if so, he sends it to that same service he sent the other message to. This way you can proccess the same messages for a given entity concurrently and nothing more... And you have ease of seamless scalability... However, I would only do this if I absolutely had to and it was proved out via profiling and testing, and not because 'we think we needed it' (see YAGNI principal :))
My approach would be the following:
Create a threadpool with your configurable number of threads.
Keep map of entity ids and associate each id with a queue of messages.
When you receive a message place it in the queue of the corresponding entity id.
Each thread will only look at the entity id dedicated to it (e.g. make a class that is initialized as such Service(EntityID id)).
Let the thread only process messages from the queue of its dedicated entity id.
Once all the messages are processed for the given entity id remove the id from the map and exit the loop of the thread.
If there is room in the threadpool, then add a new thread to deal with the next available entity id.
You'll have to manage the messages that can't be processed at the time, including the situations where the message processing fails. Create a backlog of messages, etc.
If you have access to a concurrent map (a lock-free/wait-free map), then you can have multiple readers and writers to the map without the need of locking or waiting. If you can't get a concurrent map, then all the contingency will be on the map: whenever you add messages to a queue in the map or you add new entity id's you have to lock it. The best thing to do is wrap the map in a structure that offers methods for reading and writing with appropriate locking.
I don't think you will see any significant performance impact from locking, but if you do start seeing one I would suggest that you create your own lock-free hash map:
Implementing this system will not be a rudimentary task, so take my comments as a general guideline... it's up to the engineer to implement the ideas that apply.
While my requirements were different from yours, I did have to deal with the concurrent processing from a message queue. My solution was to have a service which would look at each incoming message and hand it off to an agent process to consume. The service has a setting which controls how many agents it can have running.
I would look at having n thread each that read from a single thread-safe queue. I would then hash the EntityId to decide witch queue on put an incomming message on.
Sometimes, some threads will have nothing to do, but is this a problem if you have a few more threads then CPUs?
(Also you may wish to group entites by type into the queues so as to reduce the number of locking conflits in your database.)
