Open3D-ML and pytorch - pytorch

I’m currently trying to work with open3d ML and Pytorch. I followed the installation guide given in the Open3D-ML github. However when I try to import it sends me the following error : Exception: Open3D was not built with PyTorch support!
I’m working with
python 3.8
open3d 0.12.0
pytorch 1.6.0
cuda 10.1
Windows 10
Do you have any idea of where that error comes from ?

It does not support for Windows at the moment. You can install Ubuntu on WSL (Window Subsystem for Linux) on Windows OS, and install open3d-ml on ubuntu.

Can you check if the output of the following commands on Windows Terminal (or PowerShell) is:
wsl cat /proc/version
Linux version
wsl --list
Ubuntu-20.04 (Standard)
wsl -l -v
Ubuntu-20.04 Running 2
In my experience, Open3D-ML with CUDA only works if you are a Windows Insider, updated the WSL kernel correctly, and you are using Ubuntu in WSL.
Also, check if the folder /usr/lib/wsl/lib exists. If not, then CUDA won't work in WSL.


PyTorch can't see GPU (torch.cuda.is_availble() returns False)

I have a problem where
import torch
will print False, and I can't use the GPU available. I've tried it on conda environment, where I've installed the PyTorch version corresponding to the NVIDIA driver I have. I've also tried it in docker container, where I've done the same. I've tried both of these options on a remote server, but they both failed. I know that I've installed the correct driver versions because I've checked the version with nvcc --version before installing PyTorch, and I've checked the GPU connection with nvidia-smi which displays the GPUs on the machines correctly.
Also, I've checked this post and tried exporting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES, but had no luck.
On the server I have NVIDIA V100 GPUs with CUDA version 10.0 (for conda environment) and version 10.2 on a docker container I've built. Any help or push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
For anyone else having this problem, it turned out my server manager has not updated the drivers for the server.
I switched to a different server, installed anaconda and things started working like it should, i.e., torch.cuda.is_available() returns True after setting up a fresh environment.

TensorFlow error using AVX instructions on Linux while working on Windows on the same machine

I'm using a Dual-Boot machine with Windows and Ubuntu and try to run a code which works well while windows is used but errors when Ubuntu is used.
The error says:
F tensorflow/core/platform/] The TensorFlow library was compiled to use AVX instructions, but these aren't available on your machine.
While running the same code using Windows it gives a similar warning but still runs.
Couldn't find any solution regarding to the problem on the net.
System specifications:
Ubuntu 18.10
Python 2.7.15+
TensorFlow 1.12.0

How to install pytorch on windows subsystem for linux

my windows10 has subsystem for linux of 14.04. I tried to install pytorch on the preinstalled python2 but couldn't work.The error is: torch-0.2.0.post1-cp27-cp27m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform. I tried to install python3.6 then install pytorch with it, but still couldn't work.The error is missing module 'apt_pkg'. Anyone has idea on this?
According to this it should be working now via anaconda's package manager conda.
If you look in the whl filename, there are two bits to pay attention to. Firstly, the cp27 and secondly the x86_64 bit.
That first one tells you that you need python 2.7 which is the default for the WSL, so that's fine.
The second one tells you that the whl has been compiled for a 32 bit computer. If you have a 64 bit computer, it will fail.

Cava Packger executable (made from perl) not working in 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04

I have prepared executable from my perl code for distribution
It works fine on my own ubuntu 12.04 where it was created
It should work without perl on any system
But After execution of executable on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, (64 bit) it gives
Can't load '/home/osboxes/Version-1/lib/vrt/16e8aba612e215bf6a5195289f1a16d8/' for module Prima: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at <content>/ line 157.
After installing libgif4 it gave error cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
What may be the cause for this and solution for this.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS includes libtiff5 by default. Versions up to 13.04 had libtiff4. I made the executable compatible with libtiff4. also just installing libtiff4 by Ubuntu Software Center did not help so I installed it manually.
Downloaded it from here and installed by command:
sudo dpkg -i ./libtiff4_3.9.7-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb

Install MonoDevelop IDE for Redhat Linux

I am trying to install and configure MonoDevelop on my Oracle VM Virtual Box. The Operating System that running on the VM is RedHat Linux.
With the help of the below link, I have installed the mono-2.10.8 and also I was able to compile and run the sample c# source code on Linux through the shell.
Now, I am trying to install or configure the IDE, please advise me for the good IDEs.
Thanks for your help
Installed Monodeveloper from the below link. I chose the Operating System as CentOS
This will also install mono-opt from the home:tpokorra repo
mono-opt is the latest stable version (3.6) on mono available from Mono Project
I found this way much easier for installing mono on redhat / centos 6
