Parametrize and loop KQL queries in JupyterLab - jupyter-lab

My question is how to assign variables within a loop in KQL magic command in Jupyter lab. I refer to Microsoft's document on this subject and will base my question on the code given here:
1. First query below
| summarize max(DamageProperty) by State
| order by max_DamageProperty desc
| limit 10
2. Second: Convert the resultant query to a dataframe and assign a variable to 'statefilter'
df = _kql_raw_result_.to_dataframe()
statefilter =df.loc[0].State
3. This is where I would like to modify the above query and let statefilter have multiple variables (i.e. consist of different states):
df = _kql_raw_result_.to_dataframe()
statefilter =df.loc[0:3].State
4. And finally I would like to run my kql query within a for loop for each of the variables within statefilter. This below syntax may not be correct but it can give an example for what I am looking for:
dfs = [] # an empty list to store dataframes
for state in statefilters:
let _state = state;
| where State in (_state)
| do some operations here for that specific state
df = _kql_raw_result_.to_dataframe()
dfs.append(df) # store the df specific to state in the list
The reason why I am not querying all the desired states within the KQL query is to prevent resulting in really large query outcomes being assigned to dataframes. This is not for this sample StormEvents table which has a reasonable size but for my research data which consists of many sites and is really big. Therefore I would like to be able to run a KQL query/analysis for each site within a for loop and assign each site's query results to a dataframe. Please let me know if this is possible or perhaps there may other logical ways to do this within KQL...

There are few ways to do it.
The simplest is to refractor your %%kql cell magic to a %kql line magic.
Line magic can be embedded in python cell.
Other option is to: from Kqlmagic import kql
The Kqlmagic kql method, accept as a string a kql cell or line.
You can call kql from python.
Third way is to call the kql magic via the ipython method:
ip.run_cell_magic('kql', {your kql magic cell text})
You can call it from python.

Example of using the single line magic mentioned by Michael and a return statement that converted the result to JSON. Without the conversion to JSON I wasn't getting anything back.
def testKQL():
%kql DatabaseName | take 10000
return _kql_raw_result_.to_dataframe().to_json(orient='records')


Converting a Case Transform in ADF Mapping DataFlow

I am currently building a DF in ADF where i am converting the below Query which is already placed in another ETL tool called BigDecission. The Query looks like below
MAX(CASE WHEN meter = 'LTPC' THEN reading_date ELSE NULL END) AS LTPC_Date,
While converting this piece in ADF DF i have used AGGREGATE transform and done GROUP BY "ASSET_ID" .
In the AGGREGATES Tab i am deriving the column "LTPC_DATE" and "LTPC" with below mentioned code.
LTPC ---- > max(case(METER=='LTPC',PAGE_COUNT))
But in the output i am getting null values which shouldn't be the case. Can anyone identify the right way to do it.
I followed the same approach to reproduced above and getting proper result.
Please check the below:
My source data:
Here I have taken 2 additional columns using derived column transformation and giving a sample value.
Group By and aggregate:
Used max(case(condtion,expression)) here.
Result in Data preview:
Try to check your projection in the source. Also, transform this to a sink file and check if it gives correct result or not.
If it still gives same, you can try maxIf(condition, expression) as suggested by #Mark Kromer MSFT.
The above also giving the same result for me.
If your source is a database, you can try query option in the source of dataflow and give the above query.
After Importing projection, you can see the desired result in the Data preview.

Is there a way to split a DF using column name comparison?

I am extremely new to Python. I've created a DataFrame using a csv file. My file is a complex nested json file having header values at the lowest granular level.
[Example] df.columns = [ID1, fullID2, total.count, total.value,, seedValue.value1, seedValue.value2,, seedValue.largeFile.value1, seedValue.largeFile.value2......]
Requirement: I have to create multiple smaller csvs using each of the columns that are granular and ID1, fullID2.
My approach that I figured is: save the smaller slices by splitting on the header value.
Problem 1: Not able to split the value correctly or traverse to the first location for comparison.
I'm using df.columns.str.split('.').tolist(). Suppose I get the below listed value, I want to compare seedValue of id with seedValue of value1 and pull out this entire part as a new df.
{['seedValue','id'],['seedValue'.'value1'], ['seedValue'.'value2']}
Problem 2: Adding ID1 and fullID2 to this new df.
Any help or direction to achieve this would be super helpful !
[Final output]
df.columns = [ID1, fullID2, total.count, total.value,, seedValue.value1, seedValue.value2,, seedValue.largeFile.value1, seedValue.largeFile.value2......]
post-processing the file -
seedValue.columns = ID1,fullID2,id,value1,value2
total.columns = ID1,fullID2,count,value
seedValue.largeFile.columns = ID1,fullID2,id,value1,value2
While I do not possess your complex data to provide a more particular solution. I was able to reproduce a similar case with a .csv sample data, which will exemplify how to achieve what you aim with your data.
In order to save in each ID in a different file, we need to loop through the ID's. Also, assuming there might be more duplicate ID's, the script will save each group of ID's into a .csv file. Below is the script, already with sample data:
import pandas as pd
import csv
my_dict = { 'ids' : [11,11,33,55,55],
'info' : ["comment_1","comment_2", "comment_3", "comment_4", "comment_5"],
'other_column': ["something", "something", "something", "", "something"]}
#Creating a dataframe from the .csv file
df = pd.DataFrame(my_dict)
#sorting the value
df = df.sort_values('ids')
#looping through each group of ids and saving them into a file
for id,g in df.groupby('ids'):
g.to_csv('id_{}.csv'.format(id),index=False)#, header=True, index_label=False)
And the output,
For instance, within id_11.csv:
ids info other_column
11 comment_1 something
11 comment_2 something
Notice that, we use the field ids in the name of each file. Moreover, index=False which means that a new column with indexes for each line of data won't be created.
ADDITIONAL INFO: I have used the Notebook in AI Platform within GCP to execute and test the code.
Compared to the more widely known pd.read_csv, pandas offers more granular json support through pd.json_normalize, which allows you to specify how to unnest the data, which meta-data to use, etc.
Apart from this, reading nested fields from a csv into a two-dimensional dataframe might not be the ideal solution here, and having nested objects inside a dataframe can often be tricky to work with.
Try to read the file as a pure dictionary or list of dictionaries. You can then loop through the keys and create a custom logic to check how many more levels you want to go down, how to return the values and so on. Once you are on a lower level and prefer to have this inside of a dataframe, create a new temporary dataframe, then append these parts together inside the loop.

