How to specify file size using repartition() in spark - apache-spark

Im using pyspark and I have a large data source that I want to repartition specifying the files size per partition explicitly.
I know using the repartition(500) function will split my parquet into 500 files with almost equal sizes.
The problem is that new data gets added to this data source every day. On some days there might be a large input, and on some days there might be smaller inputs. So when looking at the partition file size distribution over a period of time, it varies between 200KB to 700KB per file.
I was thinking of specifying the max size per partition so that I get more or less the same file size per file per day irrespective of the number of files.
This will help me when running my job on this large dataset later on to avoid skewed executor times and shuffle times etc.
Is there a way to specify it using the repartition() function or while writing the dataframe to parquet?

You could consider writing your result with the parameter maxRecordsPerFile.
storage_location = //...
estimated_records_with_desired_size = 2000
estimated_records_with_desired_size) \
.parquet(storage_location, compression="snappy")


How to ensure output dataframe is dynamically partitioned such that each partition is around 128mb?

In Spark, I have a few jobs chained (i.e. output of one will be input to the next). The issue I am facing is, say, my input dataset to first job is 10GB today and I am repartitioning it statically (hardcoded number, coalesce or repartition) before writing the output such that its around 128mb per partition. As the data grows, the hardcoded number obviously starts to make partitions bigger and in a few months downstream jobs starts to become slower due to the higher partition size.
One way I tried to ensure partitions are always around 128mb is by dividing the total dataset size (row count) by a static number. That is, if a dataset with 1M rows is 500mb, I estimate that approx 250k rows would be around 128mb. So number of partitions I would need is df.count()/250,000
That sort of works but is there a better/more straightforward way to accomplish this without affecting the performance of the job much?

Resolving small file issue in pyspark

I am reading from a partitioned table that has close to 4 billion records.
The files that I am reading from is my source, and I have no control over it to alter the records.
While reading the files through dataframes, for each partition I am creating 2000 files of size less than 2KB. This is because of shuffle partition being set to 2000, to increase the execution speed.
Approach followed to resolve this issue:
I have looped over the HDFS path of the table, post its execution is completed as has created a list with data paths [/dv/hdfs/..../table_name/partition_value=01,/dv/hdfs/..../table_name/partition_value=02..]
For each such path, I have calculated
disk usage and block size from cluster and got the appropriate number of partitions as
no_of_partitions = ceil[disk_usage / block size], and then written the data into another location with the same partition_id such as [/dv/hdfs/..../table2_name/partition_value=01].
Now though this works in reducing the small files to avg block size of 82 MB from 2KB, it is taking about 2.5 mins per partition. With 256 such partitions being available, it is taking more than 10hrs to finish the execution.
Kindly suggest any other method where this could be achieved in less than 2 hrs of time.
Although you have 2000 shuffle partitions you can and should control the output files.
Generating small files in spark is itself a performance degradation for the next read operations.
Now to control small files issue you can do the following:
While writing the dataframe to hdfs repartition it based on the number of partitions and controlling the number of output files per partition
df.repartition(partition_col).write.option("maxRecordsPerFile", 100000).partition_by(partition_col).parquet(path)
This will generate files having 100000 records each in every partition. Hence solving your small files issue. This will improve overall read and write performance of your job.
Hope it helps.

How to control size of Parquet files in Glue?

