include validation service in codeigniter4 failed - codeigniter-4

i try to make my first form validation in codeigniter4.For that i've create a controller with a function to check the post-vars. At the beginning, ci4 need to load the libary, so i do it like in the docu
$validation = \Config\Services::validation();
For this i recieve the following error.
message "Class 'Myth\\Auth\\Authentication\\Passwords\\ValidationRules' not found"
file "mypath/system/Validation/Validation.php"
function "loadRuleSets"
class "CodeIgniter\\Validation\\Validation"
function "run"
class "CodeIgniter\\Validation\\Validation"
What i do wrong, or is there something to setup for a new project before it works?

i've found the problem. in the app/config autoload.php and validation.php was a class "Myth" wich is not in use. SO i commet it out and the thinks works fine.


FakeItEasy in C# on a servicereference

I have a servicereference with a method I need to use in a test.
The servicereference class is defined as:
public class MyServiceReference : Clientbase<IMyServiceReference>, IMyServiceReference
public MyServiceReference()
..... methods is then defined
From my testmethod I have tried both
private MyServiceReference myServiceReferenceFake = A.Fake<MyServiceReference>();
// And
private MyServiceReference myServiceReference = new MyServiceReference();
For both of these is crashes in the constructor with the message:
System.InvalidOperationException: Could not find default endpoint element that references contract.
All I need is to have a callto definition from a method in that class.
How can this be solved?
I've no experience with Clientbase, which I assume to be a System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<TChannel>,but I can make some general comments.
Since you tried first to fake a MyServiceReference, I'll assume that you're not testing that class, and you want to use it as a collaborator for the system under test. In that case, your best bet is to try faking IMyServiceReference. interfaces are very easy to fake, since they don't bring along any behaviour or baggage like faking a class does.
If you feel you really need to fake a MyServiceReference, then we have to contend with the fact that FakeItEasy will eventually call MyServiceReference(), which will call ClientBase<IMyServiceReference>(), whose documentation says
Initializes a new instance of the ClientBase<TChannel> class using the default target endpoint from the application configuration file.
Based on the error you reported, I assume that the application configuration file is not found or does not include the configuration required to create a MyServiceReference. The fact that you get the same error when you just try to instantiate a MyServiceReference directly strengthens my belief.
So I think your paths forward are either to try faking IMyServiceReference or to provide the configuration that ClientBase<IMyServiceReference> needs.

How to use default constructor in codeIgniter4?

I want to use controller to load directly some models by using default constructor, but CodeIgniter4 was removed __construct method from CodeIgniter4 framework and I got error message Cannot call constructor. please see code below:
public function __construct(){
//Do magic task here
Instead of CI3 is working by using above code, Can anyone suggest me in CI4?
Thank You for your tips or comments!
Best Regards!
CI4 default controller namespaced CodeIgniter\Controller doesn't have a class constructor. So if you're extending directly from it, parent::__construct() can't be called.
If you really need a constructor for every one of your controller you should modify App\Controllers\BaseController and making your others controllers extending it with the code you provided.
Also if your goal is to execute some code before or after your controller is called you should check out Filters in CI4. They are perfectly designed for this need :
You can use constructor in CI4 to load models
Add the code in your Controller class and it should work.
protected $userModel;
public function __construct()
$this->userModel = new UserModel();//Create a instance of the model
helper('form', 'url');

Undefined steps after running test from TestRunner class

I have a very strange situation, I have created Features and Scenarios in the feature file and corresponding step definitions and methods in the separate class.
I have run tests by running a feature file, and everything was fine, all tests were green.
But, when I run tests from TestRunner class, I got the following message:
Undefined step: Given I am on the Facebook Login page and suggested code.
You can implement missing steps with the snippets below:
#Given("^I am on the Facebook Login page$")
public void i_am_on_the_Facebook_Login_page() throws Throwable {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new PendingException();
I have noticed that the suggested method have underscore:
but my methods do not have underscore
Does anybody have an idea why this happens? I can't run tests now even from the feature file.
Recently, I have started using Mac and IntelliJ instead of Windows and Eclipse.
Is it possible that IntelliJ causes the problem?
P.S. I have used the option "Create step definition" from IntelliJ
ah...I figured out what the problem was...I forgot to put this piece of code
snippets = SnippetType.CAMELCASE
in CucumberOptions.
So, when I put this line of code here
plugin = {"pretty"},
features = {"src/test/resources/features"}, glue = {"/java/stepDefinitions"}, snippets = SnippetType.CAMELCASE)
everything works just fine.
It is possible your features folder is not in the build path (being a test folder) so Cucumber is unable to find it. Try this.

Error calling method in java-class 'ClassA' '' is incompatible with ''

I have two classes and both classes are in the same package in the WEB-INF/src in the same database.
ClassA has the method public add( newB){...}.
In SSJS I have a code block in which I call ClassA.add(ClassB) which normally works fine. Until some unknown point where the Server can't see that === and it returns the error (message translated from German maybe looks different in English version):
error calling method 'add(' in java-class 'ClassA'.
'' is incompatible with ''.
and it points to my line in the SSJS: ClassA.add(ClassB);
What I tried so far:
First I added the line importPackage(; to my SSJS Code. No luck.
I tried to add another method add(Object newB) and then cast the object to ClassB but same result. The error does not seem to come from the java class its from the SSJS code because it cant find the method with an argument of the type But if I test the object in the SSJS code it returns
Then I tried to add the classpath to all variables in the SSJS block like: var = new But same result after some time the application breaks with the same error.
From my Point of view it got to do something with the caching of compiled classes, or so because if I clear the database everything works just fine again.
Hope someone has a solution on this.
This is a class loader problem.
You can find more details about the issue in the answer from Frantisek Kossuth:
See here more details: Meaning of java.lang.ClassCastException: someClass incompatible with someClass

Class init failed in newInstance call

I am continuously facing a situation of which I have no idea. I am tried to test one method that I have implemented in C++. I got an error, a Class init failed when calling newInstance .
It further states that cannot load library:reloc_library[1311]:33 cannot locate 'Z13trainFacePKcS0'... and suddenly it crashes and throw exception. It gives the same error. I will appreciate any help.
You have loaded a library like this in the class which gets loaded during class initialization.
static {
From your error you have posted, it seems the library cannot be located which means, it either is not present in the apk file or it is not inside the libs folder.
