Running two shell commands using Python 3.6 on Ubuntu 18.02 - python-3.x

In order to get some software running I need to 1. Run a script that will execute a remote license manage, 2. Execute a shell script to start the software. I can do this by opening a command window in the directory with the rlm , and then type ./rlm to run the Linux executable. Then I can go into the directory that contains the shell script, open a terminal in that location and run ./ This opens the GUI for my software.
I would like to run these steps using a single Python script. I have tried:
#change the working directory...
#confirm location change...
print(os.getcwd() )
#run ./rlm...
At this point I can see from a python terminal that the rlm is running.
I would then like to run the code below to run the shell script...
print(os.getcwd() )
Unfortunately, after os.system('./rlm') finishes the script stalls and will not execute further and without an errors.
How to I get the second part of my script to run within a single Python script?

Have you tried to run the rlm command in the background?
subprocess module gives a nice interface for that


How to get a terminal for output when running a .sh script?

I am new to Linux. I have a simple .sh file that help me to run an application from a directory.
when I run the .sh file, I can observed that the console app is running in the background from System Monitor. However, there is no terminal showing up and I could not see the output of the program. How do I get it to work like it was executed from a terminal manually? I want to see the output.
P.S. I am running the .sh from Desktop with double click.

Run ./run.ps1 script from python

I am trying to write a python script which will run a run.ps1 PowerShell script. The run.ps1 file is located in different location entirely so I will need to cd into that folder then run the script. In Windows power shell I just need to cd into the file directory then run ./run.ps1. I am trying to simulate that process in Python.
So far I have got:
import subprocess"C:/..pathtofile/run.ps1")
This opens up that script in notepad. I want to actually run the script like I would in the terminal.

Can't execute global Node.js module from Bash shell script (Truffle)?

I installed Truffle, the Ethereum development toolkit, on my Ubuntu 14.04 PC. I can execute it easily from a terminal window by simply typing "truffle". However, when I try to execute Truffle from a Bash shell script, I get the following error: line 3: truffle: command not found
The line inside the shell script is just:
truffle compile --network local
How can I execute Truffle from within a shell script?
If someone can also explain what goes on behind the scenes when you execute a globally installed Node.JS package like Truffle, that would be helpful too.
Its possible the PATH in your terminal window is not the same as the PATH that your shell script sees.
Try echo "$PATH" in both your terminal window and in your script just before your truffle line in your script, and compare the two. If there is a difference, then the problem is with the PATH in your shell script.

