Install MonoDevelop IDE for Redhat Linux - linux

I am trying to install and configure MonoDevelop on my Oracle VM Virtual Box. The Operating System that running on the VM is RedHat Linux.
With the help of the below link, I have installed the mono-2.10.8 and also I was able to compile and run the sample c# source code on Linux through the shell.
Now, I am trying to install or configure the IDE, please advise me for the good IDEs.
Thanks for your help

Installed Monodeveloper from the below link. I chose the Operating System as CentOS

This will also install mono-opt from the home:tpokorra repo
mono-opt is the latest stable version (3.6) on mono available from Mono Project
I found this way much easier for installing mono on redhat / centos 6


How to install ubuntu unity

How to install ubuntu unity with in ubuntu mate?
Tried installing via terminal sudo and was unsuccessful. Hardware is raspberry pi 3.
Unity does not support Linux. Only as a target platform. Editor platform is Windows.
They had an experimental version some time ago, but that is mostly dead. I also wanted to have that but it's Windows you need for Unity.
There were official releases, but this forum page is from the stoneage:

Gitlab on suse linux

I want to install Gitlab on the suse linux OS.
Could some one please suggest me which OS supported Gitlab installer from the available ones on Gitlab site : Ubuntu, Debian and Centos can be used to install Gitlab on Suse linux ?
OS details :
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)
I'm afraid that Suse is a complete different system. They use a package manager called YaST that won't be compatible with any of the proposed OS on the GitLab website.
Alternatively, you can try installation via Docker (Hopefully your system is 64bits):
Or the hard way, manually:
Or even pop an instance somewhere in the cloud but this would involve some costs.
For all other OSs it has packages to install all the required components, but for SUSE there is no package, so you will have to install all the required components like ruby, redis, mysql and other dependent libs on your own.
You may like to try this :
Since I found this answer while looking for the installation on SUSE 12 (SP3), there is one of the currently working options (2021).
First, check the version supported on the system, (Gitlab 12.1 in case of SUSE 12 SP3, which corresponds to OpenSUSE 42.3)
After that, get the proper .rpm file using wget.
Install with
sudo EXTERNAL_URL="" rpm -ivh path/to/file/filename
That's it. Some Versions of Omnibus for SUSE are supported directly, but it really depends on the host system version.

How to upgrade Qt installed in linux from one version to higher

While porting Qt project from windows to linux(ubuntu) i faced with the following issue:
on windows Qt version 4.8.1 is installed
on linux 4.6.3 in which some functionalities availiable in higer version 4.8.1 don`t yet implemented (ex. QUdpSocket::joinMultiCastGroup).
I see only one solution to this problem: upgrade Qt version on linux to 4.8.1.
How can I do this?
On linux I got installed libqt4-dev, qmake.
Solved: I changed repository from squeeze (stable) to wheezy(testing), in wheezy latest Qt version is 4.8.1, which is perfectly suits my needs.
Using package manager I found package libqt4-dev and selected it for update.
That is all, the whole process took 5 minutes.
- As I run Debian on Virtual Box after changing repository I had to reinstall guest additions
- wheezy is less stable than squeeze (I haven`t faced yet with stablilty problem)
I guess you can use Upgrade option in the Qt Creator.
Or you can download latest version from Download Qt, the cross-platform application framework
Or you could try to update using something like apt-get install(upgrade) libqt4-dev if you using Debian based system.
This depends on the distro you are using. If there are binary packages for your distro you can update through your package manager. Otherwise you have to download the source of your prefered Qt version and build it yourself.
I'm not sure if this will help in your situation, but you can download the Qt Online Installer at the following link:

eclipse installation in linux

I am trying to install the eclipse IDE for c++ developers. I have downloaded the tar.gz from the eclipse and unzip/unarchived it using tar -xzvf... but now when I double click, or run eclipse nothing happens. I have done this before using the same method and it worked. I dont know why nothing happens now.
I also am aware of the sudo apt-get install eclipse-platform method. But I do not want to install the eclipse platform, just the IDE for c/c++ developers.
any suggestions?
For Eclipse, you need to have a JVM up and running, since it's a Java application. You can install the JRE of your choice (I personally use OpenJDK 6 since I also do Java development).
Try chmod +x eclipse in a terminal or run it from terminal: ./eclipse.
With the information of your comments in this answer, you have a 32bit system and your eclipse is a 64bit version. You can't run 64bit applications on a 32bit system.
So you have to download the 32bit version of eclipse (or virtualize an 64bit system with VMWare, for example).

Kdevelop in Windows XP

I received a src archive from a friend who develops Qt apps on Linux on Kdevelop IDE. Is it possible to load the Kdevelop project in Windows in some IDE ? Is there a Kdevelop port on Windows without Cygwin/Msys etc ? Are there any workarounds or I should I have to install Linux and take charge?
Update : I visited the page as mentioned in the below answer, but there's no Kdevelop package in the KdeWin installer . See here
KDevelop 4 will also be available on Windows (together with a lot of other KDE4 software). It is currently in beta, but you can download a Windows installer. The installer also lets you install other KDE4 software and should come with the QT development files you will need to develop QT applications.
AFAICT, there is no port to Windows of Kdevelop4 and Kdevelop3 was run with cygwin - which, IMHO, is not really a robust solution.
It would probably be easier, and better, to install a Linux distro in a virtual machine and go at it from there. If you don't need access to Windows, you could just install a Linux on a separate hardrive and/or partition.
Install linux on virtual machine such as vmware or virtual box.
