Problems importing the oct2py python package - python-3.x

I have installed the oct2py package using the pip command pip install oct2py, set the environement path of python, pip and octave as in the following picture:
However, whenever I try to import it in my python script, I get the following error:
I checked whether the package is installed, it says: Requirement satisfied.
Any ideas of what I could possibly be doing wrong?


Getting an error message while trying to install pandas packages using pip3 in jupyter notebook

My code starts with installing these packages -
pip3 install ipython
pip3 install selenium
pip3 install time
pip3 install parsel
pip3 install csv
but I get -
File "<ipython-input-7-cae965d78112>", line 1
conda install ipython
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I have tried replacing pip3 with pip and conda, it still gives the same error.Please help me to install these packages.
pip3 and conda are utilities separate to the Python programming language. pip3 and conda make it easier for users to install python packages to their machine/virtual environment which is why you get SyntaxError: invalid syntax because what you've written is not valid Python.
If you want to use pip3 or conda these commands should be used at into a terminal. These tools search online for modules you want to install, download them and install them into the appropriate location (for your user or into your virtual enviroment). If you try to install something that can't be found online in the pypi you'll get an error.
You've tried to install the module csv using pip3 install csv. The csv module is part of Python's standard library so pip3 will not find this package on pypi. Being part of the standard library means that every installation of Python has this library. To use the csv module you can do import csv in your notebook/.py file. The same goes for the module time.

I have installed cvlib in python but still can't import it

I installed miniconda and just created a conda environment:
conda create -n my_env python=3.5 anaconda
I am trying to:
import cvlib
But I am getting the error:
ImportError: No module named cvlib
So I have tried to install using:
pip3 install cvlib
This seemed to work successfully, but then when I try to import cvlib I am still getting the ImportError: No module named cvlib error (I have retarted my terminal after the installation).
Is this a problem with my PYTHONPATH not containing the path to the directory that now contains cvlib? If so, how do I find where cvlib is saved so that I can add the path?
Check if the library is in your python directory. Otherwise, make a account, and install cvlib, and check the functions or the lib name. Maybe try searching a more advanced installation of cvlib.
it might have occurred due to the version of python you installed or due to the directory, you installed.
try uninstalling the current version of python and try installing an older version of python and install it in the directory as shown below:
also, select add the path to environment variables while installing
and after that install cvlib and all other required modules and packages
it worked for me.

Install geopandas in Pycharm

Sorry if this is a repeat question, But I am new to Python and trying to install Geopandas in Pycharm.
My python version is 3.7.2.
I have tried the conventional way of installing library in pycharm through project interpretor.
I have also tried pip install geopandas
Both show same error.
A GDAL API version must be specified. Provide a path to gdal-config using a GDAL_CONFIG environment variable or use a GDAL_VERSION environment variable.
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python egg_info Check the logs for full command output
Please provide steps to follow wrt Pycharm if possible.
According to Geopandas's own install instructions, the recommended way is to install via conda package manager, which you can obtain by using the Anaconda or miniconda Python distributions:
conda install geopandas
If, however, you have a Very Good Reason you can't use conda, and absolutely need to use pip, you should try installing GDAL first (pip install GDAL), and then checking if the gdal-config command is in your path (i.e. that you can access it via the terminal). Then you can try installing again from either PyCharm directly or via the command line.
If you can't get it installed from PyCharm and need to specify GDAL_VERSION (which you can get with gdal-config --version), you'll probably need to install from the command line, where you can set this variable either with an export or directly in the same invocation:
GDAL_VERSION=2.4.2 pip install geopandas

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2.ximgproc

When I am running the command from cv2.ximgproc import guidedFilter, I am getting an error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2.ximgproc'
I searched the Internet for possible reasons, and I found out that I should run a command pip install opencv--contrib-python on the terminal, which I did. Even after doing that, I am getting the same error.
Please note that I am not very good at programming and technical stuff, so please explain in simple terms. I have a mac, and I am using Anaconda for writing my codes.
You need to uninstall the regular opencv package first.
First uninstall both regular opencv as well as contrib package:
pip uninstall opencv-python
pip uninstall opencv-contrib-python
Then install the contrib package:
pip install opencv-contrib-python
You can refer to this post for more information:
Module 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'ximgproc'
I have written a python script as follows:
from cv2.ximgproc import guidedFilter
Initially it was giving me the same error : 'ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2.ximgproc'. But then i ran the command "pip install opencv--contrib-python" and after that it prints "hello" i.e it is detecting the ximgproc module.
please check the below screenshot.
Check once the installation of opencv--contrib module. There is some problem at that stage.

Python ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32event'

in my Python Script there is an ERROR with the line
import win32events
I still installed the package pypiwin32 (with pip install pypiwin32) but it seems that this is nor the right package.
Does someone know what I need to install to use win32events in Python?
You should install pywin32 package (not pypiwin32)!!!
