Converting a string to bytes - string

im fairly new to OCaml, so excuse any stupid mistake.
Im trying to modify the elements of a string, yet it wont allow me, saying it is expecting an expression of type bytes. After doing some reading, I know why, so I tried to convert my string to bytes, with no success. I've looked everywhere on how to convert a string to bytes, but can't seem to find anything. Can someone help me?

There is a function Bytes.of_string that does this.
Bytes.of_string "my string abc";;
- : bytes = Bytes.of_string "my string abc"
It's interesting to note that the toplevel expression printer (the P part of REPL) prints byte values using a Bytes.of_string call.
You can convert back to a string with Bytes.to_string.
# let b = Bytes.of_string "hal9000";;
val b : bytes = Bytes.of_string "hal9000"
# Bytes.to_string ( (fun c -> Char.chr (Char.code c + 1)) b);;
- : string = "ibm:111"


How to know if there one or more Cyrillic symbol in String and count them (Kotlin)

I'm working on QR-parser. In my QR I have a field "encoding", which one shows us a string encoding ("1" = w1251, "2" = UTF8, "3" = KOI8-R). I need decode 1, 3 in UTF-8, so it's ok:
private fun checkEncoding(encoding: String, decodedString: String) =
when (encoding) {
"1" -> decodedString.toByteArray(Charset.forName("windows-1251")).toString(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))
"3" -> decodedString.toByteArray(Charset.forName("KOI8-R")).toString(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))
"2" -> decodedString
else -> throw ErrorsBuilder.UNKNOWN_ENCODING_ERROR.unknownEncodingException(decodedString)
But sometimes we get wrong QRs, which has encoding = 1, but string in UTF8.
We'd like to work with this situation, maybe anyone can help. We decided to make next logic: if string has Russian symbols -> do nothing with it, it's UTF8. else -> do checkEncoding()
First idea: check if they're Russian letters in string. I did this:
fun main() {
val string1 = "Name=Филиал"
val string2 = "Name=СчеС"
val string3 = "ФФФ"
println(parse2(string1)) //false
println(parse2(string2)) //false
println(parse2(string3)) //true }
fun parse2(string: String): Boolean {
return string.matches("[а-яёА-ЯЁ]+".toRegex())
How can u check that string has at least one Russian symbol with many English? Something like matchesAny()?
The second problem that in String "ST00011|Name=СчеС" symbols "Р", "С" are Russian too. I decided to make some counter, which count Russian symbols from string and compare that number with string length.
But I don't know how to perform it.
So maybe u have any Ideas and better solutions for my situation? Or can give me the answer on question from Title?
Thanks a lot
What about a simple regex check:

How to convert a variable to a raw string?

If I have a string, "foo; \n", I can turn this into a raw string with r"foo; \n". If I have a variable x = "foo; \n", how do I convert x into a raw string? I tried y = rf"{x}" but this did not work.
I have a python string variable, res. I compute res as
big_string = """foo; ${bar}"""
from string import Template
t = Template(big_string)
res = t.substitute(bar="baz")
As such, res is a variable. I'd like to convert this variable into a raw string. The reason is I am going to POST it as JSON, but I am getting json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting ',' delimiter: line 1 column 620 (char 619). Previously, when testing I fixed this by converting my string to a raw string with: x = r"""foo; baz""" (keeping in line with the example above). Now I am not dealing with a big raw string. I am dealing with a variable that is a JSON representation of a string where I have replaced a single variable, bar above, with a list for a query, and now I want to convert this string into a raw string (e.g. r"foo; baz", yes I realize this is not valid JSON).
Update: As per this question I need a raw string. The question and answer flagged in the comments as duplicate do not work (res.encode('unicode_escape')).

How to convert string representing n bits to a byte string?

I'm pretty new to Python (never coded before in this language) and I need to pass a byte string to a function (as specified here[1]). It receives a string represents a binary number and I want to generate a byte string from it. I've tried countless things but I'm really stuck on how to do it, can you help me please?
I'm trying to pass this value to a library that handles DES, so I don't have any other option than doing it this way.
from Crypto.Cipher import DES
key = "1101101110001000010000000000000100101000010000011000110100010100"
param = key.tobytes() # <-- The function I need
cipher =, DES.MODE_ECB)
Your key is in its current form a binary Number.
You could get the bytes (still as a string) from that simply with:
length = 8
input_l = [key[i:i+length] for i in range(0,len(key),length)]
And then convert each of these in a list to ints:
input_b = [int(b,base=2) for b in input_l]
The bytearray is then simply given by:
depending on your usecase.
Converting this to a function is left as an exercise to the reader.

OCaml splitting bytes vs characters

It seems I'm a little confused on the best way to handle this. At the moment I am using Jane Street's Core. Split has a signature that looks like
split : t -> on:char -> t list
Which is fine. However, I noticed that any string I type is a "Bytes" type. This creates a problem when I try to split because it expects a char. My question is, what is the best way to handle this? Right now I'm doing
String.split "My string is here" (String.get " " 0)
But this seems very hacky. I feel like there should be a better solution to this. Can anyone help me? Thank you!
You can make a char using 's.
# "x";;
- : string = "x"
# 'x';;
- : char = x
# String.split "My string is here" ' ';;
- : string list = ["My"; "string"; "is"; "here"]
It's possible to use regexp to solve your problem :
let () =
let l = Str.split (Str.regexp_string " ") "My string is here" in
List.iter (Printf.printf "%s\n") l

String manipulation in Lua: Swap characters in a string

I'm trying to do a function in Lua that swaps the characters in a string.
Can somebody help me ?
Here is an example:
Input = "This LIBRARY should work with any string!"
Result = "htsil biaryrs ohlu dowkrw ti hna ytsirgn!"
Note: The space is also swapped
Thank You Very Much :)
The simplest and clearest solution is this:
Result = Input:gsub("(.)(.)","%2%1")
This should do it:
input = "This LIBRARY should work with any string!"
function swapAlternateChars(str)
local t={}
-- Iterate through the string two at a time
for i=1,#str,2 do
first = str:sub(i,i)
second = str:sub(i+1,i+1)
t[i] = second
t[i+1] = first
return table.concat(t)
This LIBRARY should work with any string!
hTsiL BIARYRs ohlu dowkrw ti hna ytsirgn!
If you need the output as lower case you could always end it with:
output = swapAlternateChars(input)
Note, in this example, I'm not actually editing the string itself, since strings in Lua are immutable. Here's a read: Modifying a character in a string in Lua
I've used a table to avoid overhead from concatenating to a string because each concatenation may allocate a new string in memory.