Pandas Drop and Replace functions won't work within a UDF

I looked around at other questions but couldn't find out that addresses the issue I'm having. I am cleaning a data set in an ipython notebook. When I run the cleaning tasks individually they work as expected, but I am having trouble with the replace() and drop() functions when they are included in a UDF. Specifically, these lines aren't doing anything within the UDF, however, a dataframe is returned that completes the other tasks as expected (i.e. reads in the file, sets the index, and filters select dates out).
Any help is much appreciated!
Note that in this problem the df.drop() and df.replace() commands both work as expected when executed outside of the UDF. The function is below for your reference. The issue is with the last two lines "station.replace()" and "station.drop()".
def read_file(file_path):
'''Function to read in daily x data'''
if os.path.exists(os.getcwd()+'/'+file_path) == True:
station = pd.read_csv(file_path)
station = pd.read_csv(file_path)
station.set_index('date',inplace=True) #put date in the index
station = station_data[station_data.index > '1984-09-29'] #removes days where there is no y-data
station.drop(columns=['Unnamed: 0'],axis=1,inplace=True) #drop non-station columns
There was a mistake here:
station = station_data[station_data.index > '1984-09-29']
I was using an old table index. I corrected it to:
station = station[station.index > '1984-09-29']
Note, I had to restart the notebook and re-run it from the top for it to work. I believe it was an issue with conflicting table names in the UDF vs. what was already stored in memory.

How do I convert table row PCollections to key,value PCollections in Python?

There is NO documentation regarding how to convert pCollections into the pCollections necessary for input into .CoGroupByKey()
Essentially I have two large pCollections and I need to be able to find differences between the two, for type II ETL changes (if it doesn't exist in pColl1 then add to a nested field found in pColl2), so that I am able to retain history of these records from BigQuery.
Pipeline Architecture:
Read BQ Tables into 2 pCollections: dwsku and product.
Apply a CoGroupByKey() to the two sets to return --> Results
Parse results to find and nest all changes in dwsku into product.
Any help would be recommended. I found a java link on SO that does the same thing I need to accomplish (but there's nothing on the Python SDK).
Convert from PCollection<TableRow> to PCollection<KV<K,V>>
Is there a documentation / support for Apache Beam, especially Python SDK?
In order to get CoGroupByKey() working, you need to have PCollections of tuples, in which the first element would be the key and second - the data.
In your case, you said that you have BigQuerySource, which in current version of Apache Beam outputs PCollection of dictionaries (code), in which every entry represents a row in the table which was read. You need to map this PCollections to tuples as stated above. This is easy to do using ParDo:
class MapBigQueryRow(beam.DoFn):
def process(self, element, key_column):
key = element.get(key_column)
yield key, element
data1 = (p
| "Read #1 BigQuery table" >>"your query #1"))
| "Map #1 to KV" >> beam.ParDo(MapBigQueryRow(), key_column="KEY_COLUMN_IN_TABLE_1"))
data2 = (p
| "Read #2 BigQuery table" >>"your query #2"))
| "Map #2 to KV" >> beam.ParDo(MapBigQueryRow(), key_column="KEY_COLUMN_IN_TABLE_2"))
co_grouped = ({"data1": data1, "data2": data2} | beam.CoGroupByKey())
# do your processing with co_grouped here
BTW, documentation of Python SDK for Apache Beam can be found here.

Using IronPython to set "Data Limit by Expression" on a visualization

How do I use IronPython to set the Data Limit By Expression field on a visualization?
(I mean an example of a simple IP script to set the Data Limit By Expression field on a visualization, I couldn't find one on the internet)
for any type of chart, if this is the only operation you need to do, you can use code like:
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import Visualization
viz = v.As[Visualization]()
print viz.Data.WhereClauseExpression # prints Python's nil value None
viz.Data.WhereClauseExpression = "[Column] = 'Value'"
print viz.Data.WhereClauseExpression # prints the above expression
in this example, v is a parameter pointing to the desired visualization. you could also look it up by name or ID or some other method.
if you're already manipulating this visualization with a script and just want to add a data limit, you can add this to your existing script without importing the Visualization class. every visualization type's Data object has this WhereClauseExpression property
