Can't execute global Node.js module from Bash shell script (Truffle)? - node.js

I installed Truffle, the Ethereum development toolkit, on my Ubuntu 14.04 PC. I can execute it easily from a terminal window by simply typing "truffle". However, when I try to execute Truffle from a Bash shell script, I get the following error: line 3: truffle: command not found
The line inside the shell script is just:
truffle compile --network local
How can I execute Truffle from within a shell script?
If someone can also explain what goes on behind the scenes when you execute a globally installed Node.JS package like Truffle, that would be helpful too.

Its possible the PATH in your terminal window is not the same as the PATH that your shell script sees.
Try echo "$PATH" in both your terminal window and in your script just before your truffle line in your script, and compare the two. If there is a difference, then the problem is with the PATH in your shell script.


pipenv shell working but an error is displayed

If I run the command:
pipenv shell
in my Mac shell, everything works fine and a new virtual environment is created and activated:
.../django_celery_rabbit_flower$ pipenv shell
Launching subshell in virtual environment...
bash: parse_git_branch: command not found
.../django_celery_rabbit_flower$ . /.../django_celery_rabbit_flower-rEt8HW1V/bin/activate
bash: parse_git_branch: command not found
(django_celery_rabbit_flower) .../django_celery_rabbit_flower$
but a bash error is displayed:
bash: parse_git_branch: command not found
I do not understand where it come from. Any idea?
Jen answer trigger a little thought. I have checked my ./bash_profile and I can see the line:
export PS1="\[\033[36m\]\u\[\033[m\]#\[\033[32m\]\h:\[\033[33;1m\]\w\[\033[m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\$ "
This shows the git branch on the bash prompt. So I believe vscode uses this settings. The folder I am working on is not a git folder. Can I write an if statement to avoid the error being displayed when running the python virtual environment?
Instead make sure that the command does actually exists before running it.
PS1="...."'$(if hash parse_git_branch >/dev/null 2>&1; then parse_git_branch; fi)'"..."

Running two shell commands using Python 3.6 on Ubuntu 18.02

In order to get some software running I need to 1. Run a script that will execute a remote license manage, 2. Execute a shell script to start the software. I can do this by opening a command window in the directory with the rlm , and then type ./rlm to run the Linux executable. Then I can go into the directory that contains the shell script, open a terminal in that location and run ./ This opens the GUI for my software.
I would like to run these steps using a single Python script. I have tried:
#change the working directory...
#confirm location change...
print(os.getcwd() )
#run ./rlm...
At this point I can see from a python terminal that the rlm is running.
I would then like to run the code below to run the shell script...
print(os.getcwd() )
Unfortunately, after os.system('./rlm') finishes the script stalls and will not execute further and without an errors.
How to I get the second part of my script to run within a single Python script?
Have you tried to run the rlm command in the background?
subprocess module gives a nice interface for that

How to change WebStorm enviroment settings for File Watcher?

I have simple File Watcher that run TSLint. If I copy the command and run it in the console all fine but WebStorm run it with old Node version and throw error Buffer.alloc is not a function.
I'm using nvm to manage node.js versions.
ubuntu 16.4
Different Node.js versions are on your $PATH when you start your script from the IDE and from terminal.
When being launched from desktop/System menu, WebStorm only sees environment variables configured in login shell, but not in interactive shell configuration files (like .bashrc or .zshrc).
Possible workarounds:
Workaround 1: make required variables available in a login shell by moving them to the corresponding shell profile config
Workaround 2: run IDE from a terminal, either with the command line launcher or with bin/
Workaround 3: edit the desktop launcher and set command to /path/to/shell -l -i -c "/path/to/" (make sure that the shell you specified there has the needed variables configured in its interactive shell configuration file)
see also

How do I create a shortcut for a command line command in Raspbian Stretch?

I am attempting to install RetroPie as an app on Raspbian Stretch and I am done except for creating a desktop shortcut for it. The problem is that the only way to open RetroPie seems to be running a command in the command line. I can’t do it in terminal because it gives me an error saying that it can’t initialize the window. Is there a way to run a command line command as a shortcut or am I going to have to find another way of doing this?
P.S. Here is the tutorial that I followed to install RetroPie:
Probably your shell (on the raspberry) is GNU bash. So read the manual of GNU bash.
You probably want (once) to edit some Bash startup file (such as ~/.bashrc) to define functions and aliases there, and you could add executable shell scripts somewhere in your $PATH. I recommend having a $HOME/bin/ directory containing your scripts and executables, and have $HOME/bin/ early in your $PATH.
I can’t do it in terminal because it gives me an error saying that it can’t initialize the window.
Perhaps you need some display server (such as Xorg or Wayland) running (with a desktop environment or a window manager). You could run Xorg on your PC (on which you could install Linux) and connect to the raspberry using ssh -X then remote applications running on your Raspberry are displayed on your PC. IF your Raspberry is directly connected to a screen (via HDMI) you might run some Xorg server on it.
Is there a way to run a command line command as a shortcut
Yes, by making a shell alias or shell function or shell script. You need to understand how they work and change or create some appropriate file using some source code editor (I recommend GNU emacs, but the choice is yours and you might use any other editor such as vim, gedit, etc...): functions and aliases could be defined in your ~/.bashrc; shell scripts would usually have their own file with a shebang under your $HOME/bin/...

Node.JS Command Prompt

I was messing around with the npm package today and I noticed that all of my commands were being run from my command prompt on my machine rather than through the node.js command line that comes with the download.
Bottom line: Why is there a node command prompt if you run commands from your local command prompt?
I saw there was a question like this here: node.js command line tool but it doesnt exactly answer the question.
I appreciate any help out there.
The node.js command prompt has your node.js environment set-up. Most of time, if you try to install some global package through your local command prompt, it will not work as expected, but if you use node.js command prompt it will. Happened to me while trying to use the express-generator.