Run a python script in virtual environment from windows task scheduler

I'm trying to set up a recurring Python task through windows task scheduler.
I have had success when I input the path to 'python.exe' and provide the script's path as a parameter to windows task scheduler (see screenshot below)
However, I want to be able to choose a particular virtual environment in which to run the script. I don't have much knowledge of venv, and I typically use it by opening cmd and running Scripts\activate.bat in the desired virtual environment directory.
How can I accomplish 'run task x in venvxxx every 24 hours' using windows task scheduler?
Create batch file with these commands:
c:\__full_path_to_virtualenv__\Scripts\activate.bat && python
&& means run command2 if command1 completed successfully.
Then set that batch file as script to run. You don't need to set any additional arguments in task scheduler (or you can set them in batch file anyway) and can set Start in if script has to read/write from specific directory and uses relative paths.
Though the answer by mx0 above seems to work, I have set up Task Scheduler to run a flask web app on bootup. In this case, manual starting works fine, but manual ending does not. Ending the task kills the cmd.exe task that sets up the virtual environment, but the python.exe continues to run.
The solution that I found worked was from this reddit post which skips the virtual environment activation to call the python executable directly:
path\to\venv\Scripts\python.exe path\to\
I'm not sure how robust this will be, but at least this way ending the task will end the python.exe
This is more verbose but very easy to understand, and - I found the most important - much easier than using Windows Task Scheduler settings when you have lots of scripts. To create another you just copy the .bat file and change one line.
Save this as a .bat file and point to it under Actions > Start a Program > Program/Script:, with no arguments or "Start in" necessary.
set original_dir=%CD%
set venv_root_dir="C:\Python-Venvs\env-name"
cd %venv_root_dir%
call %venv_root_dir%\Scripts\activate.bat
python <arg1> <arg2>
call %venv_root_dir%\Scripts\deactivate.bat
cd %original_dir%
exit /B 1
For an installed command-line program, you can replace python <arg1> <arg2> ... with <program name> <arg1> <arg2> ....
In addition it's simple to add another script on the following line, rather than attempting to parse sequential scripts into a one-liner for Task Scheduler.
I tried with mx0's answer and it works fine as long as your script does not take too long to finish.
I use a different approach in the task scheduler instead using batch files:
In "Program/script" textbox you set the path to Python executable (in my case is inside the virtualenv folder).
"Add arguments" => Just the name of your Python script (name.ppy).
"Start in" => The full path of your Python script (without the
This way the script runs and wait until the end.
My solution is almost identical to mx0, but I've added an extra step to ensure environment parameters each time. Edit the path/to/app for the app_path variable.
It may be a little redundant to check the environment setup every time, but I like ensuring my environment is set.
Simply schedule the execute_app.bat file or run in the cmd prompt. Deactivate command is not needed unless running from an Anaconda prompt. If you use a full path for path/to/app this file can be executed from any directory. I also have a Linux solution using file below from a terminal.
This answer has been edited to simplify, and to use variables to make this easier to adapt to new projects.
App structure:
# execute_app.bat file
# windows solution
set app_path=path/to/app
set env_path=%app_path%/env
set activ=%env_path%/Scripts/activate.bat
set req=%env_path%/requirements.txt
set app=%app_path%/bin/
py -m venv %env_path% && %activ% && python -m pip install --upgrade pip && pip install -r %req% && python %app%
# file
# Linux solution
python3 -m venv $env_path &&
. $activ &&
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip &&
pip install -r $req &&
python $app &&
The selected answer for this question is not correct. If you review the comments, you'll see the problem.
My answer builds off of #Nick P's answer (the #2 answer currently). His batch file will work, but you'll want to change the exit code from 1 to 0 if you want Windows Task Scheduler to report the task completed successfully. Also, simply calling the .bat file on the "Program/Script" line will not work. Instead, you need to put the name of your shell as the "Program/Script" to run (for instance, cmd), then put "/c name-of-batch-file.bat" goes in the "Add arguments (optional):" field. And finally, put the path to the batch file (minus the file name) in the "Start in (optional):" field.
It should look something like this:
REM Windows batch script to run 1+ Python program/scripts, sequentially, within
REM their virtual environment. This can be called from Windows Task Scheduler.
set original_dir=%CD%
set venv_root_dir="C:\Users\myUsername\myProjects\nameOfProject"
cd %venv_root_dir%
call %venv_root_dir%\Scripts\activate.bat
call %venv_root_dir%\Scripts\deactivate.bat
cd %original_dir%
exit /B 1
Copied this from nmpowell on github and it works fine. Run from task scheduler
Patching the path is all necessary.
The quick way would be a bat script that source environment activation script at the beginning
#call PATH_TO_MY_VENV/bin/activate.bat
Proceeding Problem
Later you will realize that the python job starts fine, but won't stop when Windows Scheduler stop it.
When taskengine.exe decides to stop the job, the intermediate cmd.exe (bat script) process is killed and the Python.exe will be left straw. since the cmd.exe(bat script) won't signal python.exe to stop on exit.
Final Solution
Let Windows Task Scheduler or taskengine.exe launch python.exe directly without a middle-man script.
Previous answers launch python.exe directly with py script, this works for simple modules, but not for some binary module in conda environment.
For binary modules in conda to work, you can create a utility module named e.g. patch_conda_path to patch PATH variable in os.environ based on sys.base_exec_prefix. Copy the patching work that activate.bat does, just in python.
below example has been tested for conda virtual environment:
import is, sys
conda_base = sys.base_exec_prefix
subps = [";", "library\\mingw-w64\\bin;", "library\\usr\\bin;", "library\\bin;", "scripts;", "bin;", "condabin;"]
conda_paths = ""
for p in subps :
_p = os.path.join(conda_base, p)
if _p in os.environ["PATH"]:
conda_paths += _p
os.environ["PATH'"] = conda_paths + os.environ["PATH"]
Import this module at the beginning of your main script.
import patch_conda_path
... original main script ...
In task scheduler set
program to ... conda environment path...\python.exe,
arguments to your py script file name and
start in to your py script folder.

How to run .sh file from python program Ubuntu

I am trying to launch a .sh script from Python 3.3 in Ubuntu 13.10.
The script is supposed to shutdown the computer. I have already marked the sh script as executable through the terminal. I have tried to run the sh script through: os.system(""), subprocess.Popen(""), and[]).
They keep returning the: OSError Exec format error.
Any help would be greatly appriciated!
I assume that isn't in your PATH but in your current working directory.
By default os.system and subprocess look in your path for the requested executable. So to execute something in your current working directory you need to specify the executable like this:"./")
The ./simply says that the executable that should be executed is in the current working directory.
