bash: ./ No such file or directory - linux

I am running shell scripting program using git bash on windows 10.
I am sure I had created my file here then also getting this error.
bash: ./ No such file or directory

Check first where you are when you try to access that script:
ls -alrth
You will see if ./ is indeed here.


How to open a wsl directory in git bash terminal

I want to open this \\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu wsl directory in git bash terminal. My git bash terminal is currently open in /c/Users/DELL directory.
I tried \\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu pasting this command in the bash shell, but it throws error saying that bash: \wsl.localhostUbuntu: No such file or directory .
Can anybody help me opening that in git bash terminal.
Few days back i managed it to open that in git bash, see this image
But now I am unable to do so, don't know how I managed to do so earlier
Run this command:
cd //wsl.localhost/Ubuntu
The command \\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu didn't work, because
Bash removes backslashes while parsing the command (solution: use forward slashes: /).
You didn't indicate that your want to change the current directory, without that Bash interpreted your command as running an external program by that name (solution: use the cd command).

"cannot execute binary file" when trying to run a shell script on linux

I am very new to linux and shell scriprting.
I am trying to run a shellscript from secure shell (ssh) on linux using following commands:
chmod +x path/to/
sh path/to/
I get this error:
path/to/ path/to/ cannot execute binary file.
Tried using this command:
bash path/to/
I get the same error.
Tried with this command: su - myusername sh path/to/
It is asking for my password and giving me this error: no such file or directory.
1.The result of cat -v path/to/ is:
^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#Rscript "$dir"/diver_script.R
2.When tried 'less path/to/' i got this on my terminal:
for dir in /path/to/* ; do
^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#Rscript "$dir"/myRscript.R
3.When i ran file path/to/ : i got this "Bourne-Again shell script text executable"
Please give any advice on how I can try executing the shellscript.
chmod -x removes execution permission from a file. Do this:
chmod +x path/to/
And run it with
As the error report says, you script is not actually a script, it's a binary file.
I was getting the same error running my shell script through a bash interpreter in PowerShell. I ran dos2unix on the shell script, and now it runs ok.
From a proposed duplicate: cannot execute binary file
This is because the file is compressed, as indicated by the .xz extension. You need to remove the compression before the file can be used.
xz -d ./
chmod +x ./ # probably not necessary if you already did that before
Other compression schemes like gzip (.gz extension), bzip2 (.bz2 extension) etc behave similarly; you just have to know the name of the command to uncompress it, which is of course usually easy to google.
To anyone else having the problem i had.
i was trying to run a 16 bit unicode text file converted to a shell script, this doesn't work as all 16 bit unicode text files have a 0xFFFE marker at the start making mac os not like the file and this gives the “cannot execute binary file” error.
open the text file click on "Format" at the top, go down to "Make Plain Text" click it.
open your terminal type chmod 777 /path/to/
put in terminal: /path/to/ to run it
That script is simply not a shell script.
A shell script is usually readable and contains shell code.
The output your cat command shows looks indeed like it's a binary of some sort.
As some note, it might be because of a file conversion issue when copying but it looks more like an actual binary to me.
You can check what it is identified as with the file command so:
file path/to/
Just start with a clean script and rewrite the code, it looks like you just want to run some R scripts in a directory?
Make sure the R scripts point to the right R script executioner.
In my case I had a bash script that would not execute. The file was originally generated from a find ... -print0 command. Leaving a \0 character the script, removing that character solved my problem.

Can't run a script

I tried to create a script in linux, on a Synology server over SSH
so I wrote a file
echo "this is a test"
I saved the file.
after that I did
chmod 755
the I did
then i got this error
-ash "./" is not found
the file was created in
I don't understand
Your shell (ash?) is trying to execute your script and is getting an ENOENT (no such file or directory) error code back. This can refer to the script itself, but in this case it refers to the interpreter named in the #! line.
That is, /bin/bash does not exist and that's why the script couldn't be started.
Workaround: Install bash or (if you don't need any bash specific features) change the first line to #!/bin/sh.
This is one of the quirks with hash bang programs. If the interpreter is not found (i.e. the program interpreting the script), you don't get a completely useful error like /bin/bash: no such file, but a completely useless and misleading not found.
If this isn't in the Unix Hater's Handbook, it should be. :-)
You can either use #!/bin/sh or #!/path/to/bash or #!/usr/bin/env bash (which searches PATH for bash).

Bash script not running

I am trying to learn bash scripting and I'm using Ubuntu Linux. I have written a simple Bash file to count the number of files in current directory. I have written the following script in a file:
#! /bin/bash
ls -1 | wc -l
And saved the file with the name countFile.
But when I am trying to execute the script using ./countFile it is not executing. It shows the following error:
bash: ./countFile: Permission denied
The countFile is in my home directory so why I haven't the permission. Am I doing something wrong or missing some important thing? Moreover, the ls -1 | wc -l command gives me the correct output when I run it from the terminal.
So how can I run the countFile script?
While you are giving like this,
You have to make that file as executable using chmod.
chmod +x countfile
Or else you can use the other interpreter like this.
sh countfile
while executing the file we need a execute permission for that file,
we can change the permission or
we just run as
. countfile
hew . will represent the current working shell

bad interpreter: Permission denied in shell scripting ls ubuntu

I am quite new to the shell scripting.
So I am writing the shell script to list all files available in the directory using ls command.
but I am getting the error bad interpreter: Permission denied
echo "Welcome bash shell scripting"
echo "this complets the listing of directories"
I want to get the list of "/home/gaurav" this path
This line...
... means "instead of using /bin/bash, use /home/guarav as the program to run this file". This is not what you want. What you want is either:
cd /home/gaurav # at the top, or
ls /home/gaurav # between echoes
Problem is this line:
This is called shebang and it should be the bash/shell interpreter like this:
one that interprets and executes your script. Since /home/gaurav is not a valid interpreter you're getting that error.
You probably want this in your script:
ls /home/gaurav
to list all files/directories in /home/gaurav path.
Either add #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh instead of #!/home/gaurav line while starting script.
Because, while running shell script, you have to give path of which bash or sh are you going to run to execute that script.
