Azure - creating new Directory - question about permissions to do so - azure

Searched through the SO, internet, docs and couldn't find the best answer for this. Might be that you will know the answer or will transfer me where appropriate.
In Azure we do have a Directory with 1 subscription assigned. Within this directory we have a user, this user:
* IS the OWNER of subscription
* IS NOT the AzureAD Administrator (user has not additional rights). This user is no able to add/remove users/groups with the currect Ad.
However what we found is that such a user CAN create ne directory, where he can be automatically assigned to Global Admin role (create/remove users/groups etc) and CAN move above memntioned subscription to newly created directory he owns and manage.
This is of course not what we expect as we want to have a control of any AD and user access management.
I couldn't find yet a way to deny all user within directory to create separate directory.
Do you have some experience with this and/or some advice?

Forget about it ;) Just found option "Restrict access to Azure AD administration portal" under AzureAD which restrict the access to AD itself.


What rights or permissiones does a user need to be able to run certain powershell commands in azure?

Iam trying to determine the minimum user rights , roles I can assign a user just so they can pull information from Azure AD, etc.
Currently the commands I am looking into are : Get-AzureADDevice , Get-AzureADUser, Get-MsolDevice.
All documentation I find just lists uses, examples etc. but not rights and I am currently unable to test out a case by case from normal user up to admin to find which rights are required.
Assigned the Global Reader role to the user and tested one of the given commands (Get-AzureADUser) in the Question.
Tried to update the user but not possible due to the role permission restrictions.
Note: Global Reader - Can read everything that a Global Administrator can, but not update anything.
Updated Answer:
Assigned the Directory Reader Role to the user and checked the workflow, able to get the information but not successful to update or do management work like updating/modifying the information using Azure Active Directory PowerShell Commands:
Workaround Result:
Note: Directory Reader Role - Can read basic directory information. Commonly used to grant directory read access to applications and guests.
Depending on your requirement, you can choose any of the above RBAC for the user.

Restrict Users from adding to groups manually in Azure

I need to restrict the users from adding to the groups manually in Azure, any help on this issue?
Thanks #Rahul Shukla for your suggestion .
Restrict Users from adding to groups
Give the user with reader or contributor permission to the user .
if you add that user the reader permission they will then be able to read any resource in the subscription, but not modify anything.
For more details refer this document:
2)Prevent admin to add the users to group
Create review process in places where if any user gets added in the group admin will get notification for the same and based on admin approval only it will gets added.
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) access reviews enable organizations to efficiently manage group memberships, access to enterprise applications, and role assignments. User's access can be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure only the right people have continued access
For more details refer this document:

Azure Boards unable to add users

We have Azure DevOps portal for our organization and our Active Directory is connected to it. I have enough privileges to add new users to the DevOps portal.
Recently I have seen that whenever I am trying to add new users I am getting the below error:
The user is added to the AAD. He is an active user and belongs to the same organization. I have cleared the cache and tested it.
Still, I am unable to add the user because of the issue.
Is there anything that I can do to rectify this, before approaching the support?
You are trying to invite a use from outside your directory. ...
To solve this issue, you need to grant the Guest Inviter role to your account in Azure AD(Active Directory).
You could navigate to Azure Portal -> Azure Active Directory -> Roles and administrators -> Search Guest Inviter.
Then you could assign the Guest Inviter role to your account.
In this case, you could invite the user successfully.
For more detailed info , you could refer to this doc about Add external users to your organization.
It's been a couple of hours since your question posted. Does it work now? Your statement that the user is in your AAD, plus the error message that the user is outside your directory, suggests the possibility that maybe waiting might fix it.

Add a user to my Azure subscription

I'm just starting on this, been going through the Microsoft documentation and the lightbulb hasn't come on yet...
How do I add a user to my subscription so they can login? From there I just need to limit them to Azure Media Services.
I've seen instructions on web for clicking a "Users" button from subscription, but I do not see that. I've tried adding a user through the Azure Active Directory as well with no luck...
Any ideas would be helpful.
OK, so I figured this out:
1) Add your user to Active Directory (I added guest user)
2) Go to subscriptions and to your IAM panel
3) Ensure that your new user has access to at least Read the subscription.
(When I did this it allowed me to view my Azure resources as other user)
4) From there I created a role in a JSON file and used New-AzureRmRoleDefinition -InputFile to import it. IMPORTANT: Make sure for permissions you have Microsoft.Media/* and Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/*
5) Once I did this I went to my Media Services IAM panel and added the user to my new Azure Media Services role.
6) Presto! It started working.
Thanks to all who responded to this thread!!!
I've tried adding a user through the Azure Active Directory as well
with no luck...
This is exactly what you need. Create a user in Azure Active Directory (at and grant them access to your subscription with the custom role to allow only Azure Media Services (I don't think there's a built-in role for that). To do that, follow the links (to create custom role, to create user and to assign user that role). I don't think you can create custom role using portal, so you will need REST API or powershell\CLI\SDK

How can I give another user access to my Azure portal resources?

I am trying to give other users access to my resources in the Azure portal. I am trying to add them as a Contributor, but it seems like they are not able to see the resources when they login to the Azure portal.
Here's the access control list for the VM:
Any ideas why they can't see the resource when they login to the portal?
They are a Contributor.
When you add a user to an Azure subscription, s/he is also added to the directory if s/he isn't already there. This is considered an "invitation" that must be accepted before the user can get access. Tell the person to check their email, if this is the first time the email address has been added to a subscription in the directory. (Note that personal subscriptions are usually created along with a new directory whereas company subscriptions are usually in the company's directory.)
After accepting the invitation, s/he will need to switch to the directory before the subscription will be visible. You can do that in the top-right, like Juunas mentioned in the comment above. Here's a link to the directory switcher:
Steps to reproduce-
As owner:
Go to Resource Group you want to give access to:
Go to IAM:
Search the name you want to give access to:
Select the Role (Contributor in your case)
Click Add and they will recieve an email.