I'm loading a data set into a DynamicFrame, perform a transformation and then write it back to S3:
datasink = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(
frame = someDateFrame,
connection_type = "s3",
connection_options = {
"path": "s3://the-bucket/some-data-set"
format = "parquet"
The result is 12 Parquet files with an average size of about 3MB.
First of all, I don't get why Glue/Spark won't by default instead create a single file about 36MB large given that almost all consuming software (Presto/Athena, Spark) prefer a file size of about 100MB and not a pile of small files. If somebody has an insight here, I'd appreciate to hear about it.
But practically speaking I'm wondering if it is possible to make Glue/Spark produce a large file or at least larger files. Is that possible?
Using coalesce(1) will deteriorate the performance of Glue in the long run. While, it may work for small files, it will take ridiculously long amounts of time for larger files.
coalesce(1) makes only 1 spark executor to write the file which without coalesce() would have used all the spark executors to write the file.
Also, using coalesce(1) will have bigger cost. 1 executor running for long run time will have bigger cost than all executors running for fraction of the time taken by 1 executor.
Coalesce(1) took 4 hrs 48 minutes to process 1GB of Parquet Snappy Compressed Data.
Coalesce(9) took 48 minutes for the same.
No Coalesce() did the same job in 25 minutes.
I haven't tried yet. But you can set accumulator_size in write_from_options.
Check for how to pass value.
Alternatively, you can use pyspark DF with 1 partition before write in order to make sure it writes to one file only.
Note that writing to 1 file will not take advantage of parallel writing and hence will increase time to write.
You could try repartition(1) before writing the dynamic dataframe to S3. Refer here to understand why coalesce(1) is a bad choice for merging. It might also cause Out Of Memory(OOM) exceptions if a single node cannot hold all the data to be written.
I don't get why Glue/Spark won't by default instead create a single file about 36MB large given that almost all consuming software (Presto/Athena, Spark) prefer a file size of about 100MB and not a pile of small files.
The number of the output files is directly linked to the number of partitions. Spark cannot assume a default size for output files as it is application depended. The only way you control the size of output files is to act on your partitions numbers.
I'm wondering if it is possible to make Glue/Spark produce a large file or at least larger files. Is that possible?
Yes, it is possible but there is no rule of thumb. You have to try different settings according to your data.
If you are using AWS Glue API [1], you can control how to group small files into a single partition while you read data:
frame = someDateFrame,
connection_type = "s3",
connection_options = {
"path": "s3://the-bucket/some-data-set",
"groupFiles": "inPartition",
"groupSize": "10485760" # 10485760 bytes (10 MB)
format = "parquet"
If your transformation code does not impact too much the data distribution (not filtering, not joining, etc), you should expect the output file to have almost the same size as the read in input (not considering compression rate) In general, Spark transformations are pretty complex with joins, aggregates, filtering. This changes the data distribution and number of final partitions.
In this case, you should use either coalesce() or repartition() to control the number of partitions you expect.

Spark coalescing on the number of objects in each partition

We are starting to experiment with spark on our team.
After we do reduce job in Spark, we would like to write the result to S3, however we would like to avoid collecting the spark result.
For now, we are writing the files to Spark forEachPartition of the RDD, however this resulted in a lot of small files. We would like to be able to aggregate the data into a couple files partitioned by the number of objects written to the file.
So for example, our total data is 1M objects (this is constant), we would like to produce 400K objects file, and our current partition produce around 20k objects file (this varies a lot for each job). Ideally we want to produce 3 files, each containing 400k, 400k and 200k instead of 50 files of 20K objects
Does anyone have a good suggestion?
My thought process is to let each partition handle which index it should write it to by assuming that each partition will roughy produce the same number of objects.
So for example, partition 0 will write to the first file, while partition 21 will write to the second file since it will assume that the starting index for the object is 20000 * 21 = 42000, which is bigger than the file size.
The partition 41 will write to the third file, since it is bigger than 2 * file size limit.
This will not always result on the perfect 400k file size limit though, more of an approximation.
I understand that there is coalescing, but as I understand it coalesce is to reduce the number of partition based on the number of partition wanted. What I want is to coalesce the data based on the number of objects in each partition, is there a good way to do it?
What you want to do is to re-partition the files into three partitions; the data will be split approximately 333k records per partition. The partition will be approximate, it will not be exactly 333,333 per partition. I do not know of a way to get the 400k/400k/200k partition you want.
If you have a DataFrame `df', you can repartition into n partitions as
Since you want a maximum number or records per partition, I would recommend this (you don't specify Scala or pyspark, so I'm going with Scala; you can do the same in pyspark) :
val maxRecordsPerPartition = ???
val numPartitions = (df.count() / maxRecordsPerPartition).toInt + 1
This will guarantee your partitions are less than maxRecordsPerPartition.
We have decided to just go with the number of files being generated and just making sure that each files contain less than 1 million line items

spark write to disk with N files less than N partitions

Can we write data to say 100 files, with 10 partitions in each file?
I know we can use repartition or coalesce to reduce number of partition. But I have seen some hadoop generated avro data with much more partitions than number of files.
The number of files that get written out is controlled by the parallelization of your DataFrame or RDD. So if your data is split across 10 Spark partitions you cannot write fewer than 10 files without reducing partitioning (e.g. coalesce or repartition).
Now, having said that when data is read back in it could be split into smaller chunks based on your configured split size but depending on format and/or compression.
If instead you want to increase the number of files written per Spark partition (e.g. to prevent files that are too large), Spark 2.2 introduces a maxRecordsPerFile option when you write data out. With this you can limit the number of records that get written per file in each partition. The other option of course would be to repartition.
The following will result in 2 files being written out even though it's only got 1 partition:
val df = spark.range(100).coalesce(1)
df.write.option("maxRecordsPerFile", 50).save("/tmp/foo")
