Running VBA on AWS - excel

I am totally a novice when it comes to cloud computing. I want to run a VBA code that performs some calculations and excel operations on an excel file . I want to deploy this code in AWS server and run this VBA code on 600+ excel files located across 4 different local machines. Is this even feasible? I couldn't find anything meaningful(or maybe I did but did not understand) clue towards solving this problem.
Please help me .

AWS does not expose a VBA lib. However, if you are interested in .NET development, you should use the AWS SDK for .NET. You can find examples in the Github repo located here:
If you want to manipulate Excel files, look at using a .NET Excel lib. Then you can write logic on the cloud that uses the .NET lib. Purhaps write a Lambda function.


Looking for simple integration of scripts to Excel similar to Google Apps Scripts

I've been used to using Google Suite and therefore also Google Sheets + Apps Scripts.
Now I got a new project where I will need to work with Excel. I've already digged quite a bit, but I dont have the feeling that I found the easiest integration yet.
I found so far:
VS Code + Node.js + Yeoman
Script Lab (it fails to load so I would like to get something more reliable)
Is there any other way that works similar to VBA but is JS-based?

1 Edit Data of a PowerPoint Graph in Node JS & 2 Recommended File Storage

I'm trying to figure out what pieces would work best to accomplish this (please see title and image). Recommendations? E.g. run a VBA script within Node JS? Or a C# program with Edge package? And taking into account #2?
My project is in Node JS and on Heroku (where they aren't too keen on having files) so will I be able to accomplish with the .ppt living on Amazon S3 or other recommendation?
I've decided to go in another direction at the moment to meet deadline. Posting my research should it help another.
Options explored -
Node packages officegen or nodejs-pptx. Neither allow you to edit an existing presentation's chart data.
NuGet Packages Syncfusion, Aspose, and Spire. Spire is the only one with a free option (up to 10 slides).
Edge / Edge-JS - Edge-JS recommended given support for latest versions of Node.
Probably your best bet is to go with Edge-JS and build in Spire references in the C# portion of your code.
Outstanding question and a couple thoughts -
Still don't know that it would work on Heroku given file storage, e.g. would you be able to open a remote file from say Amazon S3 in Spire?
Def an interoperability uphill battle here. Has me thinking if best to go with an ASP.NET app on Azure.
Just wish the officegen and nodejs-pptx devs would get goin' on this already! :)

Deploy user defined function in excel developed using c# and Excel Dna, it has got so may culture specific files and other dlls along with xll files

I have developed a project to create user defined function in excel using c# and Excel Dna, it has got so many culture specific files and other dlls along with xll files.
I have never done this before, i am using WIX3.1 for packaging this, but was not successful so far, Can any one help me with step by step procedure so that I can package this, so that these functions are made available across organisation
There is a template project for using Wix to install and Excel-DNA add-in here:
That can serve a a starting point, and includes code for the custom action you need to install the .xll.
An alternative is to use the commercial Advanced Installer tool, and follow this detailed step-by-step guide for doing the .xll installation:

Python integration in Qlik on MacOS

I'm very new to using Qlik and at the moment I've only used the cloud via my browser. I would like to integrate python and Qlik such that I can run my code on data in the QlikCloud and visualize using Qlik. I am using a Mac, therefore I can not install the desktop version of Qlik to do the integration.
Do you have any suggestions on how to integrate python in Qlik while using a Mac?
Any suggestions are highly appreciated, I have not been able to find any complete answers yet.
Thank you!
Use Data Load Script
When I first started Qlik, I had a very similar situation. My goal was to manipulate data to do calculations in Python, then basically import that into Qlik. What I ended up learning and realizing is that there's a 90% chance what you're trying to calculate outside of Qlik can be done in Qlik's data load script.
Get started with the Qlik data script:
In my opinion and experience, Qlik Community Forum is more active than Stack Overflow. I highly recommend checking it out for help:
But If You Still Need External Calculation...
That said, if you do have crazy calculations and math to do and/or need to use an external "thing", Qlik has a repo for a server-side extension. Repo at: (Docs and instructions in the link)
It has extensions for Java, C++, C#, Go, and Python.
I highly recommend this Server Side Extension developed by Nabeel which you can run in a docker on your machine.

How to share common code among the Azure functions?

I have common code which is require in other Azure functions, how can I share the common code among the Azure functions?
If the Functions you are wanting to share code between are under the same Function App you can do the following:
And if they are separate Function Apps, I asked a similar question - see:
Azure Functions - Shared code across Function Apps
I managed to get shared code to work (or rather: compile) using an Azure Function Tools for Visual Studio project. In case of the screenshot, the shared library is actualy another Function project. I also tried to work with class libraries: those seem to work as well.
Haven't gotten around to deploying it yet, by the way. Running (and debugging) it localy is not an issue, so I guess deploying shouldn't be one either.
