Upgrading node version individually for each project - node.js

I have two projects on-going, in one I need node v8 (yes, I know, it's very behind), and one in node v14. right now, across my local machine, globally, I have node v8 installed, but if I want to update my one project to node v14, and keep one at v8, is this possible? Can I just run npm update on my one project and it will keep v8 on my other, or will it do it globally?
Thanks in advance!

We successfully use nodenv for managing node versions between projects. It allows many versions to be available simultaneously. Once set up you add a .node-version file to the root of your project and this will be the version accessed by nodenv.
There is also nvm node version manager, which many use, though I don't have much experience with it.


How to install a new version of npm?

I know this is a noob question but I just start learning to code. I don't know why I cannot upgrade the current version of npm in my computer (5.5.1) to the newer one (8.1.2).
Can someone please help me with this?
There are couple of solutions I can think of:
Solution #1
Uninstall Node.js from your computer and install again. As the error message says, "use the version of npm that is bundled with Node.js". This is the preferred solution and very straightforward. Unless... you want to keep multiple versions of node in your computer, if that is the case, solution #2 will help.
Solution #2
Install a Node version manager (such as n). The package n allows you to download multiple versions of Node.js in your computer and switch between then when needed.
If the issue persists, you may have conflicting versions or directories in your computer. Please read this post about How to completely remove node.js from Windows. Then try re-installing from the website once you are done removing Node.

Run NodeJS programs all requiring different versions of node

I know this is an old problem, and I've gotten so far with other answers, so I'm using nvm for windows, I have my Node V11 and Node V12 versions installed, but when I do:
nvm use 11.15
The windows User Escalation popup comes up saying "Do you want to change the settings for CMD.exe?".
Ideally, I'd want to just switch the environment of my current process (from VSCode Terminal) or possibly use the nvm tool in a batch file to ensure that I can run different NodeJS solutions side-by-side on the same machine i.e. using different versions of node at the same time. Is this possible without requiring admin escalation?

Does it matter what versions of Angular third party modules installed via npm use?

I have an Ionic4 app using the most current version of Angular7. I installed a few node modules from third parties via npm install --save. The npm modules I installed via npm use Angular4 (when I look through the modules package.json on git), but my main Ionic app uses Angular7. Am I using 2 versions of Angular in my Ionic app and bloating it?
The simply answer is no, it doesnt matter what version of angular third party vendors use. Generally if a library how built using Angular 4 it can be consumed in an newer version of Angular eg) v6, v7 etc. One thing to look out for is the packages that you are consuming in your application, if a package was built with Angular 4 its a high possibility it contains other dependencies that was used and in some cases those packages that were used to build that library may come up as deprecated in newer versions of Angular.
To answer your comment, the answer is yes again; generally if you are using a newer version of Angular you should use the newer packages but if you do use a library that uses an older package, angular will adapt to the specification of that particular package.
Mark as answer is it helped, thank you.
IMPORTANT* when you are upgrading from the current version of angular to an advanced one, you should always install (using NPM install) the angular libraries first and only then the third party packages otherwise it could stuck your installation process and give you strange 'gyp-node' errors.
I think your app is working because ionic was made out of angular, as far as i know, one thing i could recommend to you, apart from the fact that you are asking one thing on the title of your question and then asking something else on your description, is to use NVM.
Stuff like angular, npm and ionic will be linked to your node version, so you could work with two different versions of node and all of the other stuff will not get mixed up, i really hope this helps you a little.

Use specific versions of npm/node for different VS solutions?

I have a VS 2015 solution which requires I have the newest version of nodejs installed externally, and added to the External Web Tools path. (web project using a packages.json and gulp file to retrieve css/js modules and compile ssas at build time)
I also have older solutions that uses older versions of modules, and worked with the default versions of npm(1.4.9) and node(0.10.31). Once I installed newer nodejs externally and added to External Web Tools path, npm now throws various errors. As I work through errors I tend to to end up at github issues where someone had opened an issue and the responses were "you're using too old a version of node/npm".
In an ideal world we'd work through the old projects to get them on newer versions but this has a larger impact than is feasible.
Is there a way to specify that some projects use the default node/npm while other projects use the newer? I.e. a way to make the External Web Tools paths a proj/sln level setting instead of being a global Visual Studio setting.
You can use something like nvm.
In your project root directory, you would setup a .nvmrc and you would just set the version number in there. For example my file would have v10.9.0, and then I would just go into the directory and from the command line type the following:
nvm use
You can also have nvm set your npm version as well. See this answer
You can use Node Version Manager(NVM) to solve your problem
NVM allow to run multiple node version in single machine, You can switch on any node verion using NVM
for more information you can refer

Where and how can I get a certain version of NodeJs?

I'll be attending a MS course tomorrow and I'm supposed to install NodeJs version 0.12.7. However, when I follow the link provided, I only get a directory listing of a bunch of files. And I'm certainly not sure which one(s) I need (I'm on Win 8).
I also tried with their front page but the versions advertised there are v.4.2.2 and v.5.0.0, which surprised me (cf. v.0.12.7). When I went to the downloads' section, I got totally confused by the overwhelming number of options, platforms, versions etc.
I trust my godlike ability to pick just the wrong option as well as my superpower of confusing everything to the edge of ridiculousness, so instead of cursing my rectum off, I prefer to ask straight how to obtain the requested version (v.0.12.7 for Win 8).
I would suggest nvm, it's great for node version management and installing any particular version of node you would like. https://github.com/creationix/nvm
If you're running 32-bit Windows, then you want the node-v0.12.7-x86.msi file in the directory in your link.
If you're running 64-bit Windows, then you want the node-v0.12.7-x64.msi file in the x64 subdirectory.
As #Ryan McDermott suggested, nvm is good. Another option, which I like, is nodenv: https://github.com/OiNutter/nodenv.
First, install nodenv. Then, install the plugin node-build (https://github.com/OiNutter/node-build). Then you can do the following:
nodenv install --list # list available node versions
nodenv install 0.12.7 # install the specified version
nodenv global 0.12.7 # use the specified version of node
