Azure Boards unable to add users - azure

We have Azure DevOps portal for our organization and our Active Directory is connected to it. I have enough privileges to add new users to the DevOps portal.
Recently I have seen that whenever I am trying to add new users I am getting the below error:
The user is added to the AAD. He is an active user and belongs to the same organization. I have cleared the cache and tested it.
Still, I am unable to add the user because of the issue.
Is there anything that I can do to rectify this, before approaching the support?

You are trying to invite a use from outside your directory. ...
To solve this issue, you need to grant the Guest Inviter role to your account in Azure AD(Active Directory).
You could navigate to Azure Portal -> Azure Active Directory -> Roles and administrators -> Search Guest Inviter.
Then you could assign the Guest Inviter role to your account.
In this case, you could invite the user successfully.
For more detailed info , you could refer to this doc about Add external users to your organization.

It's been a couple of hours since your question posted. Does it work now? Your statement that the user is in your AAD, plus the error message that the user is outside your directory, suggests the possibility that maybe waiting might fix it.


I'm closed out of my Azure DevOps organization

I created an Azure Devops organization using my hotmail account.
For this reason, I am the owner of this organization.
Then I wanted to bind this organization to an Azure Active Directory, so I went here and I attached my Azure AD
Then by mistake I added a new user to my Organization, however I chose a user belonging to another Azure AD so he is seen as an external user here.
Finally, I removed the hotmail user from the users page. As a result, the hotmail user is still the owner
, however he is not a member of the organization any more, so I can't enter any more:
Of course I may click "Request Access", however this request will be sent to the same hotmail account who is owner but is NOT a user... deadlock!
Can you help me please with an hint, I need to access my repos and Azure devops pipelines.
Thank you very much
I found it. This is the article which solved this problem.
Briefly, for organizations connected to Azure AD if the Owner and all other Project Collection Administrators are inactive in Azure AD, you can transfer ownership to another user.

Connecting Blazor Server App to Azure AD - Insufficient Permissions

I am trying to create a new Blazor server app and configure it to use a new Azure Active Directory that I recently created. I have found a couple tutorials online showing how to do this, including one from Microsoft, but I keep encountering an error that says "The user account doesn't have the required permissions to access the domain."
I read online that I needed to verify that my user account is assigned to the Global Administrator role, which I did and it is. I have tried to create 3 different active directories in Azure to see if it was a fluke, but I have received the same error message each time.
Any help that you are able to provide would be greatly appreciated.
Make sure that you have signed in to Visual Studio with an admin account of the domain (here it should be "").
After adding the account, you can apply filter for it (select the domain it is an member in). Make sure you have added it as the guest of that domain and assign Global Admin role to it.
Then all the related domains will be listed when you create a new project with Work or School Accounts Authentication. Select the domain which "" is the admin in and click on OK. Generally you won't be required to enter your credential again in this step.
Please note if you have a custom domain for your AAD tenant and have made it primary, the domain listed here will be the custom domain name. In this case, if you manually set the domain as the format "***", you will get the error you are facing.

Azure add user to subscription

I am almost new to Azure. My client had created an Azure account and sent invitation to me. I had accepted her invitation to join her Azure portal. However when I log in with my username, it shows me "No subscription". My client is saying she has given me every access rights, but I am not able to do anything there. Even I am not sure if I have really joined her Azure portal.
Here is the image if when I tried to access Free Services.
For what i understand is that the current directory you are working in doesn't have the rights that you are expecting. And your client has added you to another subscription with all the required rights. All you need to do is switch your directory to the one which has the subscription provided by your client.
Just Click on your profile avatar(or name) on the top right of the portal.
Select the option Switch Directory form the pop-up.
And choose your concerned directory + Subscription.

Azure - creating new Directory - question about permissions to do so

Searched through the SO, internet, docs and couldn't find the best answer for this. Might be that you will know the answer or will transfer me where appropriate.
In Azure we do have a Directory with 1 subscription assigned. Within this directory we have a user, this user:
* IS the OWNER of subscription
* IS NOT the AzureAD Administrator (user has not additional rights). This user is no able to add/remove users/groups with the currect Ad.
However what we found is that such a user CAN create ne directory, where he can be automatically assigned to Global Admin role (create/remove users/groups etc) and CAN move above memntioned subscription to newly created directory he owns and manage.
This is of course not what we expect as we want to have a control of any AD and user access management.
I couldn't find yet a way to deny all user within directory to create separate directory.
Do you have some experience with this and/or some advice?
Forget about it ;) Just found option "Restrict access to Azure AD administration portal" under AzureAD which restrict the access to AD itself.

Don't have access in Azure Portal to create new items

I was added as a global administrator to a company's Azure AD directory. When I try to create a new web app I get the following message:
You are currently signed into the '-company- (Default Directory)' directory which does not have any subscriptions. You have other directories you can switch to or you can sign up for a new subscription.
When I try to sign up for a new subscription it wants me to enter my payment information, which I do not want to do. I want to use the company's existing subscription.
I also cannot see the App Service that the admin of the account just created in the portal.
It seems like I'm not fully configured, but we thought adding me as Global Administrator should give me exactly what he has, which is what we want. What else do we need to do so we have the same access, and can see each other's items?
In new Azure Portal, you should be added as a Co-Owner through the RBAC system. You should contact your Account Administrator(AA) who could grant the permission to your subscription. More information about how to add an admin for a subscription please refer to this article.
More information about RBAC please refer to this article.
You are the admin of the Azure AD directory, but not any subscriptions in that directory (assuming there are subscriptions). Directory admins don't have access to subscriptions by default. A subscription admin will need to grant you access to a subscription.
Note that directories can be created without subscriptions, so not every directory has an Azure subscription.
Also, a credit card is required to create a new subscription and you can't reference an existing company account without the company's Azure account admin doing that for you. Unfortunately, only one account can have access to do that today.
