I want to display a paginated table that is showing five rows per page.
If there is not enough space to display five rows at a time I want it to only display four rows per page.
However all I can find is that you get to scroll through the table if there is any overflow and I can't find a way to disable the "scrollability" as I don't want the scrollbar to appear.
Is there a way to achieve what I have on my mind?
I would suggest in that case not setting a paginationSize on your table, but instead setting a maxHeight on your table that would fit 5 rows and a minHeight that will fit four rows. Tabulator will then automatically adjust the page size to fit the number of rows that will fill the table:
var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
you would need to tweak the max an min values in the example above to fit with the row height of your rows
I want to do some unpivoting in Spotfire as described in the official documentation:
The problem I am having is that I want to do many of these transformations after each other and don't want to do them manually one by one. I did not get that data by Pivoting, but such data is easily generated by Pivoting as well:
Similar to the example for Pivot I can end up with colums called e.g. Site,Date,Min(Measure1),Average(Measure1),Max(Measure1), Min(Measure2),Average(Measure2),Max(Measure2),...,Min(Measure99),Average(Measure99),Max(Measure99),Min(Measure100),Average(Measure100),Max(Measure100)
Measure1 could be for example the length of a thing, measure2 the width, measure3 the height and so on, over all things produced at a site at a date.
Now if I wanted to UnPivot now Over all Min and all Average and all Max, I would need to do 3*Unpivot (once for each of them) and end up with Columns called Min, Average and Max for all 100 Measures (per Site and Date) and which measure it is I could have in another column (or 3).
That is probabaly managable, but if I wanted to unpivot that same table over Measure1, Measure2,...,Measure99,Measure100 to get one Column per Measure with a row for Min, Average and Max (per Site and Date), then I would need to do 100 times the Unpivot. I think there must be an easier way. Any Idea? The column name contains both informations to descibe how to unpivot it, like in above example, but I could also get the information how the new column should be called from a column property.
I have about 40 columns that I need to hide/display based on certain conditions. At any given time there would not be more than 10 columns( do not know which ones) that could get displayed. I need to make sure that the report is rendered in letter paper size, though in landscape orientation. I have added all the columns to the table and have set the can grow to True. Despite it when I run the report I get the data that I want a about 2 extra blank pages. Any suggestions why those are displayed and also if there is a way to control this? The report runs off of a stored procedure.
Why don't you try to set all columns at 1mm width with CanGrow=True?
Sorry about the title, it was hard to figure out how to word this. So, my main problem is a Total Count column represent the overall quantity, but the other columns are PART of a Total Count column. This wouldn't be so bad except the other columns may be part of each other too. Meaning, for like 11/26/18... the Total Count column is ALL of the Item Count, but some of the other ones may be in New PR Count too, but not necessarily all. Same thing with Dropped Outside LT and Dropped Late columns. They are all part of the Total Count column but all are not necessarily separate.
I feel nothing short of a bunch of complex formulae or macros will fix this so, what is my best option to show at least the individual counts? I was thinking to have the Total Count column as a Clustered Column chart type, the other columns as a Stacked Column and the 2 lines as is. Or all columns just be Clustered Columns and lines as is. What do you all think would best show this data?
So sadly, due to proprietary, I am told at work not to upload an image of the chart. FUN. So, here is what I have..
7 Series - 5 Series are Stacked Columns in Primary Axis, 2 Series are Line with Markers in Secondary Axis. Each column is for a single week's entry of data (so based around a Date entry.
The two Line with Markers are percentages (Secondary Vertical (Value) Axis) on right side of chart. On left side is Total Count (Verical (Value) Axis) basically showing a Count being connected to the Total Count column.
I am creating a pivot table with a corresponding pivot chart in VBA.
I have filtered the data in the table to show only the top 5 values and the chart also only displays the top five values. However, if you click the field filter button on the chart, every value is there and checked by default (even though only five are visible).
The problem comes when I want to remove one of the top five from the chart (due to the fact that it is so large it is suppressing the visibility of the other data). If I unselect that item, suddenly every other item becomes visible instead of just the other four items like I would like. I realize this is because all the items are checked in the filter.
What I would like to know is why they are all checked by default even though only five are visible and if there is a workaround for this issue (can the filter only show the top five or at least only have the top five checked)?
I am parsing an excel sheet which has 250 rows of data. However my highchart highstock chart would only show data if I limit my file to 40 rows or so..Why?
Additionally, it always defaults to 3m. How do I force the default viewing to be other value let say 1Y?
I assume that you have many points so please increase turboThreshold parameter