Identifying conflicting cells with duplicate IDs in Excel - excel

So I have an excel table setup consisting of rows with their own IDs. Each ID should be unique but we have a lot of duplicate IDs that I'm trying to remove. So the first thing I tried to do was identify and remove the duplicates using the Conditional Formatting and Remove Duplicates tool in Excel but unfortunately I'm still left with several rows that share an ID but haven't been removed. So now I have to go into them and look through them manually. I was wondering if there was a way to have excel highlight the discrepancies between the rows. I've provided an example below.
In this sort of table the discrepancies are 3 and 4 since they belong to the same ID but differ in value so I would want Excel to highlight them. Is this possible in Excel? Thank you.

if you want just highlight duplicate and unique cell use Conditional formating. there is a rule of duplicate filter.

In the Number column, use a Conditional Format formula rule like:
Assuming the ID is in column A, and you may need to change the 3000.
Sorting by the ID column would also be useful.


Find common rows from a given range of rows in excel

So I have to clean data where from a given range of rows maybe 2 or 3 are exact same, rest have at least one column different. I need a way to find it out as I don't want to do it manually. I've tried conditional formatting but that only works with columns.
In the image you can see rows 550:569 a few of them are exactly same. How do I highlight or find out that. I don't want to manually check each column
enter image description here
Insert a column (let's say column AG) where you put a formula like =TEXTJOIN(",",TRUE,A2:AF2)
Sort the range per the new column
Eliminate duplicate using Excel's Remove Duplicate tool.

Excel Multiple Values for one anwer

Hello looking to solve a problem in excel. Here is an example of my data: Please see attached file.
I am looking to just grab One barcode to one value(Yes/No) for example if I wanted to see how many Yes answers there are its skewed because you can have multiple Yes/No values per barcode. which would count as 2 instead of just one value. I hope this makes sense. I tried a pivot table and everything because we need to set the barcode to a count distinct but I am lost on how to create a formula or something that would work. I cannot Remove multiple values because each line contains data I need since this is just an example.
I think you're looking for countifs. =Countifs(a:a,1,b:b,"yes")
This will only count instances where the bar code is 1 and column b is yes
You can use COUNTA with UNIQUE and FILTER formulas nested. =COUNTA(UNIQUE(FILTER(A:A,B:B="yes")))
The filter formula tells Unique to only look at rows where column B = Yes. Unique then creates an array of just unique entries. While CountA will count how many entries are in the array.
I added some extra entries to the example so it showcases it better. I colored the first instance of each unique entry blue to highlight the instances the unique formula is pulling.

Searching for whether combination of data set B exist in dataset A

I am trying to determine if data Excel file B is correct relative to A. Both files have the same headers except for File B, there is a unique ID attached which I need. There can be several rows of B that correspond to a single row of A. Meaning to say file A contains unique rows and B contains multiple entries of A with a Unique ID for each row. Is there any way to automate the checking process using Excel formulas or VBA? I need to highlight the rows in B that do not correctly match its respective row in A.
Reference Dataset A:
Reference Dataset B:
I need a formula to search file A for the combination and not just one row...E.g row 400 on File A may contain the combination I want the formula to see that row 3 in File B is the same combination and return the yes or formula to see that the combination does not exist in rows 3 through 200 and return a NO and highlight it
Is there a way for me to automate checking? If the data combination in each row cannot be found in reference File A, I need to highlight it. This is a HR file, Drilling down from Macro to Micro organization breakdown. similar to this issue
If you are desperate for help as your nickname suggests, you shouldn't ignore peoples suggestions. As i said in the comments COUNTIFS can do that.
The condition of the IF-function can be used in conditional formatting to highlight wrong lines with color.

Excel 2013 - Alternate Highlight Rows Based on Cell Data CHANGING

I don't know much about conditional formatting in Excel. I'd like to be able to use the background color of rows to indicate "groups" of rows. One of the cells (all the same column) determines which "group" the row belongs to. I don't want to associate 1 color per group; instead, I'd like to alternate between 2 (or more?) colors. So, I am content to say, "switch colors when the value of this column changes". (I realize that will only work if I'm sorting on that column, but I am sorting on that column.)
This feels like it should be dead simple, but I haven't been able to figure it out, or even figure out how to google for it.
Here's a solution which doesn't use a helper column:
Rule 1: =MOD(SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF($O$1:$O1,$O$1:$O1)),2)=1
Rule 2: =MOD(SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF($O$1:$O1,$O$1:$O1)),2)=0
Important: This assumes that all instances of account numbers are always grouped together - for example it will fail if O7 is changed to "Account 1". I assume this is not an issue since you are sorting on Column O.

How can I mark duplicate values in a column based on a second value in a different column in Excel 2007?

I have been trying to mark duplicates in the same excel column based on a criteria in a different column, and I would love to have some help. In reference to the example below, I would like to highlight all the rows that is a duplicate value of another row red, and put a Y in a third column ("Delete" in the example below). When the value in the Name column is a duplicate of another, disregarding case sensitivity, I would like to mark all but one value based on a hierarchy in the Status column, i.e Excellent, Good, and Bad.
Only one of each unique value can be left unmarked, and if two share the same status with no duplicate value of a higher status then either one can be marked (the one further down the list if thats easier to specify).
I have been looking around the site and have found lots of similar entries on deleting duplicates but nothing quite the same. I need to highlight and not delete the duplicate rows and I have not been able to find anything that will let me sort based on a heirarchy in a second column. I only need to execute the command once as oppose to on a recurrence so the time it takes is not a concern to me. Any help you guys can throw my way would be greatly appreciated.
See if the sheet and steps below solves your issue.
Status_order Formula: Range("E2") =VLOOKUP(D2,$I$2:$J$4,2,FALSE)
Sort A1:E15 by Name, Then by Status_Order Smallest to Largest
Delete Formula =IF(A2=A3,"Delete","")
Fill All Formulas Down
Add Conditional Formatting on all columns to be Red if Column C = "Delete"
